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Dem Debate


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I can't bring myself to watch it.... but I honestly wonder -


CNN, and even Fox, were making a big deal about asking

Republicans to comment on other Republicans commenting about them

etc etc etc, getting the reps to be arguing with each other... and putting them

on the spot in groups of two...


I wonder if none of that occurs in the CNN Dem debate. More like "what is your favorite cookie?"

and "please list all of your wonderful ideas about how to go forward if you are pres" and

"The republicans "x"... what the hell is wrong with them" ......

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Donald Trump live tweeting the debate is getting more attention than the debate itself.


Chafee admitted he didn't know what he was voting for when he voted to expand the banks a decade+ ago because he was "new to the senate" and "his dad recently died"


Webb flat out doesn't belong on the stage


O'Malley boasts his common sense gun laws in Baltimore, and how much safer he made it - what Maryland is he talking about?


Hillary said she's consistent, LoL. Has been allowed to duck questions by Cooper like her scandals and flip flops


I respect Sanders because he's the only one on the stage who actually is honest about what he believes in, although I disagree with him politically for the most part.

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If anyone watched that debate, was this question (suggested by Rush) asked of Hillary?

So here's a question for Hillary that would be legit and could well be asked. Well, it won't be, but, I mean, it suffices.

"The Clinton Foundation, Mrs. Clinton, has taken million dollars of dollars from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strictly enforces a legal system in which discrimination against women is the official law of the land. Women are treated as property in Saudi Arabia, which has donated to your campaign. Women are not permitted to leave the home without their husband's permission in Saudi Arabia, which has donated to your foundation. Women are not permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia, which has donated to your foundation. A woman's testimony in a Sharia court of law is worth half a man's. In other words, a woman is presumed to be lying half the time.

"Women are imprisoned, beaten, and killed for violations of Islamic law in Saudi Arabia. Women who engage in sex outside marriage are subject to the death penalty. Women who are raped can be severely injured legally by their husbands. The premise being that it's the Saudi woman's fault for being raped because she obviously violated Islamic law. Women who renounce Islam are subject to the death penalty. Mrs. Clinton, what is this War on Women you say that the Republicans are conducting, when all of this happens in Saudi Arabia, which is donating handsomely to you and your husband's foundation?"

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If anyone watched that debate, was this question (suggested by Rush) asked of Hillary?


So here's a question for Hillary that would be legit and could well be asked. Well, it won't be, but, I mean, it suffices.


"The Clinton Foundation, Mrs. Clinton, has taken million dollars of dollars from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strictly enforces a legal system in which discrimination against women is the official law of the land. Women are treated as property in Saudi Arabia, which has donated to your campaign. Women are not permitted to leave the home without their husband's permission in Saudi Arabia, which has donated to your foundation. Women are not permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia, which has donated to your foundation. A woman's testimony in a Sharia court of law is worth half a man's. In other words, a woman is presumed to be lying half the time.


"Women are imprisoned, beaten, and killed for violations of Islamic law in Saudi Arabia. Women who engage in sex outside marriage are subject to the death penalty. Women who are raped can be severely injured legally by their husbands. The premise being that it's the Saudi woman's fault for being raped because she obviously violated Islamic law. Women who renounce Islam are subject to the death penalty. Mrs. Clinton, what is this War on Women you say that the Republicans are conducting, when all of this happens in Saudi Arabia, which is donating handsomely to you and your husband's foundation?"

Good question. Hilary annoys me - her attitude seems to be that it's her turn to be president, so she can just turn up on the day and get it done. A weak rep field doesn't help that I guess, but I'm not sure what her policies on anything are, and the few that I've heard I don't necessarily like.

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Money is the only thing the Clinton's care about. Also wondering why she stood up against for profit education, except for the institution that was giving Bill a million dollar salary for not even being there.


These questions will never make a dem debate, of course.

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I would love to see Fox run the dem debates. You can be damn sure that there would be some awkward questions. Same for, I don't know, HuffPost, running the rep debate.

It wouldn't have to be the huff, CNN of the three other networks are happy to carry the Democrats water.


And I don't particularly mind uncomfortable questions, I just think they should be distributed a little more equally. I miss Tim Russert for that.



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I'm watching it now.


Good question. Hilary annoys me - her attitude seems to be that it's her turn to be president, so she can just turn up on the day and get it done. A weak rep field doesn't help that I guess, but I'm not sure what her policies on anything are, and the few that I've heard I don't necessarily like.

This is still holding true.

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I wasn't able to finish it. fucking shit was dragging on. Probably got 3/4th the way through. I have a hard time seeing Hillary "dominating" that debate. I honestly don't think anybody terribly "won" the debate. Omalley makes a good impression to me. I'll have to look into him more, if he's more of a centrist guy than he's someone I can consider on the dem side but he probably won't win the Dem primary just like the centrists on the other side won't win the rep primary. So it'll be another election year of a choice of two extreme turds. God love murica.

