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49Ers Hire Former Browns Dc Jim O'neill For Same Position


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I actually pity the 49ers. Chip Kelly and his high powered offense and Jim O'Neil with his cover zero defense. I will wager the Browns win more games than San Francisco next season.

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Well it won't be boring watching their games, for sure.


I actually pity the 49ers. Chip Kelly and his high powered offense and Jim O'Neil with his cover zero defense. I will wager the Browns win more games than San Francisco next season.

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Considering the


They already hired our former secondary coach Jeff Hafley for the same position. Seems like O'Neil is a "favorite"


Considering the Gilbert fiasco and the number of injuries he had to get around (not to mention Farmer allowing Ward to get away to Denver), Hafley did ok with the hand he was dealt.

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Considering the



Considering the Gilbert fiasco and the number of injuries he had to get around (not to mention Farmer allowing Ward to get away to Denver), Hafley did ok with the hand he was dealt.

He was the DB coach for a couple of years and Justin Gilbert progressed zero. While K'Waun Williams has been good, I'm not sure how much that's coaching and how much is just being in the right place and scheme. Haden has maintained, while Desir looks a long way from what we hoped he'd be. I'm not shedding a tear that Hafley's gone.

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Pettine is going to take Jimmy's 3.5 Million this year, probably buy a houseboat, stock it with the finest cigars and whiskeys .. and not have to answer a single fucking question about Johnny Manziel.



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HaHa...Kelly never DID believe in defense!




Yup, Kelly's strategy behind his interest must be to let the opposing team score as quickly as possible so he can get the ball back.


Seriously, though, I haven't heard Pettine's name in any defensive coordinator talk. I'd hire him 100 times as my DC before O'Neil.

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Wouldn't you?


I'd buy a sailing trimaran in the Virgin Islands as far from Cleveland weather as possible and smile as I answered any question about JM. Maybe even invite him on board for a beer or two in my retirement. :D

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I do wonder if "Play Like a Brown" survives...


According to Mary Kay Cabot, E! network has also contacted Pettine about starring in the new reality TV show ("Manziel and I") starring Johnny Manziel, during the offseason.



Also could be a game show with an ex-coach living in with JFF. Escalating rewards ala "Who wants to be a Millionarire" for each successive week the coach keeps Johnny clean and sober.


His HS guy was the "Pilot". Next Pet... then Sumlin... when we run out of HCs can turn to OCs... and your working title still works.

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