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The pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain, they were not Pharaohs' tombs


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You'd think if they were for grain storage, then there would be some room inside to store grain. Carson probably thinks the Pyramids are hollow too.


Hey. Gotta store some grain. I say we use thousands and thousands of people and spend decade upon decade upon decade building the largest most magnificent unbelievable structures in the history of the world to store it. But before we do, let make sure there is no room inside for grain and lets decorate and put in some amazing art too. And build the biggest lion statue in history to guard the grain. Cause grain is everything to Egyptians.


I think the pyramids in Mexico Peru and Chile were used to store acorns, but Im not completely sure. Maybe buckeyes.


Grain storage. One of the 7 wonders of the world. Right.


I sense an EMOTIONAL KNEE JERK ALERT coming your way soon.

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Posted Today, 03:18 PM

More likely they built them as a safe space from dinosaur attacks.


I also heard Ben Carson stabbed a dinosaur when he was kid. MANZIER




wait. that was funny stuff ! never mind.

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I heard someone say that Carson is the only person who takes issues that aren't controversial and gets on the wrong side of them


Being that dumb is dedication.


Yes I know he's smart when it comes to brain surgery, but that's about it. I'm smart when it comes to software development :P

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I like Carson and would vote for him in a heartbeat. That said a Christian in politics running for president is very tough. It is even tougher when the candidate like Carson is a newbie in politics. Probably one of the best Christian candidates I have seen is Mike Huckabee but he has had decades of experience. His time has come and gone unfortunately as it looks like he is not going anywhere in 16. Politics is and always has been a dirty business. If Carson does get the nomination he should seek out Huckabee as an advisor as nobody knows the Clinton machine like Huckabee as well as relating to Carson as a Christian candidate.










You're just dicking around right? You have to be messing around.


Run as literally anything else but a fucking Christian. See how that goes.



That is the common theme among this "oppressed" Christian group in our country. You take any drop in your overwhelming, majority power as "persecution". Its not. Its leveling the playing field...




Also Huckabee is a pandering hack. You're playing into it perfectly.

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Some of the problems people seem to have with Carson is his taking the bible literally yet that is one of the biggest challenges of a Christian today. Some of the stories in the bible seem incredible to believe for a modern person today such as Noah's ark or the story of Jonah being swallowed by a giant fish. Yet Jesus Himself validated both of these stories in using them as illustrations of what the end times would look like (as in the days of Noah) or his death and resurrection ( using Jonah as an illustration). To me as a Christian how much sense does it make to trust Jesus for salvation but doubt he didn't know that these stories were but fables? And then you go down a rabbit hole of trying to decide what is actually true in the bible and what is not. Then you start doubting His actual resurrection such as some have said he only fainted on the cross or the disciples stole the body, His miracles didn't happen or can be explained away such as someone who said the loaves of bread were so gigantic in Jesus time he could feed the 5,000 with them but yet that story says the loaves of bread were brought by a boy in a basket. Or that when Jesus sent the disciples to get the colt he had arranged that beforehand. The end of this road is you believe in about nothing.The Christian faith is one born of miracles and if you take the miraculous from the bible you just have an empty religion.


You precious, precious little thing. Be happy I wasn't around to write the Bible with the guys that did at the time. You'd be believing some stupid shit.... wait...

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You're just dicking around right? You have to be messing around.


Run as literally anything else but a fucking Christian. See how that goes.



That is the common theme among this "oppressed" Christian group in our country. You take any drop in your overwhelming, majority power as "persecution". Its not. Its leveling the playing field...




Also Huckabee is a pandering hack. You're playing into it perfectly.


Are you on narcotics? If not start immediately.

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I am speaking about a Christian who believes the bible like Ben Carson. I am not speaking about those who say they are Christian and yet are pro abortion, and pro gay marriage. It is not tough at all for these type "Christians" to run for president as they fit right in with the liberal mainstream media.

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I am speaking about a Christian who believes the bible like Ben Carson. I am not speaking about those who say they are Christian and yet are pro abortion, and pro gay marriage. It is not tough at all for these type "Christians" to run for president as they fit right in with the liberal mainstream media.

Believing in the bible literally is Retarded and it always will be. Even Christians agree with that.


The Bible says nothing about grain in pyramids, but Carson is so Retarded (stupid?) That he mmakes it up as he goes a long.

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Believing in the bible literally is Retard and it always will be. Even Christians agree with that.


The Bible says nothing about grain in pyramids, but Carson is so Retard (stupid?) That he mmakes it up as he goes a long.


The last poll I saw on this was in 2014 which showed 28 percent of Americans believe the bible is the actual word of God and should be taken literally. That is not a majority but still a large portion of the population. As for the pyramids being used to store grain in Joseph's time in Egypt i never read where Carson is stating this as a fact but as a theory.

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Carson: pyramids were built by Jospeh to store grain

Collective: *sigh*

Cysko: well we aren't 100% certain

Collective: we're pretty certain, all evidence suggests tombs, not silo

Cal: cal


standard religious back and forth.

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The last poll I saw on this was in 2014 which showed 28 percent of Americans believe the bible is the actual word of God and should be taken literally. That is not a majority but still a large portion of the population. As for the pyramids being used to store grain in Joseph's time in Egypt i never read where Carson is stating this as a fact but as a theory.

What people believe, no matter how deeply and genuinely, has no bearing on truth. 26% of Americans believe that the sun goes round the earth, for example.