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I wasn't able to finish it. fucking shit was dragging on. Probably got 3/4th the way through. I have a hard time seeing Hillary "dominating" that debate. I honestly don't think anybody terribly "won" the debate. Omalley makes a good impression to me. I'll have to look into him more, if he's more of a centrist guy than he's someone I can consider on the dem side but he probably won't win the Dem primary just like the centrists on the other side won't win the rep primary. So it'll be another election year of a choice of two extreme turds. God love murica.


O'Malley has no chance. He talks about how much better Baltimore and Maryland did under him and how he's the only one to pass anti-gun laws (to a democratic legislature). We all know how Baltimore/Maryland are doing in terms of safety though, not the same as the picture he paints.


Sanders/Clinton for sure won, but I don't think that's saying much. Clinton was allowed to duck questions and skirt around all of her issues that many think are important - because she doesn't think they're important.


It looks like Biden isn't going to run. I give an 90% chance to Hillary and 10% chance to Sanders to get the nomination. Everybody else is 0. Chafee and Webb didn't even belong on the stage. Webb is polling at about 0% and all he did was complain about not getting to talk enough. He should just be thankful he got an invite. Why did Chafee think it was a good idea to say he mis-voted because he was new to the senate?


Anyway it looks like Trump won the dem debate lol. He gained more followers than all the democrats combined on twitter and managed to steal some media coverage. Say what you want about Trump, but he's very good at social media and free publicity. Some of the other GOP candidates should take some notes really.

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O'Malley is the hardest left on gun control which surprised me.

Bernie Sanders was as I expected demanding the United States emulate Denmark and Sweden but not mentioning Cuba and the Soviet Union.

But he is clearly in the driver's seat of the income inequality Express.

Biggest problem with Hillary is that after all this time everyone, even the Democrats, realize that nothing she says comes from the heart.

Unlike her husband she's uncharismatic and not a very good liar.


It is, however, obvious that CNN didn't give shit number 1 about any of the other participants. Not even O'Malley.




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O'Malley is the hardest left on gun control which surprised me.

Bernie Sanders was as I expected demanding the United States emulate Denmark and Sweden but not mentioning Cuba and the Soviet Union.

Presumably because those aren't the countries to emulate? Nobody's planning on a vicious hard line communist dictatorship, but democratic socialism. Hence scandinavia, not russia/cuba.

But he is clearly in the driver's seat of the income inequality Express.

Biggest problem with Hillary is that after all this time everyone, even the Democrats, realize that nothing she says comes from the heart.

Unlike her husband she's uncharismatic and not a very good liar.


It is, however, obvious that CNN didn't give shit number 1 about any of the other participants. Not even O'Malley.

None of the other have even the slightest chance of winning the nomination, let alone the presidency.



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Actually didn't Blt do well under him in terms of not being the murder capital of the world anymore? It got brought up in the debate last night that minority arrests went way up under him and he got criticized for it by the NAACP. But they didn't really acknowledge that murderin went down during that time, correlation maybe?

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Actually didn't Blt do well under him in terms of not being the murder capital of the world anymore? It got brought up in the debate last night that minority arrests went way up under him and he got criticized for it by the NAACP. But they didn't really acknowledge that murderin went down during that time, correlation maybe?

Fewer black people on the streets = more criminals?


Anyway, yes, correlation, but you mean to ask about causation.

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Hillary, being questioned specifically about her flip flops on everything and being asked "will you say anything to get elected?" said "I'm consistent."


Regardless she's pretty much a lock for the nomination unless Biden runs (seems unlikely). It's gonna suck having to see her face and voice in the news for another year.


O'Malley is pretty much another Clinton, without the recognition. Sanders wasn't tough enough - I respect he only wants to talk about issues and policy but he would have done better if he fought back some of the others who attacked him.

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As the dems tried to outdo each other on free government entitlement programs (even to non citizens but they want their votes) why wasn't it brought out that we are pushing 19 trillion in debt and how can we afford it? Where will the money come? New taxes??


What is needed most in this country are the job creators and more taxes only hurt job creation and job growth.

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O'Malley is the hardest left on gun control which surprised me.

Bernie Sanders was as I expected demanding the United States emulate Denmark and Sweden but not mentioning Cuba and the Soviet Union.

But he is clearly in the driver's seat of the income inequality Express.

Biggest problem with Hillary is that after all this time everyone, even the Democrats, realize that nothing she says comes from the heart.

Unlike her husband she's uncharismatic and not a very good liar.


It is, however, obvious that CNN didn't give shit number 1 about any of the other participants. Not even O'Malley.




Sanders have my mofo vote. He be givin, I be takin.

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As the dems tried to outdo each other on free government entitlement programs (even to non citizens but they want their votes) why wasn't it brought out that we are pushing 19 trillion in debt and how can we afford it? Where will the money come? New taxes??


What is needed most in this country are the job creators and more taxes only hurt job creation and job growth.

Austerity is not the only, nor necessarily best, way to reduce debt.

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As the dems tried to outdo each other on free government entitlement programs (even to non citizens but they want their votes) why wasn't it brought out that we are pushing 19 trillion in debt and how can we afford it? Where will the money come? New taxes??


What is needed most in this country are the job creators and more taxes only hurt job creation and job growth.

How much of that debt is military spending?

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