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The pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain, they were not Pharaohs' tombs


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i'm sure someone can dig up scripture that explicitly says the earth is the center of the universe. I know I've seen them countless times i'm just too lazy to search for em. It's just like people say hey no way the OT advocated slavery and other degrading paradigms to women....yet there's specific instructions for how beat the fuck out of your slave. Who can be a slave, who has a soul and who doesn't....who's property and who isn't. What the going rate is for rape renumeration, 50 schekels I believe it was (those were the days)........all kinds of good stuff written in. But people will look dead square in the face and say no there's nothing like that. Anywhere. It's a liberal/Satanist fabrication meant to undermine gods msg.

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Ben Carson is making the huge leap of logic that, since a small amount of grain (probably burial offerings) was found in a pyramid, so that means it was a grain silo - is comparable to slapping a pair of wheels on your grandma and calling her a wagon...

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Yeah but kinda you're making the same deductive leap about it being a tomb especially the tomb of khufu. If we're going to be honest be honest man. It's like the "dinosaurs became birds" argument. If you're going to push something as truth you'd better have all the evidence at hand. At least carson went out if his way to say it was "his own theory" in the real world a statement like that sort of gets you a get out of jail free card.


It's my own theory that woody sucked Denard Robinson's dick. It doesnt make it true but it is my own theory.

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Yeah but kinda you're making the same deductive leap about it being a tomb especially the tomb of khufu. If we're going to be honest be honest man. It's like the "dinosaurs became birds" argument. If you're going to push something as truth you'd better have all the evidence at hand. At least carson went out if his way to say it was "his own theory" in the real world a statement like that sort of gets you a get out of jail free card.


It's my own theory that woody sucked Denard Robinson's dick. It doesnt make it true but it is my own theory.


I admire your ability to fight this one but so much more evidence to suggest the pyramids were used as burial tombs and grain storage makes zero sense.

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I hope in 2000 years, if God doesn't strike us down first, someone digs up Cal's manifesto and that becomes the new religious text. Yeah those people will be fucked.

I can see it now:


they'll be called the new Calvanists. Their battle cry will be "There is no God but Ben Carson, and Cal is his Prophet". Fundamentalist Calvanists will chop off the legs of infidels above the knee, in order to silence the unbelievers "knee-jerky" ideas. And Calvanist apostates will be beheaded by the faithful, with muttered prayers of "Learn...think...post".


Perhaps they'll build a temple to Ben Carson and his Prophet in East Cleveland as well, where the followers will pilgrimage to yearly. Widespread hunting of woodpeckers will occur in order to sacrifice their wickedness on the East Cleveland Temple's main alter, as offerings to appease Ben Carson. This will continue to be a major practice until woodpeckers are driven extinct, after which, they will continued to be burned in effigy during a special holiday season, centered around the birthday of the Prophet Cal (pbuh).

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I think you overestimate the political power of leftist hypocrites. Because most of the things on that list aren't particularly damning. Do you take issue with Transgenders having their own bathroom? Most of America doesn't want them in their bathrooms.


I've never gotten the outrage over the "I wouldn't stand there and let him shoot me" comment. It makes perfect sense to me. So does the hitler comment. These things make perfect sense.

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I think you overestimate the political power of leftist hypocrites. Because most of the things on that list aren't particularly damning. Do you take issue with Transgenders having their own bathroom? Most of America doesn't want them in their bathrooms.


I've never gotten the outrage over the "I wouldn't stand there and let him shoot me" comment. It makes perfect sense to me. So does the hitler comment. These things make perfect sense.

Some make sense, some don't. If I was a woman I likely would be uncomfortable if a transgender chick was standing up to take a piss in the stall next to me.


The media is scrutinizing his trustworthiness and honesty, because that's the most appealing part of him - his policy ideas kinda suck.


His childhood stories are very questionable, he's flopped and got overly defensive. You have to think his family member (used to be close friend) would reveal himself at this point as it'd shut the media up.


Some of his lies have been confirmed, whether it's a big deal or not is up for debate - the "it was a test, you're the most honest person at Yale" for example.


He will killed all the way through a general election (if he makes it, which I doubt at this point) on his off the cuff beliefs and his poor policy ideas so he better bolster his arguments.

