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Joy Review

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20th Century Fox


Pg -13. 122 mon





SILVER LINING PLAYBOOK recently caught lightning in a bottle. 3 top notch actors with great chemistry and a story just weird enough to defy pigeonholing.


Well they've done it again with the supposedly true story of JOY, a woman who battled great odds and became a financial icon thanks to a brainstorm that created a self wringing mop. It's those simple creations that can often lead to a million dollar business.


Now to be clear when I say they've done it again I met assembling the same trio of actors and finding an oddball story to tell. Unfortunately this time, I fear, that aforementioned bottle will not contain any lightning.


Robert De Niro is once again cast as a quirky old scoundrel who doesn't work and play very well with others, mostly others of the opposite sex.


In and out of bad relationships he counts on is two combative daughters to help keep his business afloat.


Most of Joys time is taken up by caremail Oh him, her neurotic mother and her deadbeat ex-husband.. That leaves her precious little time to explore her dreams which include inventing wonderful new things like the Wonder Mop.


Her crazy mom, crazy Dad and jealous half sister discourage her aspirations at every turn.


As this mop idea begins to take form pop takes up with a wealthy widow who reluctantly floats some money toward the manufacture of this miracle. Finally after a great deal of turbulence the mop winds up on an ill-fated episode of one of those home shopping channels and...


I won't tell you what happens then but I will tell you that's about the point that I stopped hating the movie.


What is there to hate you may ask? Well up until this point almost every character is unpleasant, nasty, envious, selfish or dismissive. Usually it's a combination of all those things. I even hated her useless ex husband who I think is supposed to be one of the likeable characters. That made watching the film an unpleasant experience. Not even the protagonist was all that charismatic. And while there is redemption at the bottom of the pit, it's never quite enough to raise the enjoyment level of the film to salvation.


Now I have read that even though the story is loosely based on the actual story of this woman's life the key word is loosely.


Still the payoff isn't quite strong enough to make up for putting up with two hours of these assholes.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Such a pathetic film. 1 Star.....


Can't believe I sat through all this bullshit


expected more from David O'Russell but this is literally 2 hours of Jennifer Lawrence praising herself. It's a film where no character feels authentic except "Joy", and the audience is left without giving a fuck about "Joy" at all.


Robert Deniro and the other characters are just props for Jennifer Lawrence to talk to. Their characters feel like static objects within a shithole. And "Joy" is the shit abyss, wandering aimless into a hardly interesting story made in a shitty way.


Shame on Deniro for taking all these bullshit roles after making movies like "the godfather", "taxi driver", "raging bull", and "the deer hunter".


Rumor has it Jennifer Lawrence had a huge fight on set with O'Russell, and producer Harvey Weinstein came to the set and took Lawrence's side and told O'Russell how to do things the Weinstein way.


Maybe that's why this movie was such garbage?

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