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Wikileaks dumps a bunch of shit, and Trump likes pussy


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These leaks just show that neither candidate is worth a shit. A crook (Clinton), a blowhard (Trump), and a dumbass (Johnson) These are really the best we can come up with?

I'd say, with great confidence, that more people are voting for their particular candidate because they hate the other candidate than voting for them because they actually like their policies.

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I think Trump is dead after this leak. I know it's a long time ago, but it will kill him.


Bill Clinton sexually assaulted women and with one woman Juanita Brodderick he raped her but somehow he gets a pass. Hillary today says women who claim they are sexually assaulted have a right to be believed but when her husband was sexually assaulting women she did her best to destroy the women. She gets a pass. Trump said some things 11 years ago in what he thought was a private conversation he shouldn't have and apologizes, That should be the end of the story but it won't.The double standards are infuriating. Night after night I watch the national news and every night it is the same whatever negative story they can find on Trump. Of course the MSM jumped all over this story but they did not even report the damaging revelations from Wikileaks on Hillary.

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These leaks just show that neither candidate is worth a shit. A crook (Clinton), a blowhard (Trump), and a dumbass (Johnson) These are really the best we can come up with?


I'd say, with great confidence, that more people are voting for their particular candidate because they hate the candidate than voting for them because they actually like their policies.


I didn't like Trump in the primary but I have come to see if there is anyone who can upset the apple cart in Washington and not be controlled by special interest groups and lobbyists and do some things that are in the best interest of the country instead of the politicians it would be Trump.

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I think Trump is dead after this leak. I know it's a long time ago, but it will kill him.

Sorry, but if the best they can come up with is a video of a private conversation from over a decade ago, I have no reason to believe this will be any different than the other 50 times trump has shot himself in the foot.

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Another story the MSM has never reported on:

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook


Where have you been for the last year, man? That's been brought up everywhere for at least that long. Hell, Cal's made probably 3 threads about it already.

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Where have you been for the last year, man? That's been brought up everywhere for at least that long. Hell, Cal's made probably 3 threads about it already.


No I saw this story about Hillary gloating over setting a child rapist free on Fox and other alternative new media. I never saw the MSM touch this story. The Trump video was on national news tonight and would have been the lead story on all three MSM networks if not for hurricane Matthew.

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I obviously don't think Trump's comments will have a positive effect.


But really a billionaire talking about getting any pussy he wants, everybody already knew that.


The wikileaks stuff did reveal that mooks (clinton campaign) coordinated with David Brock/super PACs


I mean that's illegal so I wonder if people will talk about that, some other juicy stuff in the wikileaks too

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No I saw this story about Hillary gloating over setting a child rapist free on Fox and other alternative new media. I never saw the MSM touch this story. The Trump video was on national news tonight and would have been the lead story on all three MSM networks if not for hurricane Matthew.


You bring up media bias like it's breaking news. Everybody knows that there is media bias. Am I saying it's right? No, I think we'd be better served if our news sources just reported the news with as little bias as possible, but that isn't the world we're currently living in. I lean left, and i'm perfectly fine admitting that news sources like CNN and MSNBC lean grossly to the left. However, I find it odd that my counterparts on the right do not admit the same about news sources on the right, like FoxNews, the Blaze, Drudge Report, etc.


For example, let's take the "story of the day" with this Trump gaffe. Take a look at these screenshots I took just a few minutes ago:


Since CNN and MSNBC are left-leaning, the news about Trump is front and center, and very prominently negative. However, when we look at conservative media it's either buried in some small corner of the site:
...or spun to attempt to minimize the damage to Trump:
So, is there media bias today in the MSM? Yes. But, it's not solely a product of the left, the right does it just as well. Media bias isn't a one-way street.
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You bring up media bias like it's breaking news. Everybody knows that there is media bias. Am I saying it's right? No, I think we'd be better served if our news sources just reported the news with as little bias as possible, but that isn't the world we're currently living in. I lean left, and i'm perfectly fine admitting that news sources like CNN and MSNBC lean grossly to the left. However, I find it odd that my counterparts on the right do not admit the same about news sources on the right, like FoxNews, the Blaze, Drudge Report, etc.


For example, let's take the "story of the day" with this Trump gaffe. Take a look at these screenshots I took just a few minutes ago:


Since CNN and MSNBC are left-leaning, the news about Trump is front and center, and very prominently negative. However, when we look at conservative media it's either buried in some small corner of the site:
...or spun to attempt to minimize the damage to Trump:
So, is there media bias today in the MSM? Yes. But, it's not solely a product of the left, the right does it just as well. Media bias isn't a one-way street.



Media bias is a 2 way street but the MSM reaches far more people and has more influence than one small cable news Fox or talk radio or some of the other new alternative internet media. So the bias goes both ways but one side (liberal) has a big advantage.


