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Another cop proving BLM's narrative..


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This is getting old. This black lady was calm and did what she was supposed to do by calling police cause some dude grabbed her 7 year old son by the neck, apparently cause the 7 yr old didn't pick up a piece of paper....if any of us grabbed a 7 yr old by the neck we'd be in jail. But instead officer Fife questioned the lady as to why it wasn't ok for a grown man to grab a child by the neck. And then predictably shit spirals out of control. Video is iron clad, this black family gonna get "paid". Honestly this cop needs to be shot. I mean in the grand scheme of shit he didn't do anything that bad but i'm tired ngr fgts like this cop every other fucking month fucking off and we have to go through this racial bullshit constantly. I want him shot. I don't want random retaliation against other cops...i want "THIS" cop shot..i don't care. Maybe if one of these guys gets offed instead of some random cops that just serves to make everyone feel sorry for cops, maybe then these assclowns that keep giving cops bad reps will cut this shit out.


The video begins with Craig explaining to the officer that her children told her that a man in her Fort Worth neighborhood grabbed her son by the neck after the child refused to pick up litter.
“You could’ve came to me,” Craig tells the accused man, who stands nearby. “Don’t put your hands on my son.”
“Well why don’t you teach your son not to litter,” the officer responded.
Craig then replied, “He can’t prove to me that my son littered, but it doesn’t matter if he did or didn’t, it doesn’t give him the right to put his hands on him.”
“Why not?” the officer responded
.<---that's on the video, verified. See if for yourself. And that's why this cop ought to have a bullet in his head. I don't want to hear about no peace officer questioning why it "isn't" ok to put your hands on a 7 yr olds neck. I would not have bothered to call the police if someone grabbed my 7 yr old nieces neck...that's what firearms are for.



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The cop is another idiot who shouldn't be a cop, couldn't properly assess the narrative and the context of the situation. He probably came in with a huge bias towards the situation and the neighborhood he was entering assuming that a certain outcome would arrive and the split second that an action occurred confirming his confirmation bias, he acted, improperly, and should either be fired or suspended until he understands the horrible error made.

However, he does NOT deserve a bullet to the head, and if there is a narrative that is completely wrong with the BLM movement, it is the retaliation that the narrative espouses. For you to say the cop "ought to have a bullet in his head" is a gross and out right disgusting proposition. This cop is an idiot, should be taken off the streets before he does something worse, but a bullet is not appropriate.

Explain why a bullet is justified?

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This is why people get the wrong idea about the police. Some evidently bad examples are all it takes for people to turn against them. Yet, overwhelmingly, police officers are good people. Something like this comes up what, every couple of months? So six per year or something? Out of over a million police officers?

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The cop is dumb as fuck and should get canned immediately. It seems he went into the situation wanting the family to be wrong.

I don't doubt there's the same thing happening when 'city' cops are called out to a 'domestic incident' involving white pill-billies in your neck of the woods, it just doesn't get as much exposure.

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Explain why a bullet is justified?



Because im tired of this bullshit thats why. The black guy who started the church fire and wrote vote trump on the wall needs the same deal. Im sick of tired of human bullshit. Id rather these situations solve themselves with a quiet bullet to the brain than to be dragged on and on in our news cycle for weeks on end. Im tited of all racial talk from either side. Mainly causebmost of y'all are too stupid to properly engage the issue.


So if ur a cop in "these times" and youbshow up and pull some shit like that, especially knowing ur on video........someone pls just make these people go away. If i was a fellow cop and that to patrol the same neighborhood as that cunt id be fixin to make that dude have an unfortunate accident. We've already seen cops get shot for the misdeeds of other cops.

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So no one can accuse me of being unfair this article is from The Washington Post (Should set up Woody and Chris' bullshit detectors) and does have a left slant but still...



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So no one can accuse me of being unfair this article is from The Washington Post (Should set up Woody and Chris' bullshit detectors) and does have a left slant but still...



I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but I'm pretty sure most people here knew that stuff already? That while white people are killed more than other ethnic groups, proportionally it's not the case.

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Because im tired of this bullshit thats why. The black guy who started the church fire and wrote vote trump on the wall needs the same deal. Im sick of tired of human bullshit. Id rather these situations solve themselves with a quiet bullet to the brain than to be dragged on and on in our news cycle for weeks on end. Im tited of all racial talk from either side. Mainly causebmost of y'all are too stupid to properly engage the issue.


So if ur a cop in "these times" and youbshow up and pull some shit like that, especially knowing ur on video........someone pls just make these people go away. If i was a fellow cop and that to patrol the same neighborhood as that cunt id be fixin to make that dude have an unfortunate accident. We've already seen cops get shot for the misdeeds of other cops.



I'm sure everyone is tired of your bullshit too...you whiney ass liberal POS.