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Well, I'm late to this game but I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that having been to and inside the pyramids and guided around them by relatives who are educated in their history that I have a bit better perspective than Ben Carson on them. So let me point out a few things:


-We already know how Ancient Egyptians stored grain. They stored them in large bins in the ground. The desert helped keep the grain dry so it made sense to store them this way.




-The pyramids are mostly solid stone, and most of the chambers and hallways are on an incline. It wouldn't make much sense to store grain inside unless you wanted it rolling back down to the entrance or to the bottom all the time.




- Though no mummies were found, the pyramids do contain a sarcophagus. If the pyramids were used to store something, it wouldn't make much sense to take up the limited space with a sarcophagus.


- Tomb robbing has been happening in Egypt ever since tombs were being built. It's quite possible that the reason no mummies or treasure were found is because the pyramids were robbed. it's also possible that a vengeful successor pharaoh could have had the tombs emptied. It is not unheard of for later pharaohs to try and erase the existence of earlier ones, especially if they advocated a rival deity.


- It is not true that there are no hieroglyphs in the great pyramid. A hidden room was discovered using robotics that has red hieroglyphs:



So the theory that the pyramids are a tomb is the most plausible theory, and certainly more plausible than the idea that they are a grain stores. It is believed that there may be some undiscovered chambers in the pyramid, and for all we know, Khufu could be inside of one of them, and the chamber with the sarcophagus could just be a decoy.

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Thanks for the input while lurking all the rest of the time, Os.


Meanwhile, if you read up on the subject.... Dr. Carson is actually also

correct - parts of the pyramids were not constructed as tombs, but

as grain storage.





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Imhotep, the Architect of the 1st Pyramid

It was Imhotep who is credited with having designed the first pyramid and began building with hewn stone instead of all mud brick. If we look at ancient Egyptian history, we can see evidence which shows that it was during the time of Djoser that Egypt became a truly great nation- after all, it had gathered the wealth of all the surrounding nations by selling them grain during the famine.

And during the 7 years of plenty, the people, under Joseph's wise guidance, began to organize a great administrative center which would handle the selling of the grain to all the surrounding nations.

A large complex was built which contained the future burial site of the pharaoh but also included a walled in center which contained huge grain bins. There was only one entrance into this center and there was an outside entrance into the system of storage bins. The Step Pyramid complex at Sakkara is the complex which we will now discuss.

Grain Storage Bins

Stepdiagjpg_small.jpgSurrounding the Step Pyramid, the first ever built, and its complex is a very beautiful and elaborate wall.

At the main entrance on the east wall at the southern end, one enters a long hall of 40 columns- 20 on each side. Each column is connected to the main wall by a perpendicular wall, forming small "rooms" between each column.

As you exit this colonade and walk straight ahead, you come to a series of very large pits which extend deep into the earth. These are extremely large in size- much larger than any burial chambers; they are all centrally accessible by a connecting tunnel, extend to well above ground level, and one has a staircase extending down to the bottom. For this reason, weBinhole_small.jpg know that they were not built as tombs- if they were, they would have been constructed underground and they certainly would not have been so incredibly large.

These massive structures extend to well above ground level, which indicates that they were not hidden, as were tombs. Because the ancient Egyptians buried their dead with so much valuable material and provisions for their "afterlife", plundering of tombs was always their biggest fear. Therefore, we know that these massive pits had another purpose.

Also, in all the other ancient cities, whenever large bins such as these were uncovered, they were recognized as "storage bins", but in Egypt, the scholars tend to term everything they find a "tomb".

However, in the pharaoh's burial complex under the pyramid, we find matching bins for the king and his family's afterlife- and in these bins were found grain and other food stuffs.

In the Biblical account, we learn that Joseph appointed men throughout the land of Egypt to oversee the gathering and storing of the grain in all the cities:

GEN 41:34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years. 35 And let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities.

Joseph had given this plan to the pharaoh prior to his appointment as vizier or prime minister, and since it would be impossible for him to oversee the gathering and storing for the entire country, we know he implemented this plan. We also know that when the famine began and the Egyptians began to cry for food, they were told to go to Joseph and do whatever he said, which indicates that he gave the orders for the distribution of the grain:

GEN 41:55 And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do. 56 And the famine was over all the face of the earth: and Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.

