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Another police shooting

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Watched the video. Cops got a report of the guy having a gun on him and that he had already pulled it on someone. I would have expected them to show up and already draw on the guy knowing that he had already reportedly pulled a gun on someone. If the guy ends up not having a gun, they might be in some deep shit. That said, if he was fumbling in his belt line after having been told about a gun, they could also be justified in using lethal force. They can't let him pull something out of his beltline. For all they know it is a gun or a knife.

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I mean he was on his stomach with an officer on top of him and an arm behind his back then got shot in the head and back.


I don't think see any way it can be justified even if he was reaching for a gun, but you see these instances and the first thing is "if he was white it wouldn't have happened"

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Outrage never happens when boys from the neighborhood ice each other left and right.

It mostly comes when it's the police doing the killing, for some utterly inconceivable reason.

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I mean he was on his stomach with an officer on top of him and an arm behind his back then got shot in the head and back.


I don't think see any way it can be justified even if he was reaching for a gun, but you see these instances and the first thing is "if he was white it wouldn't have happened"

It probably wouldn't. And so black people's resentment of law enforcement grows, and tensions build, and police end up not taking any chances and using deadly force probably more readily than they would have in a nice white neighbourhood, and so on, and so on...

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Watched the video, guy was on his back with his hands lowered. I could see it being possible he was reaching for a weapons as the cop on his left backed off of him, but you have your gun drawn. You can clear distance, aim center mass, offer your warning and still have time to fire rounds before the suspect is able to reach for his weapon.


If the suspect didn't have a gun... holy fuck. There is nothing justifiable about that.

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I mean he was on his stomach with an officer on top of him and an arm behind his back then got shot in the head and back.


I don't think see any way it can be justified even if he was reaching for a gun, but you see these instances and the first thing is "if he was white it wouldn't have happened"

I have my doubts that cops would just go "oh you are white! By all means fumble with something in your pocket after we received a call that you had a gun".

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Yeah its bad, this one could start a real fire cause at least rigjt now theres no mitigating circumstances coming out nor are they being talked of. Thanks to some of these cops around the country putting in the yeomans work to put us into a race war. Thanks to that

The mainstream news media likely has a giant chub about this story, for or against the cop.

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We shall see. I am sure everyone will have a measured response and wait for all of the facts before they militantly pick a side.






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With the shooting....my two cents.


When you are pulled over or questioned by the police you are detained. The police are expecting the unexpected so any rapid movement or fighting back bad things are going to happen. Take it from me I know and learned the hard way you can't fight the law. Even tho my situation was more unique and in a small town it still rings true you don't fight the law.


From the video I seen he was pinned down but still resisting. There was reports he had a gun so the "victim" should've been more cooperative for his sake.


Now that it was a black man oh my god it's going to be Furguson Mo. all over again.

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With the shooting....my two cents.


When you are pulled over or questioned by the police you are detained. The police are expecting the unexpected so any rapid movement or fighting back bad things are going to happen. Take it from me I know and learned the hard way you can't fight the law. Even tho my situation was more unique and in a small town it still rings true you don't fight the law.


From the video I seen he was pinned down but still resisting. There was reports he had a gun so the "victim" should've been more cooperative for his sake.


Now that it was a black man oh my god it's going to be Furguson Mo. all over again.

Your white, your fucking guilty. What exactly were you convicted of? You keep giving us these little hints, but never divulge what it was. I think you're bullshitting.

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