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The longer people are in black protests...they are more racist?


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No, that's just a flip of what this idiot is saying about the Tea Party folks.


Anybody who wants limited gov, is a racist. Anybody who wants lower taxes, is a racist?


All of everybody you disagree with, are something really, really bad?


"The longer you support a black, corrupt, marxist president, you are more racist" ???


Anyways, this is pretty sick. And indicative of the huge problem being huge now, because of

Obamao, holder, sharpton, .... and all the rest.


Like this hateful, lying, blithering stupidass:



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The longer you are part of a movement such as the Tea Party or the protests, the more ingrained their ideals and beliefs become. Undercover agents have this problem and concern when they infiltrate an organization or movement. That being said I don't feel the vast majority of Tea Partiers are racists.

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The longer you are part of a movement such as the Tea Party or the protests, the more ingrained their ideals and beliefs become. Undercover agents have this problem and concern when they infiltrate an organization or movement. That being said I don't feel the vast majority of Tea Partiers are racists.

Just curious...

Except for the knee jerk response, given the fact that race has nothing to do with the Tea Party's goals why would you think there would be a different percentage of racist members in the Tea Party than the general population? In the case of the Ferguson protesters the entire basis is race based.


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I figure there is some kind of sense to that, Sad, for an individual to

start to identify with a group he's around all the time.


What is it........"Stockholm Syndrome" ? But I've been to Tea Party rallies,

and we're talking just regular, mainstream, patriotic, smaller gov, lower

taxes kind of folks.


It isn't a matter of starting to identify with the group, it's a matter of so many folks

simply wanting freedom from big, overtaxing, superexpensive gov that no society

can afford.


There is safety in numbers, and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs had "security -belonging to a group" as

one of the most fundamental aspects of human being life.


which, on the flip side - it is fair to say that the longer you are a member of the black race... you start

to identify more and more with welfare, the numbers, black power racist violence, and justifying

black on black crime" ???

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The liberal democrats do a great job of demonizing the opposition but their liberal allies in the mainstream media help too. I have always considered the TEA party as just people who believe in less government and taxation. We are over 18 trillion in debt with up to 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. I don't think too many people have thought through on where this is going to lead or how we will ever be able to pay down this debt.

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I figure there is some kind of sense to that, Sad, for an individual to

start to identify with a group he's around all the time.


What is it........"Stockholm Syndrome" ? But I've been to Tea Party rallies,

and we're talking just regular, mainstream, patriotic, smaller gov, lower

taxes kind of folks.


It isn't a matter of starting to identify with the group, it's a matter of so many folks

simply wanting freedom from big, overtaxing, superexpensive gov that no society

can afford.


There is safety in numbers, and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs had "security -belonging to a group" as

one of the most fundamental aspects of human being life.


which, on the flip side - it is fair to say that the longer you are a member of the black race... you start

to identify more and more with welfare, the numbers, black power racist violence, and justifying

black on black crime" ???


I would change "you are a member of the black race" to "you are in a poverty or part of the gang culture" as whites in the same situation have the same issues.


Steve-This is going to sound bad, but older, white, republicans(which is the main demographic of the Tea Party) tend to be slightly more racist than the population as a whole. Plus you have to add to that the ability of the Left to make them sound out of touch\racist to discredit them.

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Well unfortunately the left has been successful in redefining the term racist. everybody gets annoyed by somebody else, usually for good reason. still doesn't it seem that the term racism has been co-opted to be used against white people only? is there a white counterpart to Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson?



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And if you want to play that game I'd say that labor unions are mostly made up of white males, a group that would probably be more racist in general. Does that work for you?




Not really about 8,000 are male and 6,700, and while more are white 11,000 vs 2,300 higher % of blacks in the work place are part of a labor union 11.7 vs 13.2. also age wise they are evenly spread out between 25-64.


