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One to keep an eye on


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Won't deny that. I've had plenty of thoughts you could probably call racist. Like when getting on the underground, seeing it's full of indians and thinking "shit, this is gonna stink" and sure enough, I'm holding my nose the whole way.


But it's not our thoughts that define us, it's our actions.

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That reminds me of a time I was flying to singapore with Emirates. Done the flight a dozen times (used to live/work there, have family there), and one time the route changed, and we stopped by Colombo - after boarding, the stewards/stewardesses came down the aisle spraying something for 'cleanliness' or whatever they called it. Only ever happened when stopping in Colombo.

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chris - I just ignored your other points, just took the one seriously enough to respond.


ooooh ! I just cherry picked your post. dammit !

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of course that's not what sterling said. He said he didn't want his paid whore bringing them to his games.


I read through that recording's transcript and three things became apparent.


1) that's basically what he said, or at the very least, there were plenty of other racist comments in there.


2) He's basically just an old man that wants to live how he always has, not how society is changing (sounds familiar). He just grew up in a time when all of that was OK and he legitimately thinks his comments and actions are justified. That doesn't make them not ravist though.


3) It is even more apparent she was digging and trying to get something out of him. It doesn't excuse his comments, but its even easier to tell when typed out

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EDIT:wrong thought.


Was arguing it wasn't discrimination but there is a very small gray area I guess it could be. Is expressing an opinion discrimination if you only share the opinion with people you feel comfortable with?


essentially everything we do can be described as discrimination. We need a better word.

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