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I am speaking about a Christian who believes the bible like Ben Carson. I am not speaking about those who say they are Christian and yet are pro abortion, and pro gay marriage. It is not tough at all for these type "Christians" to run for president as they fit right in with the liberal mainstream media.

Right, we should give crazy people a hard time...


If I believed Scientology to be literal (space emperor dropping aliens in volcanoes), and said this when running for office, I'd get shit. And I should.


We shouldn't value other equally unscientific beliefs just because the book is older...

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What people believe, no matter how deeply and genuinely, has no bearing on truth. 26% of Americans believe that the sun goes round the earth, for example.


I quoted that poll to show a significant amount of the electorate who vote believe the bible literally. I was speaking to the elect ability of Carson. The quarter of Americans who believe the sun revolves around the earth is a sad indictment of the failure of many of our schools.

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Right, we should give crazy people a hard time...


If I believed Scientology to be literal (space emperor dropping aliens in volcanoes), and said this when running for office, I'd get shit. And I should.


We shouldn't value other equally unscientific beliefs just because the book is older...


What is your idea of crazy? In your view wouldn't that be anyone who believes God became a man, died for our sins on the cross and then rose from the dead? That is the foundational truth of Christianity which 77 percent of Americans say they are.

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Carson also looks like a chronic liar, given that it seems he's lied about his childhood violence in order to sell books and sell the "christ saved me" narrative






He's changed his story in books and how he's told it, people who knew him back then say he was a huge nerd and didn't know anything about violence.

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Carson also looks like a chronic liar, given that it seems he's lied about his childhood violence in order to sell books and sell the "christ saved me" narrative






He's changed his story in books and how he's told it, people who knew him back then say he was a huge nerd and didn't know anything about violence.


This is what passes for investigative reporting today. To try and disprove if Carson lied about having a violent temper growing up? I posted it earlier and will say it again my father in law is one of the best Christians I ever met with no sign he ever had a violent temper but he has told me many times before he became a Christian he did but all of his family say they never saw that side of him.


Some chronic liars with a proven track record are Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton although I give them credit neither have been accused of lying about having a temper growing up.

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This is what passes for investigative reporting today. To try and disprove if Carson lied about having a violent temper growing up? I posted it earlier and will say it again my father in law is one of the best Christians I ever met with no sign he ever had a violent temper but he has told me many times before he became a Christian he did but all of his family say they never saw that side of him.


Some chronic liars with a proven track record are Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton although I give them credit neither have been accused of lying about having a temper growing up.


I don't claim Carson is a bigger liar than Clinton (or even close to it), but he likely used the narrative to help sell books.


Carson has about 17 million things wrong with him, I just like rustling up the jimmies at this point because I know there's nothing that could change Cal's mind about Carson (Well, if Carson announced he was converting to Islam one day - Cal would change his mind)

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If the story is true (doesn't sound like it), then Carson is really bad at stabbing people - I see it as a slim chance you hit the belt buckle and break the knife, unless Carson was aiming for the twig and berries :o


What a time to be alive when we have a presidential candidate trying to convince everybody he stabbed someone, while the media is doing the opposite.

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I quoted that poll to show a significant amount of the electorate who vote believe the bible literally. I was speaking to the elect ability of Carson. The quarter of Americans who believe the sun revolves around the earth is a sad indictment of the failure of many of our schools.

First, I find this post hilarious. You're blaming our schools for the percentage of people that don't know the earth revolves around the sun, while adamantly believing a man lived inside of a fish...


Second, wasn't the church an advocate of geocentricity?

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First, I find this post hilarious. You're blaming our schools for the percentage of people that don't know the earth revolves around the sun, while adamantly believing a man lived inside of a fish...


Second, wasn't the church an advocate of geocentricity?


Just Google search "failure of United States schools". I think by now it is common knowledge many of our school systems are failing. Trust me they are not failing because too much of the bible is being taught.


Question: "Does the Bible teach geocentrism? Does the Bible teach that the Earth is the center of the universe?"


Answer: This is a very important question because the answer helps to shape our belief system and worldview, both of which have eternal consequences. The short answer to this question is “no.” Nowhere in the Bible are we told that the Earth is at the center of the universe. For many centuries, however, people believed that Claudius Ptolemaeus and others were correct when they advocated an Earth-centered universe. They wanted to believe this theory because some thought, incorrectly, that this is what the Bible teaches.


Taken in order, Genesis 1:14-18, Psalm 104:5, Job 26:7 and Isaiah 40:22 were often cited to support the geocentric theory of Ptolemaeus. Yet none of these Scriptures, taken in any order whatsoever, state that God designed the universe with Earth at its center. In fact, Earth isn’t even the center of its own small solar system; the sun is. We can understand why Copernicus and, later, Galileo, who posited the sun-centered (heliocentric) theory, caused such a controversy in the church. It was thought that heliocentricism contradicted the biblical teaching of geocentrism. But, again, the problem was that God’s Word doesn’t say that the Earth is at the center of anything. Sadly, as time went on and people came to understand that the Earth did in fact revolve around the Sun, many simply lost faith in God’s Word, because they had falsely been taught geocentrism.

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Technically, while the earth isn't at the centre of the solar system, it is at the centre of the universe, as is every other point of the universe.


Edit:- from the perspective of each of those points, that is.

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