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ObaMao "pledges allegiance to"...cuba and che.


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CIA story about how he died. They needef to kill the legend and anybody that tried to take up his cause. Pure fiction. We've done it with others too. Mossadegh, Roldos, arbenz, allende etc,etc

Even so, the guy was a totalitarian evil guy - died trying to start revolutions.

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a che worshipper. who knew.



Nobody worshipping anybody. Im just not looking at the world through red white snd blue goggles. Wss gets it, i think at least. You can read about american torture specialists that got sent to south america in the 60'shttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Mitrione

Great american though right? But fuck che right?

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Even so, the guy was a totalitarian evil guy - died trying to start revolutions.

I would argue based off what i know of pre castro cuba, that rev needed to happen. Again i know a little bit more of che than the rest of you. Once he became "che" its difficult to parse he truth from bullshit. Cause ur still reading alot of lies that were written bavk then. Ive read his writings "pre che". I dunno exactly what he witnessed to become che, but it must have been fucked cause he was borderline jesus at one point....for real

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so... you think all this makes you feel "special"? You have a "take" that goes against history?


It's an extremist liberal trend.....

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so... you think all this makes you feel "special"? You have a "take" that goes against history?


It's an extremist liberal trend.....


except it isn't "my" take. It's facts. What you think is history is just carefully managed dissemination of facts for an intended purpose. Like I didn't know till just this past year that Cuba was run by the mob pre castro. Had they taught that in HS people might go, hey wait maybe the revolutionairies had a point. Information is deliberately withheld from us all the time. You have zero issue accusing govt of doing that when it suits some argument of the day, some hot topic that's got your panties running north that day. But you so willingly accept truths told to us by our govt when it fits your pre rendered narratives about people.


Che was bad, he was a bloodthirsty murderer who smashed babies over rocks....no wait that was Columbus. Che ate children infront of their parents yeah now i'm getting it right. Cubans still warn their children of misbehaving lest the Che monster come from them in the night. It's all hysteria. The real Che was a complicated person. Not black and white. We can say from up North that he went too far here or there, but when our sovereignity was challenged we took arms on a deadbeat and those men are still cherished to this day. Just as Che is cherished in Cuba and other parts of South America because he stood up to western imperialism. But of course we know what's best for everybody so how dare those little brown people not do what we say right? There was talk of annexing Cuba before the revolution began. Now we didn't have a problem and in fact helped the Cubans gain independence from Spain, ring a bell? So why were we surprised that Cubans didn't want to be some playground for American mobsters and businessmen? Or some adjunct/53rd state?

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che was a filthy, extremely murderous/torturous mercenary for Castro and cuba.


he was so much like the killers of isil, without Islam being a part of it, and was

very much like the nazis...wanted to be the supreme commander of everything,

left a trail of wanton death and destruction.


the murderers of the German death camps surely went home to their families, and listened

to fancy music....

but they were vile and hideous in their sick jobs and decisions, and as a group, left

a horrifying history of torture and death behind them. che was a violent punk, probably

with some kind of serious psch mental health problems.


charles manson, hitler, bin laden, mao, che, castro, stalin, ghengis khan .... the list is long. But a lot of

similarities prevail.


che never was more than a local attila the hun, not famous enough to be listed here:



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Che Guevara—an international terrorist responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent people.

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him.


For example, most students probably do not know that Che said, “We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish socialism, rivers of blood must flow.” One could easily attribute this quote to Adolf Hitler—but it was Che Guevarra.

However, maybe that isn’t so shocking since Che also said, “Youth should learn to think and act as a mass. It is criminal to think as individuals.” This seems to be the direction that colleges are going today—with many schools trying to suppress free speech through “free speech” zones and other restrictive campus policies.

Each year, without fail, Young America’s Foundation student activists face obstacles when organizing “No More Che Day.” In 2011, a teacher at Columbia Independent High School asked a student to remove posters depicting Che’s atrocities. Interestingly enough, students don’t need permission to decorate the outside of their lockers, but in this student’s case, his free speech rights were revoked.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

In a letter to his father, Che wrote, “I’d like to confess, at that moment I discovered that I really like killing.”

October 9 is a day that should be used to educate and inform everyone, but especially our nation’s youth of the murderous thug that Che was. Che should not be hailed as a revolutionary hero. He should be known for the evil mass murderer that he was. His socialist ideas should be exposed for what they are—part of the Communist governments that are responsible for murdering more than 100,000,000 people.

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“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.”

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

In fact, an increasing number of modern leftists and anarchists are waking up to the fact that Che was not a 'revolutionary hero', but just one of a long line of communist murderers of the 20th century.

Che should be remembered for the political terror he was involved in and publicly defended on a number of occasions. This was a man who was a defender of the North Korean regime and who deeply mourned the death of Joseph Stalin.

Though the exact number of killed is unclear, thousands were killed in Cuba’s post-revolutionary purge and forced labor camps. There is even some evidence that Guevara personally carried out some of the murders associated with the revolutionary period.

And, as the Huffington Post points out, Guevara hoped the Soviets would launch nuclear attacks on American cities, for some reason confident that the communists would win a nuclear war that would have killed millions.

Perhaps the best reason for condemnation of Guevara then isn’t the racist statements buried away in his diaries but in fact the very visible blood on his hands.