Do you have any idea of how many police/civilian confrontations there are per year?

Did you ever hear the term "shit happens"?....and I'm not talking about the day you were born.


An estimated 1 in 8 U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 31.4 million persons, requested assistance from police at least once, most commonly to report a crime, suspicious activity, or neighborhood disturbance.


About 85% of persons who requested police assistance were satisfied with the police response.


No statistical differences were found between the percentage of Hispanics (86%), blacks (85%), and whites (83%) who reported a crime or neighborhood disturbance and felt the police were helpful.


About 9 in 10 persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem.



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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but I'm pretty sure most people here knew that stuff already? That while white people are killed more than other ethnic groups, proportionally it's not the case.

Hey Chris I'm so sorry. Here I posted something that everybody seems to know already.

And yet...



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For sure but the cop still has to be professional and get the facts before making a judgment call.

He seem reasonably calm.


As an aside wasn't somebody complaining here recently about one of the common insults thrown around these days in the form of calling a man a woman, or in this case bitch?


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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but I'm pretty sure most people here knew that stuff already? That while white people are killed more than other ethnic groups, proportionally it's not the case.

If you look at crime rates by race/ethnic group then it's proportionally the case.


More confrontation = the more you get shot. Sometimes your fault, sometimes the police officers fault.


I am against militarizing the police regardless. Police should be there to deescalate situations but they tend to act like video game heros instead. At least in the US of course.

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So that's the extent of the outrage here?




Pretty sure the outrage here is that the cop was completely disinterested in hearing about a 7 ye old child getting assaulted. Even questioned why it would be wrong to do so. I mean the basics in life really tend to just pass you by.



If the roles wete reversed and it was a white child that got choked by a black man.........take a wild guess how that would have ended

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If you look at crime rates by race/ethnic group then it's proportionally the case.


More confrontation = the more you get shot. Sometimes your fault, sometimes the police officers fault.


I am against militarizing the police regardless. Police should be there to deescalate situations but they tend to act like video game heros instead. At least in the US of course.

It's quite different here in the UK, FWIW. Police are by and large approachable, friendly, and mostly respected. And in turn, they respect the people they're there to protect (and serve...).


Which is quite different to france, I'm told. Mrs gft was literally stunned when we were out one day and there was some march or demonstration or some such, and I asked the copper what was going on, he answered, and it was cordial. Like "you would never do that in france, the police would never answer, you'd probably end up in trouble," so there's that.

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Pretty sure the outrage here is that the cop was completely disinterested in hearing about a 7 ye old child getting assaulted. Even questioned why it would be wrong to do so. I mean the basics in life really tend to just pass you by.



If the roles wete reversed and it was a white child that got choked by a black man.........take a wild guess how that would have ended

Guess? Okay my wild guess is that you would accuse the white kid of being racist or something and deserving it.



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Guess? Okay my wild guess is that you would accuse the white kid of being racist or something and deserving it.



God u prove over and over everything i say about you. Look if thatblack kid called the white guy a a racial epithet than still not ok to choke him, but at least i understand. But that wasnt the case here was it? From what i can tell it was a piece of paper on the ground, and like not even on the guys property.

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God u prove over and over everything i say about you. Look if thatblack kid called the white guy a a racial epithet than still not ok to choke him, but at least i understand. But that wasnt the case here was it? From what i can tell it was a piece of paper on the ground, and like not even on the guys property.

I doubt your perception of the situation that you know nothing about has much validity.


By the way, choke? Are we getting a little hyperbolic here?



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this officer was stupid, smart ass, and looking for trouble, I reckon. Pretty much the exact

worst way to handle a domestic situation.


but this one example doesn't "prove" the blm false narratives against all police. That is also stupid.

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In the first place do you believe the mother who says somebody actually choked her kid for an innocent littering? If you do fine. I'm thinking about some of the hillbillies I know that exaggerate the living shit out of anything.

I guess if the guy actually grab the kid and tried to choke him out there have been a hospital report. Or just grabbed him by the Scruff of the neck and said pick that up...


And don't misunderstand I'm sure there are plenty of cops whose badge and gun make them feel like they are God and probably fuck with people.


It didn't seem like it got out of hand until the second screaming bitch jumped up on him. And I didn't see any ass beating that would have required the amount of histrionics involved.



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Hey westbside ur a legit moron ok? Im serious ur as sharp as a wet bag of shit. The issue isnt whether the white guy "actually" choked the little kid. That would have required "investigations" right? Its like conversing with a 4 year old.


My 7 year old niece watched this video last night and nailed it. She said why didnt the cop ask the guy if he choked the kid and why was he sounding like its ok to do that? Correction i think shes 8 now. So westbside steve gets beat in the game of life by an 8 yr old girl.

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