But when the foreign peoples came to purchase grain, we learn that they went directly to Joseph:

GEN 42:6 And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth.

Joseph's brothers came directly to Joseph in person. We believe it is Sakkara to which they came- where the remains of this fantastic complex are preserved. And it was here that Djoser had 11 extremely large pits constructed which can only be grain storage bins.

Every city had stored grain from its region, but at this complex at Sakarra, we have these massive pits which would have stored an incredible amount of grain- more than a single city would have needed. At the entrance to this complex, as we described earlier, there are 40 small cubicles, each just the right size to hold a single person who could administer the receipt of payment from people coming to purchase grain. There could have been several "cashiers" of each language group to handle the purchases of those who spoke the various languages. Of course, the Egyptologists think all these little cubicles were for statues, however, no pedestals were found in the remains, which is a very important point, because these statues were always erected on pedestals. Statues may vanish, but pedestals remain.

The design of the 11 pits is impressive. There are 11 of them, with only one containing a very elaborate stairway extending all the way to the bottom. All the pits are connected to each other by a subterranean tunnel- the pits were filled and the tops were sealed with wooden timbers and stone. And, all of the grain could be accessed from one entrance- and there is one entrance into the pits from outside the wall enclosure of the complex. Last of all, grain was found in the floor of these pits, which has been explained by Egyptologists as having been from foods buried with deceased who were buried there- however, no evidence of burials was ever found in these pits.

nl7b_small.gifDoes this fit the Biblical account? When Joseph's brothers came to him for grain, they talked to Joseph and paid for the grain. When they received the grain, it was already in sacks:

GEN 42:25 Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them. 26 And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence. 27 And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth.

The complex at Sakkara is unique- nothing like it has ever been found. It was described by William Hayes as being a "veritable city in itself, planned and executed as a single unit and built of fine white limestone from the near-by Mukattam Hills." (The Scepter of Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 60.) In fact, Egyptologists tend to term everything they find as a royal "tomb", which is what they have called this complex.

But it in fact exhibits every feature indicative of being a center of great activity, a feature which again fits with the story of Joseph. When Joseph's brothers came to get grain, they came face to face with Joseph who was overseeing the distribution. Where did they go to get the grain? They went to wherever the grain was stored, and this was where Joseph was.

And the storage of such a massive amount of grain would have required a large storage area, such as the extremely large pits found in this complex. It is also reasonable to expect to find the storage pits within an enclosure such as this complex, with an area for the payment of the grain. This was a "business" and would have required a center of administration.

A great deal has been written about this complex, and most mention the uniqueness of it- something they cannot explain. In fact, when you ask the Egyptians what the huge pits were for, they admit that they just don't know.

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So if you read this carefully they say what I just said. The grain was stored in bins that were in the pyramid complex, they DO NOT say it was stored in the pyramid itself. I have been to Sakkara and seen this pyramid and the complex and the pyramid is mostly solid just like the great pyramids that Carson was referring to.


So sorry, Ben Carson is still wrong. There is a difference between a pyramid and the pyramid complex. No grain was stored in the pyramid itself or any part of the pyramid. I have no doubt grain was stored in the surrounding areas. In bins as has already been discovered. You had workers building them for decades and they had to eat.

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So if you read this carefully they say what I just said. The grain was stored in bins that were in the pyramid complex, they DO NOT say it was stored in the pyramid itself. I have been to Sakkara and seen this pyramid and the complex and the pyramid is mostly solid just like the great pyramids that Carson was referring to.


So sorry, Ben Carson is still wrong. There is a difference between a pyramid and the pyramid complex. No grain was stored in the pyramid itself or any part of the pyramid. I have no doubt grain was stored in the surrounding areas. In bins as has already been discovered. You had workers building them for decades and they had to eat.

I think the most telling part of Ben Carson's "theory" is not that the pyramids were built to store grain, which is a hypothesis that could be tested on its own, but that the pyramids were built as grain silos...by the biblical Joseph. That is pretty laser-specific for a hypothesis.

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I don't think the Egyptians would have spent decades using hundred thousand men hauling and setting ~5 million tons of limestone bricks into a near perfect pyramid with such little storage space for grain.