Joseph Hammond is a former Cairo correspondent with Radio Free Europe and former editor for a publication focused on the energy sector. A version of this article was published on DoubleThink

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Yes he wanted power so much that he declined to run cuba instead left it to castro. Makes perfect sense. He could have run south america and lived like a king, pretty much what castro did. So that shoots down another piece of anti che propagandist tripe. If u read his own verified writings other pre rendered narratives would also tumble out of the sky but whatever,be a good and beg for ur treats. Now roll over for ur master

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and, let's end this lesson, with a few words from che himself.




he could never have run all of s america...


was hated too much. sorry to burst your bubble, but he was

a terrorist. It's like saying bin laden was wonderful, because he could

have run saudi arabia.


out of control emotional knee jerky. The facts don't matter. Typical.

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"Execute anyone that didnt want to be socialist". Anyone with half a brain should recognize this piece of goebels playbook. Lightning rod statement meant to polarize people against an individual. Ur taking a complicated situation and a complicated man and condensing it into a simple lightning rod statement for the simpleton mind to understand and assimilate. We cant grow ad a species until we divorce ourselves from these oversimplified paradigms and narratives and seek "true" understanding of our condition.

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and, let's end this lesson, with a few words from che himself.




he could never have run all of s america...


was hated too much. sorry to burst your bubble, but he was

a terrorist. It's like saying bin laden was wonderful, because he could

have run saudi arabia.


out of control emotional knee jerky. The facts don't matter. Typical.

Omg ur an idiot if u dont gradp that they wanted him to run cuba. You think he wouldnt have become one of the most powerful leaders in south america? He was hated by bautistas and orher people with significant western ties. We'd barely know castros name if he had accepted taking cuba

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hey, Cleve, where was he speaking?


and that is nobody. It's a statue, emotional knee jerk. lol

Same knee jerk as being outraged by a mural 80 ydd away? That was a speech reagan gave infront of lenin, obsma snapped a photo. Enough of ur emotional outbursts then if u cant handle things

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doesn't make him not a monster, serial murderer, and a mentally deranged,

full of grandeur terrorist.


but in typical knee jerk fashion, you changed the subject to a farce of a photo



really? being wrong is a joke with libs that much?


facts don't matter?


dang, when I talk about what liberals do, you keep making it even more

legit. lol

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doesn't make him not a monster, serial murderer, and a mentally deranged,

full of grandeur terrorist.


but in typical knee jerk fashion, you changed the subject to a farce of a photo



really? being wrong is a joke with libs that much?


facts don't matter?


dang, when I talk about what liberals do, you keep making it even more

legit. lol



The initial outrage that started this thread, BY YOU BTW or have you forgotten, was about Obama infront of that mural. Are you that Retarded that you just accused me of changing the subject because I referenced the original point of this thread?


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Jeez did Che fuck your mom or something Cle.


I never seen somebody defend him so much - he's just a master, man of principle, artist, complicated man.


I mean - anti-Che propaganda aside - he killed everybody who disagree with him. Killed all prisoners without a trial, taught Guerilla warfare to other nations to create wars to spread Marxism.


I guess you could respect him for being so good at spreading propaganda and fighting for what he believed in.


But the means he used to try to accomplish what he believed in were fucked up - and that isn't propaganda. You also don't hear much about guys like Dan Mitrone because he wasn't an enemy to the US. Nobody denies that the US doesn't do fucked up things to accomplish its goals, but that doesn't make Che a respectable guy.

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I never seen somebody defend him so much - he's just a master, man of principle, artist, complicated man.


I mean - anti-Che propaganda aside - he killed everybody who disagree with him. Killed all prisoners without a trial, taught Guerilla warfare to other nations to create wars to spread Marxism.


I guess you could respect him for being so good at spreading propaganda and fighting for what he believed in.


But the means he used to try to accomplish what he believed in were fucked up - and that isn't propaganda. You also don't hear much about guys like Dan Mitrone because he wasn't an enemy to the US. Nobody denies that the US doesn't do fucked up things to accomplish its goals, but that doesn't make Che a respectable guy.


You think i'm defending him so much? Have you actually spoken to someone sporting one of those shirts? You'll get a dose of actual defense. What i'm saying is i'm not willing to condemn him when I know full well we venerate men who make Guevera look like a cute little bunny. Custer? Columbus...fuck some of us don't have to show up for work on that one.


I understand Che is all. And I cannot say with definitiveness that I would not become the same had I witnessed what he did. This is where you're butting up against the wall Ed. You don't know enough about what was going on down there at the time. Che was no angel but he also didn't just kill random people who disagreed with hm. Those are deliberate smear stories. The people Che had killed were ideologically opposed to him and would have done to him everything and more had they caught him. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's complicated.


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ok on the one hand you ask me if he fucked my mom and on the other hand you criticize me for liking him, which I don't. I don't dislike him either. My mind doesn't operate in the realm of black and white anymore.

It just seems like you are defending him a lot - I'm not sure why :P No doubt he's a nasty guy aside from the fact that the CIA wanted to make him sound as nasty as possible.


The Cubans love Che, but if they said anything different they might get thrown in prison because totalitarian governments and all - the one Che fought for and strongly influenced.


If the US got Che they probably would have killed him, after a trial which is something Che didn't believe in

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It just seems like you are defending him a lot -


It's not as much defense as it is a certain level of understanding. To defend him personally I would have had to know him, be part of his group. He may very well have been a true monster etc, etc. I'm just saying that if he was that, he turned into that cause it wasn't him when he was younger, "pre che". It just wasn't. Something snapped him. Based on what I know of things that were going on down there I can take an educated guess. The appalling exploitation of people can do that to a man. Had I witnessed Columbus's men smashing babies over rocks because the parents didn't mine enough gold for Spain, I know for a fact I could do things that people these days would write about as some raging satanic murderer who made his victims eat their own genitals.


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