Thought you would not like my other response, do you disagree that older people tend to be more racist? People who grew up through the later part of the Jim Crow laws and the Civil Rights movement, tend to have more hatred for the the opposite color, and yes I agree racism works both ways but it is more visible on the side of the majority race than the minority race. If you want people who would be the opposite of Sharpton and Jackson, I would say people who are like Glen Beck that tend to attack them right back.


edit- forgot link http://www.bls.gov/news.release/union2.t01.htm

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I was going to respond you're out of your fucking mind but I will temper that to a Lennon quote I think I disagree.


Since the left has defined racism I think only instances, and relatively minor instances, of whites not liking blacks get out of the producers office. I think black hatred of white people is considered commonplace and acceptable and therefore either not or extremely under reported. every black person killed by a white person is front page news yet for each one there's probably a hundred white people killed by black people that never make air.

It's understandable to an extent for one group who constantly underperforms in so many areas to blame the majority for their woes. it's understandable for the majority to be upset with the minority for committing the lion's share of violent crimes. but understandable or not I think it's a farce.


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I was going to respond you're out of your fucking mind but I will temper that to a Lennon quote I think I disagree.


Since the left has defined racism I think only instances, and relatively minor instances, of whites not liking blacks get out of the producers office. I think black hatred of white people is considered commonplace and acceptable and therefore either not or extremely under reported. every black person killed by a white person is front page news yet for each one there's probably a hundred white people killed by black people that never make air.

It's understandable to an extent for one group who constantly underperforms in so many areas to blame the majority for their woes. it's understandable for the majority to be upset with the minority for committing the lion's share of violent crimes. but understandable or not I think it's a farce.



It's ok, I full agree... I am out of my f'ing mind.


Racism is not defined by the left, racism is racism. I agree that it is more reported when its white on black, and hardly reported in reverse(except on this board here it seems every single black on white crime is reported). Why? because of our lovely history of treating all races equally. I will also feel Al Sharpton(and some others) have lost any and all credibility when it comes to playing the "Race Card". BUT it does not change the fact that older people tend to have more prejudice and more hate built up, and they tend to be more racist, which is a main part of the demographic of the Tea Party.

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It's ok, I full agree... I am out of my f'ing mind.


Racism is not defined by the left, racism is racism. I agree that it is more reported when its white on black, and hardly reported in reverse(except on this board here it seems every single black on white crime is reported). Why? because of our lovely history of treating all races equally. I will also feel Al Sharpton(and some others) have lost any and all credibility when it comes to playing the "Race Card". BUT it does not change the fact that older people tend to have more prejudice and more hate built up, and they tend to be more racist, which is a main part of the demographic of the Tea Party.

Here's where that doesn't work. Of course racism is defined by the left. If you asked me I would give you the dictionary definition which is the belief the people are superior or inferior based on the genetics of their race which I don't think is necessarily true, nor would most of us. racism has been defined by the left as saying anything negative about black people or pointing out things in their culture, their society they're under performance an abundance of crime in general. anyway as far as age I would say that old black people would have more of a bitch since a few of them who are still living actually experienced the ass end of Jim Crow. (like perhaps some World War 2 vets may have a beef with Japanese or Germans) but they pass those grievances on generation after generation to stir up the kids who have never really suffered because of it. like when I play Irish rebel music. 2nd and 3rd generation Irish really have no bitch with the English but... You understand. I would also mention that attitudes toward Negroes shifted dramatically in the 1960's. that generation at its youngest would be in their sixties today. also speaking of racism more than half of white people in America voted for Barack Obama. of the black voters? 2%?


But still since the left finds it necessary to demonize the Tea Party and can't really do it on the basis of their platform they try to add the ambiguous term of racist. its bullshit but it seems to work for you guys and makes otherwise normal politicians run, like pigs from a gun. koo koo ka Choo.



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And to underscore the double standard who would you say is Al Sharpton's counterpart? I'd say maybe David Duke? Do you think white people would stand for David Duke visiting the White House nearly twice a week? doing a news show on one of the two major political cable networks? I don't think anyone here except for you know who would support that.


