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Scenario : You're a Billionaire


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OK your a billionaire and you have the opportunity to buy your beloved Browns.... first question would you do it or would the hassle be too much? and secondly what changes would you make this off season ? You can put forward any change ideas within reason ( ie not getting someone unattainable ) ....lets say the head coach did not pick his staff who would be President, GM, Coach, OC and DC .... and would you carry on building through the draft or use the cap we have to make FA splashes ?

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I would buy them and I wouldn't change a thing about anything football related until the end of the 2018 season. I'll let Hue make changes to his staff if he wants. Same with Sashi. I might make some business moves with season tickets and whatnot. Other than that, I'm hands off, except for hookers and blow.

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OK your a billionaire and you have the opportunity to buy your beloved Browns.... first question would you do it or would the hassle be too much?

To make your scenario work would mean that I would have to agree to do it. So, lets assume I do agree to do it.


and secondly what changes would you make this off season ? You can put forward any change ideas within reason ( ie not getting someone unattainable )

Well, if I am the owner, I can do anything I damn well please, now can't I....without restrictions from YOU. So, I can try to get anyone I want whether you think they are unattainable or not. (but lets assume that say, Bill Belichick will not be coming...I get you)


....lets say the head coach did not pick his staff who would be President, GM, Coach, OC and DC


President of Football....assuming it is not me or my wife:

Tom Dmitroff...he is GM of the Falcons...but if he becomes the President/GM of my team it would be an upward move, no?

HC: Josh McDaniesl...he is just about ready to be an HC again. Similar to BB, failed at one place, can do outstanding for me

OC: Josh's younger brother Ben McDaniels, currently QB coach of the the Chicago Bears. (if he can deal with Cutler he can handle anyone) He and Josh would be on the same page at least.

QB coach: Scott Loeffler. Currently OC for Boston College. He has been an OC in the Big Ten, SEC and ACC for ten years.


And here is another clue for you: Everyone of the above personell is a native of Northeast Ohio....in fact, all are from Barberton, Ohio.


For a "guru" type then, I would bring in John Mackovic....former Chiefs/Texas/Illinois HC (also Barberton native)

My regret is that I can't bring in Barberton native Bo Schembechler....he be dead.


And you know....the above would NOT be the worse plan in the world...a pretty good one in fact imo.

.... and would you carry on building through the draft or use the cap we have to make FA splashes ?

Sure...but that is what you hire a GM etc. to do.

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I would buy the Browns. Build a new stadium, with retractable roof, let the coaches stay until the new stadium is done. And if they still suck......EVERYONE GOES AWAY


Then if we can't get a team to play in the Super Bowl We can host one as a city

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Loved this place. See the island? At the narrowest point, there was a gap in the rock, it went up into

the island maybe ten-15 ft? Clouds of fish. There is also an underwater park. Someone was yelling

"baracuda", and one of our friends that went with me back out there, wasn't a great swimmer.. and she

kinda freaked and got a little wave that choked her, we and three other swimmers hid in the crevice until

it left. It is freaking beautiful. She lost her watch, I dove down and retrieved it in about 8', and when I came up,

I found out I had brushed against some fire coral... with my inner upper thigh. Burns like heck.



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Loved this place. See the island? At the narrowest point, there was a gap in the rock, it went up into

the island maybe ten-15 ft? Clouds of fish. There is also an underwater park. Someone was yelling

"baracuda", and one of our friends that went with me back out there, wasn't a great swimmer.. and she

kinda freaked and got a little wave that choked her, we and three other swimmers hid in the crevice until

it left. It is freaking beautiful. She lost her watch, I dove down and retrieved it in about 8', and when I came up,

I found out I had brushed against some fire coral... with my inner upper thigh. Burns like heck.




LOL! You don't have to hide from barracudas. They are harmless but look very fierce. I had my kids and I swimming with barracudas further around the bend from Trunk Bay (which you have pictured). I came back about 20 years later to St. John and swam with the largest barracuda I have ever seen either in person or on film. I think one of them grew up.



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LOL! You don't have to hide from barracudas. They are harmless but look very fierce. I had my kids and I swimming with barracudas further around the bend from Trunk Bay (which you have pictured). I came back about 20 years later to St. John and swam with the largest barracuda I have ever seen either in person or on film. I think one of them grew up.



Been there. Love St. John.

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LOL! You don't have to hide from barracudas. They are harmless but look very fierce. I had my kids and I swimming with barracudas further around the bend from Trunk Bay (which you have pictured). I came back about 20 years later to St. John and swam with the largest barracuda I have ever seen either in person or on film. I think one of them grew up.



Thats what billionaires do.....swim with barracudas.....everyday too


My Cuda would have a hemi

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