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Dirty corrupt ObaMao - angry crash and burn departure - hurting America and Israel


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Help me understand what is with this new found love and trust of the Russians? Especially after it was proven they were hacking and tampering with the election.


Whoever it was supposed to favor is irrelevant. The fact they were hacking and interfering in our electoral process should disturb ALL Americans. Forgive me for being skeptical of Vladimir Putin.

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Help me understand what is with this new found love and trust of the Russians? Especially after it was proven they were hacking and tampering with the election.

Whoever it was supposed to favor is irrelevant. The fact they were hacking and interfering in our electoral process should disturb ALL Americans. Forgive me for being skeptical of Vladimir Putin.

Bullshit. Tampering the election? We're they casting votes or slipping secret notes? Oh no this is about when Hillary's e mail scandal came out. Oh let's see it started when se was SOS?


Do the math Marcus.


Are we seriously supposed to guess that the "Russians" hi jacked Hillary's e mail accounts to make her campaign lose some legitimacy? Or no wait a sec was they going to attack us? Lmao.

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So what was all of that in the news (all media outlets mind you) about them identifying hackers? I'm just saying. This is a ? show. Since Putin has been President it's always been something with the Russians. But we go from leaving him to his own devices, to not trusting him, to getting back into the mix with him, to now he's a cool dude? It doesn't add up.

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Help me understand what is with this new found love and trust of the Russians? Especially after it was proven they were hacking and tampering with the election.


Whoever it was supposed to favor is irrelevant. The fact they were hacking and interfering in our electoral process should disturb ALL Americans. Forgive me for being skeptical of Vladimir Putin.

I'm sorry Marcus, but that is a way too rational line of thinking.

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Help me understand what is with this new found love and trust of the Russians? Especially after it was proven they were hacking and tampering with the election.


Whoever it was supposed to favor is irrelevant. The fact they were hacking and interfering in our electoral process should disturb ALL Americans. Forgive me for being skeptical of Vladimir Putin.


Im thinking the same - but with the usual skepticism about the media. They sure do love it when you hear about it non stop. Especially when it gives Obama


the appearance of doing something very very tough....


OTOH - what about Putin , AND Russias involvement with Assad - butchering and murdering innocents. What exactly does Trump think when he claims


Putins intellegence over what WILL be a foreign policy event waiting for him? Will it be just like Obama and forget about it?

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So what was all of that in the news (all media outlets mind you) about them identifying hackers? I'm just saying. This is a ? show. Since Putin has been President it's always been something with the Russians. But we go from leaving him to his own devices, to not trusting him, to getting back into the mix with him, to now he's a cool dude? It doesn't add up.

Frankly I've never had much of a problem with the Russians and think this entire affair has been ginned up because the Democrats are bitter about losing the election. Nobody who would willingly vote for Hillary Clinton gives a fuck about crooked politicians or anything her flunkies could do or say. Just like Donald Trump's supporters don't care that he said bad words 30 years ago) somebody in Russia hack the DNC one reason could be that the DNC is sloppy as shit like Hillary was. Number 2 they didn't uncover anything that didn't actually go on. If they made it up that would be one thing but the dams are mad they got caught with their pants down. Same thing with law enforcement Marcus.

If you break into a suspect's house who's banging a 12 year old girl and throw him in jail I'm glad of it. I'm upset with the guy fucking the little girl not the officer that brought that crime to light.



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Frankly I've never had much of a problem with the Russians and think this entire affair has been ginned up because the Democrats are bitter about losing the election. Nobody who would willingly vote for Hillary Clinton gives a fuck about crooked politicians or anything her flunkies could do or say. Just like Donald Trump's supporters don't care that he said bad words 30 years ago) somebody in Russia hack the DNC one reason could be that the DNC is sloppy as shit like Hillary was. Number 2 they didn't uncover anything that didn't actually go on. If they made it up that would be one thing but the dams are mad they got caught with their pants down. Same thing with law enforcement Marcus.

If you break into a suspect's house who's banging a 12 year old girl and throw him in jail I'm glad of it. I'm upset with the guy fucking the little girl not the officer that brought that crime to light.



I have to ask. So this is the same stance you would have if the shoe was on the other foot? As I said in my first post the fact that Russia would've hack either convention is troubling to me.


I kinda agree to disagree on the ends justifying the means side of things. I get it; but I'm sure some people out there would be just as furious if it was the RNC hacked instead and rightfully so.

