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Tasty McDonalds McRib Sandwiches


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I love how some of u are still adorably oblivious as to how our food chain works. It aint "just" rectums that go into shit like hotdogs. Any of u that still eat them at the ballgames have eaten rectum along with hoofs and colon pieces etc,etc,etc.


This is why i barely eat period anymore and when i do its shit ive seen cooked infront of me practically. I have like 3 restaurants that ill go to occassionally but zero fast food anymore. I know what these cunts do with their food.


You just wanna go to some of these countries and scream at them to not let these ngr fgt american companies into to their country so they can sell them fried pig shit in a fun kids box with toys in em

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I love how some of u are still adorably oblivious as to how our food chain works. It aint "just" rectums that go into shit like hotdogs. Any of u that still eat them at the ballgames have eaten rectum along with hoofs and colon pieces etc,etc,etc.

This is why i barely eat period anymore and when i do its shit ive seen cooked infront of me practically. I have like 3 restaurants that ill go to occassionally but zero fast food anymore. I know what these cunts do with their food.

You just wanna go to some of these countries and scream at them to not let these ngr fgt american companies into to their country so they can sell them fried pig shit in a fun kids box with toys in em

Paranoia will destroy ya!
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If its paranoia than why are republican governors all over the country trying to subvert capitalism by making it illegal to videotape what goes on in slaughterhouses and making it available to the public? Dont you want to know if some company that u get certain products from is fucking off and putting shit in there that shouldnt be in food period?

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If its paranoia than why are republican governors all over the country trying to subvert capitalism by making it illegal to videotape what goes on in slaughterhouses and making it available to the public? Dont you want to know if some company that u get certain products from is fucking off and putting shit in there that shouldnt be in food period?

Call the FDA is my answer. Not only do I go though state regulations I also have to deal with corperate hired inspectors (REVS). I score very high. Some moron blabbering on the Internet is barking to a deaf ear.
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You are looking at the main ingredient for a McRib sandwich. Ugh..Just proves the theory that as long as you dunk anything in barbecue sauce you're good to go.



I wonder if they look like an onion ring?
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Don't eat them but they say if you watch sausage being made you wouldn't eat it so I don't watch sausage being made. :)

That depends on who's making the sausage. I'm sure the big, world famous, sausage companies use disgusting parts of the pig, but I have friends that make it at the Westside Market. And it is not disgusting at all. And so tasty

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That depends on who's making the sausage. I'm sure the big, world famous, sausage companies use disgusting parts of the pig, but I have friends that make it at the Westside Market. And it is not disgusting at all. And so tasty

Don't Ask Don't Tell.

Point of reference, Smuckers pickle relish.



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I love how some of u are still adorably oblivious as to how our food chain works. It aint "just" rectums that go into shit like hotdogs. Any of u that still eat them at the ballgames have eaten rectum along with hoofs and colon pieces etc,etc,etc.


This is why i barely eat period anymore and when i do its shit ive seen cooked infront of me practically. I have like 3 restaurants that ill go to occassionally but zero fast food anymore. I know what these cunts do with their food.


You just wanna go to some of these countries and scream at them to not let these ngr fgt american companies into to their country so they can sell them fried pig shit in a fun kids box with toys in em

I don't know who actually expressed surprise. I believe everyone knows that gross shit gets eaten. I mean, christ, who has never heard of head cheese or pickled pigs feet?

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