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Here's where that doesn't work. Of course racism is defined by the left. If you asked me I would give you the dictionary definition which is the belief the people are superior or inferior based on the genetics of their race which I don't think is necessarily true, nor would most of us. racism has been defined by the left as saying anything negative about black people or pointing out things in their culture, their society they're under performance an abundance of crime in general. anyway as far as age I would say that old black people would have more of a bitch since a few of them who are still living actually experienced the ass end of Jim Crow. (like perhaps some World War 2 vets may have a beef with Japanese or Germans) but they pass those grievances on generation after generation to stir up the kids who have never really suffered because of it. like when I play Irish rebel music. 2nd and 3rd generation Irish really have no bitch with the English but... You understand. I would also mention that attitudes toward Negroes shifted dramatically in the 1960's. that generation at its youngest would be in their sixties today. also speaking of racism more than half of white people in America voted for Barack Obama. of the black voters? 2%?



I do disagree with you(but you make a well reasoned argument) and would only point out that the same generation of whites did pass down they same beliefs that that the black belong below them, that they group up with and where taught to believe.


The numbers I found who voted for obama- 2008 43% white and 95% black 2012 39% and 93% respectively, before you use that to support racism claims the numbers are not that far off from 2004 kerry had 41% and 88% respectively.


But still since the left finds it necessary to demonize the Tea Party and can't really do it on the basis of their platform they try to add the ambiguous term of racist. its bullshit but it seems to work for you guys and makes otherwise normal politicians run, like pigs from a gun. koo koo ka Choo.




One political party demonizing a part of one of the opposing parties.... Are you surprised? Sounds like what the Republicans did with the occupy movement.


And to underscore the double standard who would you say is Al Sharpton's counterpart? I'd say maybe David Duke? Do you think white people would stand for David Duke visiting the White House nearly twice a week? doing a news show on one of the two major political cable networks? I don't think anyone here except for you know who would support that.



Really your pointing to him? Al Sharpton is bad...but nowhere near that bad.

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More later but I wasn't using the huge black vote for Obama as an example of racism. (but I do think the large number of whites voted for him dis proves the charge to a great extent) personally I don't mind somebody holding for a member of the home team. they are always going to vote Democrat but probably just excited that one of their own guys was up for it. I would tend to root for a white Irish heavyweight champion of the world. everything doesn't have to be called racism.



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It's ok, I full agree... I am out of my f'ing mind. ( yes you are)


Racism is not defined by the left, racism is racism. I agree that it is more reported when its white on black, and hardly reported in reverse(except on this board here it seems every single black on white crime is reported). Why? because of our lovely history of treating all races equally. I will also feel Al Sharpton(and some others) have lost any and all credibility when it comes to playing the "Race Card". BUT it does not change the fact that older people tend to have more prejudice and more hate built up, and they tend to be more racist, which is a main part of the demographic of the Tea Party.




this is the standard reply of the libs in denial of a very basic fact - that they make Up "facts"




are you one of those white priveledge guys too?


have you heard of Allen West, Dr Ben Carson? just 2 that are tea party cons - among MANY that just goes to show


that pulling statements out of your ass and calling them "facts" are just as suspect as the group you adhere to....





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There is really a "White Privilege Conference"? I am not sure how accurate all of those quotes are, but the guy holding it sounds like an ass.


I don't think being racist is a cause of being a Tea Party member, and I don't think they need to go hand and hand. That being said, like Sad said, the demographic of the Tea Party is more similar to the demo of people you would more likely find to be racist. By those measures, it is not surprising at all to find racist tendencies within the Tea Party.



The democrats normally get the black vote, so the election numbers aren't all that surprising. Also, even without the increased voter turnout by blacks, Obama still wins the election. Also, as much as everyone wants to bring up all of the people that voted for him just because he was black, there is still a group of people that went out to vote against him because he was black. I'm sure it entirely didn't work in his favor.



