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John Hopkins bans Chik Fil A due to it's beliefs


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I haven't bought my own grinder - I'm still using the Bob's Red Mill flour, but the flour

I bought and ground at our friends' house with their grinder...


makes very excellent bread and bisquits.

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Cal's a good guy.



Steve- whatcha tryin to do, ruin my rep? @@


And this year, I have an herb chef buddy I met at the farmer's

market last year - I'm growing my own herbs. Basil, cilantro, etc etc etc etc....

and I'm gonna use em a lot.


Cleve - you make your favorite bread, and sometime, you take a couple little packages of sage sausage,

brown it and crumble it good, drain the grease off, get the rest of the grease out of the skillet, put your sausage

back into the skillet, and add a good sized bowl of diced green tomatoes and sweet banana peppers, maybe a semi

hot one if you want, then saute' that til it cooks down, salt and pepper to suit, and have a hunky junk sandwich with your own bread. That's some great stuff.... let me know anybody if you try it.

You'll really like that, I'll bet, unless you just don't like sausage......

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I just built a Pergola in my back yard for grape vines to grow on.


We have 3 raised beds for veggies, 1 for strawberries, 2 rasberry bushes and 2 cherry tree's.


Also, I have been making my own bread for awhile now. Even bought a slicer with a bread cutting blade.

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I got a KFC Value Bucket last night

Fucking A Woody! However, KFC isn't what it used to be. Since they quit using lard as the oil, it sucks. Better off going to a corner deli type place that broasts the chicken. They have a good one here in N. Royalton called PIC Quick Deli. Across from York Road Animal Hospital on York near sprague. Really good.

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Chic Fil is only screwing themsleves. They don't want to serve gays. Thats 80% of the rightzingers in this country and on this message board. They are losing a lot of money.

I don't think they have ever even been accused of not serving gays so don't worry, you can go in and eat anytime you're hungry.



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Fucking A Woody! However, KFC isn't what it used to be. Since they quit using lard as the oil, it sucks. Better off going to a corner deli type place that broasts the chicken. They have a good one here in N. Royalton called PIC Quick Deli. Across from York Road Animal Hospital on York near sprague. Really good.

My mom gets PIC Quick chicken all of the time. Either hosting people or just normal dinner.

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For decades the LGBT community has worked to change American culture and opinions about homosexuality, and when necessary — force people who don't agree by use of the courts.

They have assaulted our Christian faith, our tenets, and our core values with relentless and false assertions. We have been demonized as "Nazi-like," "bigots," "haters," "homophobes" and many other derogatory terms.

Now, with their stronger foothold and the support of the Obama administration, these radicals are attempting to remove our constitutionally-protected rights of religious freedom and conscience from the social and legal fabric of our nation.

For years I have publicly stated that radical homosexual activists were hiding their true agenda under the mask of "tolerance" and "civil rights." Many Americans thought that the homosexual agenda was simply about acceptance and "human rights."

I implore you to look no further than what is happening in the Supreme Court right now with the issue of marriage to understand that there is nothing hypothetical about what the LBGT community is trying to do.

The thin veil has been lifted, and we must all be very concerned.

If the Supreme Court ruling (expected in June), favors homosexual marriage, it will trigger a domino affect that will significantly impact people of faith, faith-based businesses; faith-based organizations (adoptions…); churches, pastors. Most notably, a ruling in favor of homosexual marriage will utterly and completely transform the face of society and will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization!
The institution of marriage is the foundation of our entire culture, and it must be defended. That's why I along with a number of prominent religious leaders have told the Supreme Court that this is a line that cannot be crossed.

We warned that if they do cross that line, WE WILL NOT OBEY -- even if it means people of faith engage in acts of civil disobedience.

We have no choice. We cannot compromise our clear biblical convictions, our religious convictions. If pushed, we must take a stand. Will you join with us in principled resistance to an unjust law?

But know this... You are not alone!

For those liberty-minded Americans willing to stand with us, you have a promise, a commitment from me that Liberty Counsel will defend you should your religious rights come under assault as a result of this potentially disastrous ruling.
I've said this many times in the past, the Liberty Counsel Legal Team was created for these kinds of attacks, and we will defend those who are suddenly considered lawbreakers for merely exercising their religious rights.
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The end of western civilization is the acceptance of gay marriage? well if that's the case, then what that says about current western civilization is that it's a pretty low place. Because we can see in the middle east what western civilization "used" to be. So any vector that moves away from that is progress in my book. I fully acknowledge that in some cases some acquiescence must be made for religious people...but the time to disguise discrimination behind a thin veil of faith has come to an end.

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"Most notably, a ruling in favor of homosexual marriage will utterly and completely transform the face of society and will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization!"















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"Most notably, a ruling in favor of homosexual marriage will utterly and completely transform the face of society and will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization!"


















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"Most notably, a ruling in favor of homosexual marriage will utterly and completely transform the face of society and will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization!"


Can someone explain HOW?

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"Most notably, a ruling in favor of homosexual marriage will utterly and completely transform the face of society and will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization!"


Can someone explain HOW?

We should stipulate coherence on that request.

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cover the holes boys, the fags are coming for all your asses. It's the end, here they come. World as we know it.

I remember when Ohio wanted to get the CCW law passed.


All the anti-gunners were saying that Ohio was going to turn into the wild west, with all these people carrying guns.


And it NEVER happened.

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Its crazy how a 2% minority of the population is telling the rest of America that their belief in the centuries old tradition of marriage as the union between a man and woman is lunacy.


Yep, we're the weirdos, not them.


They could really care less about your personal opinions about what they do. They're not telling you that what you believe is lunacy. What they're saying, and rightly so, is that you have no right to dictate to them their personal lives on this matter. A gay couple getting married is their own business.


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