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How Many Draft Picks Do You Think We'll End Up With?


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I'd LIKE to see us ending with at least 8 draft picks coming off a 4-12 season. I think it's extremely doable without trading away anyone too significant. I'd rather here some opinions and see the rationale instead of looking at a poll with numbers.


Saw a draft special this week where John McVey, whom worked with Walsh in building SF Championship teams, said they did did CONTLESS trade downs for guys that were risky picks due to previous injuries and got lucky in almost all cases. Sometimes you gotta roll the dice to win.

- Tom F.

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Its looking like the 6 we have unless something breaks soon perhaps 2 more for BE sometime today so i guess 8 at best and likely 6 unless mangini trades next years draft away...which i dont see happening.. ;)


I dont see BQ going anywhere or DA for the time being so we dont have much to trade with...hehehehe

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NE wants to trade up, is willing to trade their #1, and two second round picks.


You could get Rey well before the dirty stinkin stupid ratbirds get him.


Or, maybe Moreno. Or...Mack, before the Steelers get him.


I look for the Browns to make at least one major trade down,


to nab players ahead of the ratbirds and steelers, and really get them po'd.


If yer gonna dream, dream big.

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NE wants to trade up, is willing to trade their #1, and two second round picks.


You could get Rey well before the dirty stinkin stupid ratbirds get him.


Or, maybe Moreno. Or...Mack, before the Steelers get him.


I look for the Browns to make at least one major trade down,


to nab players ahead of the ratbirds and steelers, and really get them po'd.


If yer gonna dream, dream big.


Do you think BB would deal with Mangini and potentially help him out?


I don't know. Just wondering.


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I believe he would - reportedly he wants Raji, and there is only one like him in this draft.


I still predict the Browns will draft Sammie Lee Hill.



I want to keep my predictions consistent. Except for Joe Thomas, they've all been wrong... @@

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NE wants to trade up, is willing to trade their #1, and two second round picks.


You could get Rey well before the dirty stinkin stupid ratbirds get him.


Or, maybe Moreno. Or...Mack, before the Steelers get him.


I look for the Browns to make at least one major trade down,


to nab players ahead of the ratbirds and steelers, and really get them po'd.


If yer gonna dream, dream big.


Cal, we ended up getting Mack in a tradedown and I think he was prolly high on Pitt's list. That's a good job by you!


I'm PUMPED that we're getting more picks overall. There's ALOT of guys in that upper round 1 that aren't going to justify the ginormous signing bonuses. I have to confess I felt REALLY GOOD for Oher kid that Baltimore drafted. That's quite a story. Picture the guy with the very low IQ in the story "Of Mice and Men" finding his niche in life as an NFL Tackle worthy of first round cake and it reminds you America can STILL be a pretty damn good place to live.

- Tom F.

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Cal, we ended up getting Mack in a tradedown and I think he was prolly high on Pitt's list. That's a good job by you! THANKS, Mr. Flugels !


I kept thinking I was really going to HATE the Steelers getting Mack to anchor their oline for the next ten of his all-pro years.


The trades down, with getting Mack? PRICELESS ! Mack will really make a difference. Fraley really struggled, we can't have that.


My only problem with the draft so far, is no RT. It's amazing that Jamon Meredith is still there. Very, very interesting.


And, I think the Browns picked up the sixth rounder(s)? to add to a trade tomorrow. Say, a trade involving DA and or BE


and a sixth or something, to get a third round pick, with Jamon Meredith, Sammie Lee Hill, or Rashad Jennings as the target.



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