What size are the inner chambers in Giza? Like 18x30 ft? (King/queen chambers)


It's so silly and the only reason we're talking about it is because one of the top presidential candidate believes it. Too sad.

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The thing that mostly makes me wonder about the purpose(s) of the pyramid is why would you have spent decades using a hundred thousand men hauling and setting 5 millions tons of limestone bricks into a perfect pyramid perfectly aligned with the points of the compass as a monument everlasting to the great and powerful khufu and then mummify his body and put it into an opulent sarcophogas only to stick him in a shitty room with no sort of decoration fit for a king great enough to construct the outer pyramid for. Was it used as a crypt? Probably, yeah, although only have circumstantial evidence of it, but it could be, and seems to be, more significant than a tomb.

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but the complex is part of the pyramid - an extension of it.


Part of the complex was for boats to be used by the king/prince whoever,

to be used by that person in the AFTERLIFE, as they believed.


It makes sense that believing the ...king... would use boats in the afterlife,

he would also need grain.


The complex is part of the pyramid, adjacent to the actual four sided, point-up figure.


Quibbling between the actual pyramid, and the pyramid complex is silly. I didn't even know

there was a "complex".


It's just part of the pyramid. And they have found grain in them. He's right - there is strong

evidence to his opinion.


Does anybody really think that is important to be president, that you distinguish between "pyramid"

and "pyramid complex" ??? Seriously?


After 7 years of never questioning anything about obamao's entire life... as in...NEVER ???


Just a cheapshot in the left's culture war. Nothing is important unless it fits their agenda.



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Imhotep, the Architect of the 1st Pyramid

It was Imhotep who is credited with having designed the first pyramid and began building with hewn stone instead of all mud brick. If we look at ancient Egyptian history, we can see evidence which shows that it was during the time of Djoser that Egypt became a truly great nation- after all, it had gathered the wealth of all the surrounding nations by selling them grain during the famine.

And during the 7 years of plenty, the people, under Joseph's wise guidance, began to organize a great administrative center which would handle the selling of the grain to all the surrounding nations.

A large complex was built which contained the future burial site of the pharaoh but also included a walled in center which contained huge grain bins. There was only one entrance into this center and there was an outside entrance into the system of storage bins. The Step Pyramid complex at Sakkara is the complex which we will now discuss.

Grain Storage Bins

Stepdiagjpg_small.jpgSurrounding the Step Pyramid, the first ever built, and its complex is a very beautiful and elaborate wall.

At the main entrance on the east wall at the southern end, one enters a long hall of 40 columns- 20 on each side. Each column is connected to the main wall by a perpendicular wall, forming small "rooms" between each column.

As you exit this colonade and walk straight ahead, you come to a series of very large pits which extend deep into the earth. These are extremely large in size- much larger than any burial chambers; they are all centrally accessible by a connecting tunnel, extend to well above ground level, and one has a staircase extending down to the bottom. For this reason, weBinhole_small.jpg know that they were not built as tombs- if they were, they would have been constructed underground and they certainly would not have been so incredibly large.

These massive structures extend to well above ground level, which indicates that they were not hidden, as were tombs. Because the ancient Egyptians buried their dead with so much valuable material and provisions for their "afterlife", plundering of tombs was always their biggest fear. Therefore, we know that these massive pits had another purpose.

Also, in all the other ancient cities, whenever large bins such as these were uncovered, they were recognized as "storage bins", but in Egypt, the scholars tend to term everything they find a "tomb".

However, in the pharaoh's burial complex under the pyramid, we find matching bins for the king and his family's afterlife- and in these bins were found grain and other food stuffs.

In the Biblical account, we learn that Joseph appointed men throughout the land of Egypt to oversee the gathering and storing of the grain in all the cities:

GEN 41:34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years. 35 And let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities.

Joseph had given this plan to the pharaoh prior to his appointment as vizier or prime minister, and since it would be impossible for him to oversee the gathering and storing for the entire country, we know he implemented this plan. We also know that when the famine began and the Egyptians began to cry for food, they were told to go to Joseph and do whatever he said, which indicates that he gave the orders for the distribution of the grain:

GEN 41:55 And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do. 56 And the famine was over all the face of the earth: and Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.

But when the foreign peoples came to purchase grain, we learn that they went directly to Joseph:

GEN 42:6 And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth.

