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Where are the free speech warriors?


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climate change is a politically expedient crock of crap used by the left.


Far better to have it not be an official part of official policy, which anybody on the left

tries to make happen, one way or another.


And the left cries about "fear mongering" all the frickin time. Really, now?


Free speech is where the employees can talk about gw all the time on their own time.


But talking about it as an official gov policy should be stopped, if that isn't the policy,

and individuals try to make it seem that it is, officially.


No big deal here.

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climate change is a politically expedient crock of crap used by the left.


Far better to have it not be an official part of official policy, which anybody on the left

tries to make happen, one way or another.


And the left cries about "fear mongering" all the frickin time. Really, now?


Free speech is where the employees can talk about gw all the time on their own time.


But talking about it as an official gov policy should be stopped, if that isn't the policy,

and individuals try to make it seem that it is, officially.


No big deal here.

So could the same be said for religion since not everyone agrees that its real?

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climate change is a politically expedient crock of crap used by the left.


Far better to have it not be an official part of official policy, which anybody on the left

tries to make happen, one way or another.


And the left cries about "fear mongering" all the frickin time. Really, now?


Free speech is where the employees can talk about gw all the time on their own time.


But talking about it as an official gov policy should be stopped, if that isn't the policy,

and individuals try to make it seem that it is, officially.


No big deal here.


precisely as I said, as long as it's something one doesn't agree with...no big deal. But enforce separation of church and state and what happens?

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and for clarification "global warming" isn't something one agrees with or disagrees with. It's happening, there isn't a debate about that. The issue is whether or not humans are responsible for it and what the ramifications of it are. But we can't have a normal discussion about the subject because conservatives don't even want to acknowledge the raw facts. Which is why liberals are annoying but conservatives are deplorable loathsome people.

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There is also evidence that the correlation between rising CO2 levels

and gw is invalid for several years now. Since 98. It's 2015.




And Florida isn't any further underwater that it was nearly a hundred and fifty years ago.


Since 1867. It's 2015.



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There is also evidence that the correlation between rising CO2 levels

and gw is invalid for several years now. Since 98. It's 2015.




And Florida isn't any further underwater that it was nearly a hundred and fifty years ago.


Since 1867. It's 2015.




And yet the ice keeps melting, the jet stream keeps getting destabilized and letting cold air fall south. You live around NE dude? Those cold snaps or whatever gay vortex name the weather channel came up with....it's because of the jet stream losing it's ability to keep cold air up there. Yes warming has slowed down, for now...because there are mechanisms the planet has for keeping things stable. Eventually we'll trip every last breaker and this will continue. What's happening now was written about in the 80's when I was a kid. I distinctly remember people saying it's gonna get cold and folks will be like hey this isn't warming the planet isn't getting warmer. And what does FOX news do everytime there's a blizzard somewhere? They walk outside and kick a bunch of snow around and ask "does this look like warming to you?". Like complete infantile peanut brained shiteaters. And for the life of me there's people that sit and watch that and without an ounce of any self analysis just go with it.

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and yet, Cleve, the ice also keeps growing. Go figure, eh?


  1. growing glaciers - ICE AGE - NOW

    Contrarian New Zealand Glaciers Keep Growing 3 May 09 - We keep hearing that the world's glaciers are retreating, but ... Global Warming? New Data Shows Ice Is Back

  2. Arctic Ice Cap Growing at Tremendous Rate

    Six years ago, the BBC reported that the Arctic, due to global warming, would be ice-free by this summer. That, clearly, has not happened. What has happened, instead ...

  3. Winds of Change: Why Antarctic Sea Ice Is Growing

    Sep 22, 2013 · Global; International; Mid ... About 80 percent of the Antarctic sea icegrowth can be ... The idea of a connection between changing winds and growing ice ...

  4. Antarctic Sea Ice Growing Despite Global Warming...

    Antarctic Sea Ice Growing Despite Global Warming Warnings. The sea ice coverage around Antarctica over the weekend marked a record high, ...

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To be fair, there's actual evidence of climate change.

To be fair, no one, conservatives or other, deny that climate changes.


It is the effect of mans miniscule contribution to climate change that the elitist left loves to hyperbolize to advance their agenda...and you ignorant fucks are falling for it.

There's not one of you liberal sheep that can describe what the earth be like today if the increased 120 ppm of Co2 since the Industrial Revolution never happened...nor can they predict what climate path the earth would take if all man made Co2 emissions ceased today.

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yes I know they consider the reduction in melting as "growing". It isn't, it's just slowing down. For now. The earth will desperately try to stabilize itself, this is all known.


and yet, Cleve, the ice also keeps growing. Go figure, eh?


  1. growing glaciers - ICE AGE - NOW

    Contrarian New Zealand Glaciers Keep Growing 3 May 09 - We keep hearing that the world's glaciers are retreating, but ... Global Warming? New Data Shows Ice Is Back

  2. Arctic Ice Cap Growing at Tremendous Rate

    Six years ago, the BBC reported that the Arctic, due to global warming, would be ice-free by this summer. That, clearly, has not happened. What has happened, instead ...

  3. Winds of Change: Why Antarctic Sea Ice Is Growing

    Sep 22, 2013 · Global; International; Mid ... About 80 percent of the Antarctic sea icegrowth can be ... The idea of a connection between changing winds and growing ice ...

  4. Antarctic Sea Ice Growing Despite Global Warming...

    Antarctic Sea Ice Growing Despite Global Warming Warnings. The sea ice coverage around Antarctica over the weekend marked a record high, ...



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1. All forms of speech are not guaranteed. The thought that all speech is free is a modern failure of critical thinking.

2. If you work for someone be it private or public there is the potential for having your speech curtailed.

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