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You Watch Fox News Because....

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The entire mainstream media are left leaning journalists who approach the stories they present with that slant and viewpoint. Fox is the only one who presents a conservative side. When there are stories that go against the liberal narrative they either not get covered or minimal coverage in the MSM. Fox will give coverage to those stories and that is the reason Fox has catapulted to the top of the cable news networks. Most conservatives see what the MSM is doing with their journalism and reporting and go to Fox.

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Fox has the hottest women. Always a chance for an upskirt.


I find it amusing to switch between different news channels to see

how each channel covers the same story, based on their ideological slant.


If I want just the facts, I check out the BBC.

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They always wear those short dresses or skirts, then they diligently either keep their legs tightly pressed together or crossed the whole time.


I'm sure it helps their ratings but jeez just wear a longer dress or put on some pants.

No shit. I busted the zipper in my fly looking at them a few times.

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I like to get both sides of the story. I spend a lot more time watching MSNBC, usually in the morning but once in awhile I will check out a portion of Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews or Ed Schultz just to see what they're screaming about.

I don't like interviewers who scream over the guests.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity tend to do that.



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The entire mainstream media are left leaning journalists who approach the stories they present with that slant and viewpoint. Fox is the only one who presents a conservative side. When there are stories that go against the liberal narrative they either not get covered or minimal coverage in the MSM. Fox will give coverage to those stories and that is the reason Fox has catapulted to the top of the cable news networks. Most conservatives see what the MSM is doing with their journalism and reporting and go to Fox.

How is Fox *not* mainstream?

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How is Fox *not* mainstream?



Good question:


"They are describing media through the worldview of 1949 through 1987, when talk radio, television news, and the vast majority of news papers across the country were representatice of a fairly limited ideological spectrum as a result of an FCC rule called the Fairness Doctrine. Starting with Rush Limbaugh and extending across talk radio and Fox News, there was an extensive departure from that status quo of paternalistic obligation to be ideologically "balanced" as defined by the judgement of an authority figure. This is deemed by conservatives then and now as damaging to freedom of speech, since it disallowed many kinds of dissenting ideas in broadcast media. Media that maintains the views of this semi-censored era are deemed "mainstream" with a negative connotation suggesting it is manipulated by authorities or deceived by the biases of that authority."

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How is Fox *not* mainstream?

Because the bulk of their programming is opinion-based? And almost all of their opinion based programming is conservative or at least right of Center?

Also because I would call the mainstream media the three major networks news departments and the major newspapers. All of which are or should be primarily new even though they are all left of center. Hope this helps.

I wouldn't call MSNBC The mainstream media nor The Daily Show.


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Fox News is the only 'Fair and Balanced' news channel.

I don't agree with you 100%. I watch CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and CSPAN whenever I'm able to catch the Senate or Congress in session. I prefer a broad prospective of things and do my best not to lean towards either side. To me both sides have been a disappointment for the last 16 years. While I didn't vote for Trump I pray that he can spearhead a break in the cycle of unproductivity in Washington D.C. If not, on to the next one.

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