Joseph's brothers came directly to Joseph in person. We believe it is Sakkara to which they came- where the remains of this fantastic complex are preserved. And it was here that Djoser had 11 extremely large pits constructed which can only be grain storage bins.

Every city had stored grain from its region, but at this complex at Sakarra, we have these massive pits which would have stored an incredible amount of grain- more than a single city would have needed. At the entrance to this complex, as we described earlier, there are 40 small cubicles, each just the right size to hold a single person who could administer the receipt of payment from people coming to purchase grain. There could have been several "cashiers" of each language group to handle the purchases of those who spoke the various languages. Of course, the Egyptologists think all these little cubicles were for statues, however, no pedestals were found in the remains, which is a very important point, because these statues were always erected on pedestals. Statues may vanish, but pedestals remain.

The design of the 11 pits is impressive. There are 11 of them, with only one containing a very elaborate stairway extending all the way to the bottom. All the pits are connected to each other by a subterranean tunnel- the pits were filled and the tops were sealed with wooden timbers and stone. And, all of the grain could be accessed from one entrance- and there is one entrance into the pits from outside the wall enclosure of the complex. Last of all, grain was found in the floor of these pits, which has been explained by Egyptologists as having been from foods buried with deceased who were buried there- however, no evidence of burials was ever found in these pits.

nl7b_small.gifDoes this fit the Biblical account? When Joseph's brothers came to him for grain, they talked to Joseph and paid for the grain. When they received the grain, it was already in sacks:

GEN 42:25 Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them. 26 And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence. 27 And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth.

The complex at Sakkara is unique- nothing like it has ever been found. It was described by William Hayes as being a "veritable city in itself, planned and executed as a single unit and built of fine white limestone from the near-by Mukattam Hills." (The Scepter of Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 60.) In fact, Egyptologists tend to term everything they find as a royal "tomb", which is what they have called this complex.

But it in fact exhibits every feature indicative of being a center of great activity, a feature which again fits with the story of Joseph. When Joseph's brothers came to get grain, they came face to face with Joseph who was overseeing the distribution. Where did they go to get the grain? They went to wherever the grain was stored, and this was where Joseph was.

And the storage of such a massive amount of grain would have required a large storage area, such as the extremely large pits found in this complex. It is also reasonable to expect to find the storage pits within an enclosure such as this complex, with an area for the payment of the grain. This was a "business" and would have required a center of administration.

A great deal has been written about this complex, and most mention the uniqueness of it- something they cannot explain. In fact, when you ask the Egyptians what the huge pits were for, they admit that they just don't know.





(1) [arbitrary passages from Old Testament]

(2) Therefore, the pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain

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When you're so invested politically in a candidate, you have to try and defend every crazy thing they say...



This clearly isn't just the president being a "pyramid expert". Don't be so naive and stupid. It fits with the larger pattern that is Carson's beliefs.



In what world do you live in where no one questioned anything about Obama? You've spent the last 8 years questioning everything about Obama. For fuck sake, how our you so blind? How do you lack any self awareness? Networks and websites, the ones you visit, have been doing that shit for years. YOU are the target demo. You should know it is happening.

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moron - the point has been that YOU have never, ever questioned obamao on anything.


Not ever. Never questioned anything in his books, his life, his lies about Bill Ayers and him...


refusal to release his grades.


Everybody knows, that if Carson refused to release his grades, it would be attacked by the left

on a daily basis.


with the lefties, it goes from "We have a right to demand to knowsies"...to "we freaking refuse to knowsies"

when it's political expedient, and self-rewarding.


The left's greed and selfishness has sent our country into disaster under this dirtbag president, and you

are just another example of that.

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How am I greedy and selfish? Tell me you delusional dumbass. Please, let me know.


You're a fucking moron, you know that? You realize that not everyone that disagrees with you is a raging liberal right? That the liberals aren't out to get you?


Shit. You're the reason this country is so politically divided. You're the conservative half of a two sided coin. Sure, this shit exists on both sides, you'd never admit that though. You're so delusional its hard to believe sometimes.


It has to be something in your brain. Something with how you're wired. To be the way you are.



Carson would be attacked on a daily basis, just like Obama was for years? No fuck. This exists on both sides. Anyone that doesn't gave their head in their ass knows this.

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