On television it stacks up like this: ABC,CBS,NBC,MSNBC,CNN,Public Television, all lean left with a counterweight of one cable news Fox that leans right.

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Also, this is the biggest ammo they had against Trump and they just used it.


I hope this is all they had...this was no coincidence that this story was put out there the same time as Wikileaks...they were obviously holding on to it to release at the most opportune time...actually if wikileaks forced them to release it now it is probably better than 3- 5 days before the election. At least now Trump has some time to respond.


Trump just gave a statement:



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I didn't like Trump in the primary but I have come to see if there is anyone who can upset the apple cart in Washington and not be controlled by special interest groups and lobbyists and do some things that are in the best interest of the country instead of the politicians it would be Trump.


I am not sure who I despise more, Ted Cruz for selling his father and wife down the river to support a man whose character he correctly nailed when he dropped out of the race, or Donald Trump who stiffs small businesses in his multiple bankruptcy practice which he refers to as "smart". There is a great scene in "Hud" when he and his father are discussing Hud's idea to unload cattle before the government forces them to liquidate them for hoof & mouth disease. Melvyn Douglas playing the old man looks at Paul Newman playing Hud and says, "You are an unprincipled man Hud."


That is Trump in a nutshell. He'd sell us all down the river if he had to chose country vs. himself. He is an unprincipled man. His own party is finally coming to that correct conclusion. He's a con.

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Oh come on texx.

These terrible attacks against Ted Cruz wife and father were nothing.

They weren't even really attacks.

If there was a photograph of Hillary Clinton's father hanging out in the same room with a famous assassin it would be news.

And when Ted Cruz Super PAC ran the attack on Trump's wife?

And while screaming about the evils of Wall Street beside his wife works for Goldman Sachs? Come on.


And as far as the locker room talk, are you serious boys? Are any of you so pure of heart and deeply offended? Please.



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I am not sure who I despise more, Ted Cruz for selling his father and wife down the river to support a man whose character he correctly nailed when he dropped out of the race, or Donald Trump who stiffs small businesses in his multiple bankruptcy practice which he refers to as "smart". There is a great scene in "Hud" when he and his father are discussing Hud's idea to unload cattle before the government forces them to liquidate them for hoof & mouth disease. Melvyn Douglas playing the old man looks at Paul Newman playing Hud and says, "You are an unprincipled man Hud."


That is Trump in a nutshell. He'd sell us all down the river if he had to chose country vs. himself. He is an unprincipled man. His own party is finally coming to that correct conclusion. He's a con.


Id say Cruz's "support" for the party rep for pres is hardly reason to be "despised'" especially since he is really out of the spotlight - Father and wife really?


but whatever to keep an unrealistic hatred alive for the guy who probably should be the candidate

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I am not sure who I despise more, Ted Cruz for selling his father and wife down the river to support a man whose character he correctly nailed when he dropped out of the race, or Donald Trump who stiffs small businesses in his multiple bankruptcy practice which he refers to as "smart". There is a great scene in "Hud" when he and his father are discussing Hud's idea to unload cattle before the government forces them to liquidate them for hoof & mouth disease. Melvyn Douglas playing the old man looks at Paul Newman playing Hud and says, "You are an unprincipled man Hud."


That is Trump in a nutshell. He'd sell us all down the river if he had to chose country vs. himself. He is an unprincipled man. His own party is finally coming to that correct conclusion. He's a con.


I know who I despise the most and that would be the Clintons. She sold our national security down the river to have her own private email server whom the FBI said was less secure than Gmail. Some of the most confidential and top secret material in this country passed through her unsecured server (which she only had to escape any public scrutiny). Worst yet she was absolutely guilty of at the minimum gross negligence in handling classified material but even our FBI is now shown to be corrupt in not only how they investigated her but in not referring her for criminal charges. Skating away from justice has always been the story with the Clintons. If any military person had done what she did they would have been court martialed.


What just came out of wikileaks is that she is for open borders and when she called TPP the gold standard of trade deals she meant it contrary to what she is saying now. She will say and do anything to get elected. Her and her husband became multi millionaires by giving 30 minute speeches for a half million dollars or more and she used her position as sec of state for a pay to play scheme to get money for her Clinton foundation which primarily just enriched the Clintons.


She lied through her teeth about Benghazi to try and keep her incompetence from being exposed to the point of lying to the Benghazi victims families and blaming the Benghazi attack on a youtube video which she knew was a lie and that it was a terrorist attack. She saw to it the innocent maker of the youtube video went to prison.


Despicable describes the Clintons.

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You knew this shit was coming.

Trump said what Bill did for 8 years...but that was no big deal right?



Fucking libtard hypocrites.


And what isn't sinking in for liberal fuckwads (and Reps jumping ship) is that many of Bills infidelities took place not on his own time, but on OUR time...in the White House as president.


Trump talking about pussy 11 years ago big whoop.

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