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White Boy Privilege


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So much for the land of opportunity. So much for taking responsibility for yourself.

This eighth-grader believes America is all about white privilege and wrote a poem about it that won his school’s slam poetry competition:

– Royce Mann, 14, took first place at an end of the year slam poem contest at The Paideia School this year and a YouTube video of his rant “White Boy Privilege” is now going viral online, RollingOut.com reports.

In the video, Mann – a white boy – apologizes to black people, Asian Americans, Native Americans, immigrants and “everyone who isn’t a middle or upper class white boy.”

Mann told Fusion he was inspired by his school lessons to pen the profanity-laced social justice white privilege poem.

“That was the first time I did slam poetry,” he said. “I wrote it because I became aware of white privilege this year. We have a class called Race, Class and Gender that everyone has to take, and I got really passionate about how unfair it is.”

The Paideia School posted Mann’s diatribe on its Facebook page in May but couldn’t control the comments so they shut it down, Mann said.

Yeah I bet they shut it down. What phony baloney that kid has been indoctrinated with at school.

If you want to blame someone, blame the Democrats for continuing to enable victimhood, for keeping blacks enslaved to the government by the waterfall of freebies and welfare they keep doling out.

Under the Obama administration, the percentage of the population on government assistance increased from at least 18% to over 21% from 2009 to 2011. The amount of people in the workforce has dropped to the lowest it’s been in 38 years!

The cycle of dependency is growing and if people just accept lives of dependency, then they are just as much to blame as anyone else.

It’s time to stop blaming the white man for all that ails and begin looking at how each of us can improve our lot in life. After all that’s why this country was founded, so that individuals from all different walks of life could have the freedom to prosper just as much as the other, and I believe that is still the case.


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Wow it took like 3 or 4 paragraphs before "obama did it".....congrats we're making progress


Obama has been horrible for race relations in this country. Time after time he has been a divider instead of a uniter and race relations have only gotten worse in his 8 years.

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"Checked my bank account someone forgot to deposit my white privilege this month."

I can't even right now. Shit Lord. It doesn't matter how much money you make you need to pay reparations for what your distant ancestors did shit lord. Even if your ancestors died to fight it whatever. Still white.



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Here is what should be said to all students in our schools regardless of race or sex: "work hard, work smart and be the best at what you do and you will be successful in this country".


Simplistic and not always accurate, but admirable nonetheless.

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