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Trump officially elected President, surpasses 270 electoral college votes


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an elector from PA was trying to vote, and those in charge couldn't hear what they

were saying = votes for Trump...because the marxist asswholes in the balcony? were screaming

"shame on you" or something.


The left has shown it's true colors. And an elector was on Fox news, talking about getting so many emails and letters,

and at least one threatening a member of his family about to be murdured with a bullet....


that's the left, the owners of what used to be a genuine American political party.

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And the special snowflakes are melting :lol:


WATCH: Protester Melts Down When Wisconsin Electoral Vote Confirms Trump as President “This is MY America!!”



I saw that. What a fkg mil generation example. She will need counseling for the rest of her life.

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woodpecker doesn't know Real America - he dreams of a giant socialist aviary where every

birdbrain has a gay, cross-dressing male nanny that helps them get dressed in the morning, have tea and crumpets,

and provides them a daily allowane for existing.



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woodpecker doesn't know Real America - he dreams of a giant socialist aviary where every

birdbrain has a gay, cross-dressing male nanny that helps them get dressed in the morning, have tea and crumpets,

and provides them a daily allowane for existing.



Fuuuuuck. If somebody wants to get me a beverage and biscuits in the morning I'm all about that.


Who wouldn't want that type of catering?!?!

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The fact that the greatest insult that could be leveled at some men is to be called a woman is why we need feminism. Same deal with being called gay. It's why people complain about the world being run by almost exclusively straight (white) men.

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The fact that the greatest insult that could be leveled at some men is to be called a woman is why we need feminism. Same deal with being called gay. It's why people complain about the world being run by almost exclusively straight (white) men.

You think there's any basis in human nature for that? Or just a big conspiracy?



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The fact that the greatest insult that could be leveled at some men is to be called a woman is why we need feminism. Same deal with being called gay. It's why people complain about the world being run by almost exclusively straight (white) men.

Whoa, steady on the brakes there, Tyrone. Have you looked into mainstream feminism lately? Yikes.


If the ideal male behavior under feminism today means being like this:



...then I'll take a pass on that and just have to be lumped in with the rest of the evil patriarchy, then:


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