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Why I Am An Atheist


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devil went down to georgia and jesus obviously setup camp in ohio,,,,,,,LOL!


should anyone really care about what religious faction you believe in or don't believe in?


the people that do, now that's a problem.



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I am not sure where people coming off saying that Austin Davis played badly.. He wasn't perfect...he couldn't get a score....but I thought he played fairly decently. He was the victim of a number of drops. He missed a few passes, but I thought he was accurate about 95% of the time. And he was under tremendous pressure.

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I think God loves Cleveland, So far we haven't had any tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, wildfires, Terrorist attacks, or Meteor strikes .

We have had earthquakes, I have felt them. Minor with little or no damage...but I have felt a few.


But...what about Derechos. We have had Derechos.



(Which I always thought would be a good name for a sports team)

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That would be a good name for a "D" city...


In TX we call them "Blue Northers"... leading edge can actually carry the concussive force of a moderate shock wave. Never knew they had a weather name.


I remember one disastrous 4th of July when one killed a few folks anchored off Edgewater Park.

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Who gives a crap that your an athiest. This is a Browns' board. Gotta take your feeble beliefs any where you can, huh? Sounds like a LOSER.

So you think being an Atheist is a "feeble belief". Perhaps you prefer people who are ardent in their religious beliefs....and who will do whatever they think a God would want them to do.....like ISIS.

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