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Please No Shanahanigans!


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For football fans everywhere the wait is over. Josh Gordan is finally back. Mike Pettine is downplaying Gordon's role this week against the Falcons but that's just "Coach Speak". This is a must win for the 6 and 4 Browns. So please Mike Shanahan, let Hoyer air it out to Flash Gordon. I don't care if he's rusty and misses the first few throws. Get him the ball!

Gordon out performed all wide receivers last year with Weeden and Campbell at the helm and Hoyer is a lot better than those two combined.

If he's double teamed, so what! Gordon will shake off that rust against the Falcons like water off a duck.

This is the perfect match up for Gordon's long awaited debut and he should be involved no matter what.

So please Mike, don't pull any Shanahanigans this week and let the chips fall where they may.

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I was thinking Hawk since we don't go 3 WRs that much, but Gabe'll do...


Having a double teamed WR is nice though.


Curious if we do any 4 WR looks :-P. ATLs secondary is weak we need to exploit it with all the speed we have at wide out.

With Gordon back as #1, dont you think that Hawkins pretty much goes to the slot(the original plan) and, depending on set, it's either Gabe(speed) or Austin(height) on the opposite side?


And Hawkins certainly could have a big game as easily as Gabe or anyone else(just implying someone other than Josh might)...but Im thinking Gabe gets more outside reps, while Austin becomes 3rd down guy. .

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Dunno, Mud...


Pettine talked in his latest presser about the strength of our WR corps to this point being their "interchangeability" and that he expected that to continue.

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With Gordon back as #1, dont you think that Hawkins pretty much goes to the slot(the original plan) and, depending on set, it's either Gabe(speed) or Austin(height) on the opposite side?


And Hawkins certainly could have a big game as easily as Gabe or anyone else(just implying someone other than Josh might)...but Im thinking Gabe gets more outside reps, while Austin becomes 3rd down guy. .

I'm thinking this is pretty much how it will go, seems like the best plan. Keep the smaller faster shiftier receiver in for 1st 2nd down (hawk, Gabe). And keep your taller, possession receiver mostly for 3rd downs, (Austin).


That being said pettine and shanny seem to like changing looks frequently, so who really knows.

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I say first possesion we do one of two things,


Run on first down, on second down play action with the sole purpose of getting Gordon the ball behind the corners.






First play just bomb it too Gordon and try and set the tone.



A huge play for Gordon to start the game will get the whole team pumped up especially the offense.

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I agree with getting Gordon off early. I don't think Atlanta is going to drop back safeties to help with our receivers...they're gonna make sure they stuff the run and make Gordon prove that he's back in NFL form. Bombing out to Gordon early will make Atlanta think twice about stacking the box. Getting our run game started early is so crucial on Sunday. It trumps Gordons return. We need the run to setup the deep ball.

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So, erm, it's actually *Kyle* Shanahan? Not Mike.


Anyway, yes get him the ball, no don't force it in to double coverage just to get him the ball. End arounds, crossing routes, things where he won't get double teamed by the safety/corner back.

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In a dream I came up with the perfect play to start the game. Twist-Johnny Football comes out and throws a smoke route to Josh Gordon, and runs off to be replaced by Hoyer. They pan to him talking to Shanny while Hoyer is hurrying to the line. Here's the thing though fellas: Manziel is actually in the field of play! It's a ruse you see, he won't be covered and Manziel can catch a wide open pass, moonwalk into the endzone and finally do the cash money sign as a Brown. Talk about shenanigans!


It's too good of a plan to fail.

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Exactly Chris... lot of low-risk, quick-pass opportunities to get Gordo an easy catch and an opportunity for YAC just made for a big, strong, fast WR.


and running back and corner back......it's just weird, aint it?

Especially weird juxtaposed with our D-line situation...


I agree with getting Gordon off early.

Ummmm... care to rephrase that?

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I am still somewhat debating about picking Hawkins up for this weeks fantasy, but then there is also Gabriel & Benjamin. One or more of these water bugs is/are going to be wide open at times this week.

I also agree with hitting Gordon short & relying on his YAC.

It will be a fun game to watch.



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