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grew dramatically under Clinton and Bush...


leveled off dramatically under ObaMao. and now,

ObaMao has ordered illegals to be released and not

held when captured.

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the trouble is, you can get data to reflect information the way you want it to.

Sometimes, legitimately,


sometimes, deceitfully.



This only goes up to 2010, so in fact the highest figure there is basically from George W Bush.

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You can be a friend to immigration and an enemy to illegal immigration. Asking people to play by the rules isn't despicable. It's commendable.


I agree but you can make that point and not be so inflammatory about it to Hispanics. I want to see the border secured and there are many legal Hispanic immigrants who would probably support it as well. Trump's silly talk about having a deportation squad that will round up millions of illegal immigrants (not even realistically possible) and some other needless inflammatory things he said against Hispanics is the reason 77 percent of Hispanics say they will not vote for Trump.


Again i find it ironic that Trump would criticize Romney for losing the election for being too tough on immigration and then Trump saying and doing some of the things he has that have been much worse than Romney ever said.

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I think that was the plan until Trump. What is ironic is that Trump actually told Romney he lost the election because he was "too harsh on immigration". Trump has single handedly offended about every demographic group it would take to win a general election. The GOP had been working hard to get the Hispanic vote as they will be the deciding voters of the future.


The GOP was never going to get the majority hispanic, black, millenial vote - doesn't matter who they put up there.


Not that Trump is racist, it's just how it works - lower-middle working class people have been voting democrat for years, and the black/hispanic demographics have a much higher poverty rate (pushing 25-30%) compared to everybody else (black is #1 and hispanic is #2 in terms of poverty rate)


The GOP needs to get lower working class and union people to vote for them - it has little to do with black/hispanic, more to do with income.


You would think they'd get behind Trump, who is the first GOP candidate since Reagan to actually get indpendent/democrat union and working class people to vote for him and endorse him - as you would see if you interviewed some of the tens of thousands of people that go and see him at his rallies. The guy has the potential to expand the GOP big time, if you use the record turnout numbers and crossover votes he has gotten as evidence.


But they'd rather lose in November onward instead of having somebody like Trump come in and disrupt their little cake party.


Illegal immigrants can't vote, hispanics who came here legally should support Trump's plans on immigration at least in part. It can also be argued that restricting illegal border crossings is better from a humanitarian perspective, where many girls are sexually assaulted and such - or people die in the desert.

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The GOP was never going to get the majority hispanic, black, millenial vote - doesn't matter who they put up there.


I agree with the black vote. The GOP could have a black candidate running for president who would just get called an Uncle Tom by the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons. No matter what the dems have solidly locked up the black vote. The dems are in the process of solidly locking up the Hispanic vote and when that happens it will be way more difficult than it is right now for a republican to win a presidential election. Do you know the republicans have only won the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1988? Bush did it in 04 and the fact he did well with the Hispanic vote is a big reason why. Also Ed if the GOP cannot get the millennial vote why do you think (as you said earlier about half of them) they would vote for Trump after Clinton beats Sanders?


Not that Trump is racist, it's just how it works - lower-middle working class people have been voting democrat for years, and the black/hispanic demographics have a much higher poverty rate (pushing 25-30%) compared to everybody else (black is #1 and hispanic is #2 in terms of poverty rate)


The GOP needs to get lower working class and union people to vote for them - it has little to do with black/hispanic, more to do with income.


Good luck with the union vote going republican. As for the lower income groups many have been bought off with government handouts. Why would many of them vote for the party that wants to cut entitlements such as food stamps and other government assistance programs?


You would think they'd get behind Trump, who is the first GOP candidate since Reagan to actually get indpendent/democrat union and working class people to vote for him and endorse him - as you would see if you interviewed some of the tens of thousands of people that go and see him at his rallies. The guy has the potential to expand the GOP big time, if you use the record turnout numbers and crossover votes he has gotten as evidence.


The demographics are not the same as 30 years ago. It is the Hispanic votes that will determine presidential elections now.


But they'd rather lose in November onward instead of having somebody like Trump come in and disrupt their little cake party.


Self preservation is what they care about.


Illegal immigrants can't (shouldn't) vote, hispanics who came here legally should support Trump's plans on immigration at least in part. It can also be argued that restricting illegal border crossings is better from a humanitarian perspective, where many girls are sexually assaulted and such - or people die in the desert.


Trump should be making that argument instead of feeding the red meat to the Trumpbots about deportation squads to deport millions of illegal immigrants.;

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Indeed. But you can't get some politicians to lay off the rhetoric long enough to appeal to hispanic voters. Nearly all hispanic people I have met/worked with have been devoutly Catholic and not afraid of hard work.

I agree to a certain extent. There is also a large population of gang members in the DC metro area, LA and other large metro areas. I had a lot of Hispanic friends in the Army and the Navy, mostly born and raised here. When I was living in Manassas, VA was a different story. Large illegal population with crowds of drunken males waiting for rides to work, driving without licenses drunk on their ass, robberies, rapes, etc.

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So if you oppose illegal immigration...


So Chris, why do you hate the immigrants that go through the process of becoming citizens?




Steve, why do you hate white people and puppies?



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What makes this hilarious is that Trump criticizes everyone, and makes all of his personal insults. He all but acts like he personally built New York himself and calls 9-11 7-11. That is what makes it funny. If it were anyone else, under any other circumstance, it would be an honest slip up but Donald's play ground bully mentality has caused him to reap what he's sown.

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What makes this hilarious is that Trump criticizes everyone, and makes all of his personal insults. He all but acts like he personally built New York himself and calls 9-11 7-11. That is what makes it funny. If it were anyone else, under any other circumstance, it would be an honest slip up but Donald's play ground bully mentality has caused him to reap what he's sown.


You only say this because you don't like Trump.


It's still just an honest slip, that doesn't change just because he's Donald Trump.

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