Also, didn't the Republicans and Democrats basically swap platforms some time after the Civil War and the Reconstruction? The Republican Party went South looking to win votes and then a lot of things got flipped around? http://www.livescience.com/34241-democratic-republican-parties-switch-platforms.html I'm not so sure that bringing up laws passed in the 1800s by the Democratic Party does much to prove that they are racist now.



And finally, I work in a UAW plant. Most of the guys there are great, easy to work with, etc. There are a good mix of blacks and whites there, even some women. I don't sense any racism from them in that sense. But, I have definitely witnessed some towards Asians. In the time that I have been in Fort Wayne, and working in this town outside of it, I have barely seen any Asian people (a little different than Michigan engineering, haha). I have heard many comments from people within the plant though that could be considered racist to Asians. A lot of it stemming from the union's belief that they are trying to take all of their jobs. One of our millwrights has a bumper sticker on his car that says "Made with tools, not chopsticks. Buy American". Come on now...

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It's annoying when people talk about "those tea party people at those rallies"....

and they have no idea of what they are talking about.


I've been to them. My fatherinlaw in Texas has been to them.

As usual, the left totally misrepresents an entire class of Americans,

referring to them as "mostly white". There were blacks at the tea party rallies I went to.

With their families. Of course, they were cheering like anybody else. They were Americans, too.

What's racist, is slurring an entire, huge group of patriotic folks, painting their message very much

opposite of what it really is, ...with "they are mostly all white racists".


That's just stupid. Go to a freakin rally, just once, to know what the truth is.

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And Cal, you can bet dollars to dog turds if there was anything shocking going on at a tea party rally it would be all over msnbc . If they can find 1 guy doing something shitty it will be headline news. From what I've seen on tv the most outrageous thing is some guys wearing funny hats.you can bet dollars to dog turds if there was anything shocking going on at 80 party rally it would be all over msnbc . If they can find 1 guy doing something shitty it will be headline news. From what I've seen on tv the most outrageous thing is some guys wearing funny hats.


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There is really a "White Privilege Conference"? I am not sure how accurate all of those quotes are, but the guy holding it sounds like an ass.


I don't think being racist is a cause of being a Tea Party member, and I don't think they need to go hand and hand. That being said, like Sad said, the demographic of the Tea Party is more similar to the demo of people you would more likely find to be racist. By those measures, it is not surprising at all to find racist tendencies within the Tea Party.



The democrats normally get the black vote, so the election numbers aren't all that surprising. Also, even without the increased voter turnout by blacks, Obama still wins the election. Also, as much as everyone wants to bring up all of the people that voted for him just because he was black, there is still a group of people that went out to vote against him because he was black. I'm sure it entirely didn't work in his favor.



Also, didn't the Republicans and Democrats basically swap platforms some time after the Civil War and the Reconstruction? The Republican Party went South looking to win votes and then a lot of things got flipped around? http://www.livescience.com/34241-democratic-republican-parties-switch-platforms.html A lot of it stemming from the union's belief that they are trying to take all of their jobs. One of our millwrights has a bumper sticker on his car that says "Made with tools, not chopsticks. Buy American". Come on now...

So it would be fair to call the United Auto Workers racists when discussing them? And you, since you work in that facility.



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And Cal, you can bet dollars to dog turds if there was anything shocking going on at a tea party rally it would be all over msnbc . If they can find 1 guy doing something shitty it will be headline news. Steve


Absolutely, Obamao would have all his minions going on all

the talk shows, and making speeches at press conferences about it. then, Holder

would go have a Justice Dept "investigation".

The IRS already targeted Tea Party groups...... for...good.....reason.

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So it would be fair to call the United Auto Workers racists when discussing them? And you, since you work in that facility.



No, you can't call the entire group racist. A few comments from a few people doesn't make the entire UAW racist...


And no, not me either. I was never making the point in thus thread that being in a group automatically makes you the average in that group. Besides the fact I'm not even in the union. ...

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