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I have to ask. So this is the same stance you would have if the shoe was on the other foot? As I said in my first post the fact that Russia would've hack either convention is troubling to me.


I kinda agree to disagree on the ends justifying the means side of things. I get it; but I'm sure some people out there would be just as furious if it was the RNC hacked instead and rightfully so.

Sure I'd have a somewhat different take if it were my guys being outed, still I'd be pissed off at my guy for being crooked.

And Donald Trump suffered worse than hacking he suffered from Hillary's Partners in the mainstream media who happily broadcast bogus reports of sexual assault and child molestation. That's worse, I think, then snooping around and finding out the DNC is crooked.


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So what was all of that in the news (all media outlets mind you) about them identifying hackers? I'm just saying. This is a show. Since Putin has been President it's always been something with the Russians. But we go from leaving him to his own devices, to not trusting him, to getting back into the mix with him, to now he's a cool dude? It doesn't add up.

It sounds like you're a bit paranoid. We can all get along with Russia it doesn't mean we have to give Putin our debit card pin numbers.
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A. Obamao is a coward on the international stage - afraid to make a decision because he might

not gain politically with his leftwing base, so he does nothing. Like he and higgardly did nothing about

Benghazi. Did nothing about the obamao's own red line in syria. Obamao caused his own problems,

our problems, in the world.


B. All this blather about "the russians did it".. is bs. The release of wikileaks... they say they didn't get it from the russians.

I haven't seen any evidence that the russians did, and I don't trust this dirty obamao regime, not any dept.


We have just learned that 200 or so employees and contractors working for the HOMELAND SECURITY dept...were

accepting bribes. So, I don't get upset about russian hacking until I see evidence of it being true. And besides, if it is true,

what we learned about this corrupt gov regime is priceless.


So far, it is the ATTEMPT to screw around with getting information about our election. Come on, how can anybody

be mad about the release of the wikileaks information? I don't care who it hurts poitiically, we need to know corruption.

I don't care what poitical party, or color of skin, etc et, we ....need....to....know....about.....corruption.


C. Sorry, but after russia invaded Georgia, higgardly pushed the RESET button, with her famous stupidass, ugly laugh.


Where was all the pro obamao/higgardly angst about them thinking putin was "cool dude" then?


It just seems like political liberal flippity-flippity to me. "Good that higgardly wants reset with russians" "Bad that trump says

nice things about russians".



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Heres my take on the rooskies. On the one hand they did expise hillary, a good thing imo. But they also chose to not leak dirt they undoubtedly have on the right. And they've got it all, snowden gave them the keys. Prior to the election everyone on the right was holding party line about russia until putin sailed trump into office. Why he did that is still up in the air. He could very well blow up our country by introducing some shit on trump, and in the end thats what you all hav to understand is likely russias goal.


Putin plays his own game he doesnt give a fuck about the U.S or donald j trump. At his earlisr convenience he will fuck trump. Then y'all will act you always hated him

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What kind of dirt do you think they had on the Republicans that they didn't show the world? The stuff on the DNC wasn't even all that egregious. It would have only pissed off the handful of Millennials who were going to vote for Bernie Sanders, who, despite everyone's hopes and wishes was never a viable candidate. Every other fucking new organization shook the bushes and trees to shake out each and every lying bitch that had some horror story to tell about being groped. And they had Gloria fucking Allred.

There was more dirt strewn around buy Hillary's Compadres in the media that ever came out of the Russians supposeD leaks. And every bit of that lukewarm news was meaningless because Hillary supporters knew she was a crook all along. Just the way everybody knew Donald Trump was more than likely a horndog. Grow up kiddies.



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cloward-piven, last chance to make it happen because higgardly didn't win to continue the mess.


It's about crashing America, to rebuild it in obamao's muslim/marxist image/

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So what was all of that in the news (all media outlets mind you) about them identifying hackers? I'm just saying. This is a ? show. Since Putin has been President it's always been something with the Russians. But we go from leaving him to his own devices, to not trusting him, to getting back into the mix with him, to now he's a cool dude? It doesn't add up.

What was that in every news outlet that said Hillary was going to win and it wasnt even close?

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The equivalency would have been putin sending money to the rnc. As far as i can tell obama didnt order the likud party to be hacked. So some differences for sure. If obama had sent his own money to donate to anti netanyahu campsigns, im fine with it. But he sent taxpayer money and thst is bullshit no matter how much i loathe that cunt netanyahu

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