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Newt Gingrich UNLOADS On Megyn Kelly Over Donald Trump: ‘You Are Fascinated with Sex!’


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This obsession by the trump campaign with megyn kelley has long jumped the shark. If they dislike her so much stop sending ur allies there. It looks so bad for them everytime they have a dustup with her


The point Newt was trying to make are the real issues most Americans care about are not being discussed with the liberal media bias fixated on this stuff. I have made a point to watch the nightly news for a couple of months and I can tell you night after night they only run negative stories on Trump and gloss over negative stories about Clinton and here is some data that proves it:

Media and Trump bias: Not even trying to hide it anymore


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The media is not fixating on and obsessed with sex - they are fixating on and obsessing over the presidential candidate boasting about his sexual assaults.


And the other presidential candidate who was an enabler for her sexual predator husband and she led the charge to destroy the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting them. The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton saying all women who accuse men of sexual assault have the right to be believed when she called her husband's accusers bimbo's and tried to destroy their lives? The hypocrisy is about too much to take.

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And the other presidential candidate who was an enabler for her sexual predator husband and she led the charge to destroy the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting them. The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton saying all women who accuse men of sexual assault have the right to be believed when she called her husband's accusers bimbo's and tried to destroy their lives? The hypocrisy is about too much to take.

That was deflection. This in no way defended Trump. It just makes him on even footing with Bill.


This all makes sense. Whoever wins between these two will be yucking it up and having drinks with the other after the election.

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That was deflection. This in no way defended Trump. It just makes him on even footing with Bill.


This all makes sense. Whoever wins between these two will be yucking it up and having drinks with the other after the election.


Yes it is deflection and to be honest when a number of women come forward with allegations of sexual assault I tend to believe the women. I believed the women against Clinton, the women against Cosby and most of the women who have come forward against Trump seem credible. I have some issues with the timing of coming out weeks before the election with the allegations though. My problem has been in the amount of coverage this story has gotten replacing other newsworthy stories such as wikileaks.

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Steve Hayes: Hillary is smiling right now because she got away with EMAIL COVERUP

Stephen Hayes was on Fox News this morning discussing the email coverup of the Hillary campaign that we are learning about via the Podesta emails.


Hayes says there’s no question that what we are seeing now from the Podesta emails and the FBI’s summaries on Patrick Kennedy from the State Department is a coverup. Hayes says we can look back now and see all the lies that Hillary told, but that Hillary and her campaign must be smiling right now because they got away with it.




* she got away with it because of our corrupt media

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Maybe in backwards Steve land, where "she shouldn't have dressed like that" is a legitimate defense

I think the point being made is that Trump's comment to grab 'em by the pussy, even though crass and demeaning is still only a comment, and does not = assault, where as of right now, Trump is not guilty of nor has been found guilty of in a court of law. Yet, the MSM has made him guilty and is turning to illogical emotional reactions and judgement to sway public opinion. All the while, they continue to ignore the large amounts of evidence against HRC, the Clinton Foundation, Bill and his sexual exploits and HRC defense of her husbands actions and offense against his accusers, voter fraud comments by the Dem Party and the list could go on and on.


What man on this forum hasn't said something behind closed doors about women, to other men, and what they would like to do to them sexually, or gawked and said crass things. If you haven't, you're lying.

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lsd isn't good for you, Cleve.


You wouldn't last 48 hrs backpacking in any wilderness.


I believe Kelly is manuevering to go get a giant paycheck and work

for CNN or the like.


She has to resolve her moderate/conservative rep first.

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lsd isn't good for you, Cleve.


You wouldn't last 48 hrs backpacking in any wilderness.


Dude i bsckpack with elevation training masks. If u tried walking half a mile with the weight on ur back that i do ontop of the elevation mask, you would die. Massive arterial blockage. Ur heart would give out before ur arty knees

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and yet, you still wouldn't know how to survive alone. You wouldn't have

obaMao help from others to make you all safe and well-fed, with obamaocare

instant freeloader meals.


have a nice day. btw, I can almost work all day long again, I'm up to 4 hours splitting or chain

sawing wood.


Now, in another ten or twenty years I won't be able to do that anymore, but I still can.


Where do you backpack? Democratic nazi hq? free pizza and cheap beer? Chris will probably want to know.

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Here's the transcript. Was he rude? Nasty? Non-politically correct? Sure.

What he never said that he forced himself on women he said that they will allow you to do anything if you are famous. Which mostly they will. And any guy who's been around the block once or twice knows that.


If you think dames that hang around by the dressing room door or the locker room or outside the corporate office aren't ready to drop trou for famous people, actors, athletes, musicians celebrities, etcetera you're out of your mind on top of being stupid.

Just like your whining little butt buddy Cleve.


No bended knee, no begging and pleading, no wedding ring no contract.



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and was a hollywood business guy...


not president.


libs ignore bill and higgardly forever, but feign indignance at Trump.


Most folks see through it.

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and yet, you still wouldn't know how to survive alone. You wouldn't have

obaMao help from others to make you all safe and well-fed, with obamaocare

instant freeloader meals.


have a nice day. btw, I can almost work all day long again, I'm up to 4 hours splitting or chain

sawing wood.


Now, in another ten or twenty years I won't be able to do that anymore, but I still can.


Where do you backpack? Democratic nazi hq? free pizza and cheap beer? Chris will probably want to know.

Never said i was bear grylls, but i could hack it in the wilderness for awhile as long as it wasnt extreme survival situations like dead of winter or something like that.


Ive started training for a trip out to the andes which is why i got the mask.

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Well, have a great time - stay safe. sounds like a serious venture.


at least I don't think you'd have to worry about grizzlies....


I would love to be stranded on a big small island in the late spring, early fall, middle of a big lake, in Canada or

Alaska, and survice for a few weeks, with just a .22 and some fishing line.


No bears/moose....

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