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Jimmy says.....


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Ok....so Jimmah spoke yesterday....declared the season as a disappointment(IE..not the plan).....and went on to say that they have confidence that the crew that didnt succeed this year will succeed next year......HA!




He pointed to 3 steps we need to take for success.....let's review them, shall we....????


— Jimmy Haslam on keys to the future-


No. 1, we’ve got to re-sign our key players.


Ok.....really????......so, after the debacle that was FA 2016, we will suddenly start to value our own and we have done the things needed to get players to stay?.....Ill believe it when I see it.....


Sign Bito, Collins, Pryor and Kirksey for a good start.......



No. 2, we’ve got to be appropriately aggressive in free agency.


Ok....really(again)?......what does appropriately mean?.....cause signing one crappy washed up QB and a nobody linebacker aint gonna get it......How about signing some player who will fill holes in the team, instead of replacing big paychecks with little ones.....



and No. 3, we’ve got to have a great draft......


Hahahaha....no shit sherlock.....year 2, here we go.......on the edge of my seat, as I expect Shashi(and his group) to suddenly go from clueless to above average instantly......


Honestly......it's gonna take SEVERAL great drafts to get this team to elite and, right now, there is zero indication that we have the people in place to make that happen.....


In Jimmys defense....he stood up there like a man and took the hits.....admitted he sucks as an owner.....admitted they keep making bad choices.....admitted this season was a failure.....admitted they are bad custodians of this once great franchise......etc etc etc.....


Then he said they will work work work to get it right.....


Somehow, Im not convinced......

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Ok....so Jimmah spoke yesterday....declared the season as a disappointment(IE..not the plan).....and went on to say that they have confidence that the crew that didnt succeed this year will succeed next year......HA!




He pointed to 3 steps we need to take for success.....let's review them, shall we....????


— Jimmy Haslam on keys to the future-


No. 1, we’ve got to re-sign our key players.


Ok.....really????......so, after the debacle that was FA 2016, we will suddenly start to value our own and we have done the things needed to get players to stay?.....Ill believe it when I see it.....


Sign Bito, Collins, Pryor and Kirksey for a good start.......



No. 2, we’ve got to be appropriately aggressive in free agency.


Ok....really(again)?......what does appropriately mean?.....cause signing one crappy washed up QB and a nobody linebacker aint gonna get it......How about signing some player who will fill holes in the team, instead of replacing big paychecks with little ones.....



and No. 3, we’ve got to have a great draft......


Hahahaha....no shit sherlock.....year 2, here we go.......on the edge of my seat, as I expect Shashi(and his group) to suddenly go from clueless to above average instantly......


Honestly......it's gonna take SEVERAL great drafts to get this team to elite and, right now, there is zero indication that we have the people in place to make that happen.....


In Jimmys defense....he stood up there like a man and took the hits.....admitted he sucks as an owner.....admitted they keep making bad choices.....admitted this season was a failure.....admitted they are bad custodians of this once great franchise......etc etc etc.....


Then he said they will work work work to get it right.....


Somehow, Im not convinced......


Another great post from the world according to Mud!


In a league where the Jimmys and Joes are just as important as the X's and O's - Jamie Collins and T. Pryor need to be prioritized for getting new deals/contracts here like you mentioned w/ Kirksey and Bitonio. I don't understand the reluctance to do so. Am I missing something?


I guess the hope I'll cling to is Jimmuh's ability to stand up like a man and accept the blame you mentioned above - especially if actions speak louder than words. We've had leadership egos here in the past that refused to accept any accountability for the sinking ships.


I think there's too many Chiefs and not enough Indians in our current FO structure. If I was Haslam, I'd look to Ernie Accorsi for some consultation here. It would be money well spent.

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Ok....so Jimmah spoke yesterday....declared the season as a disappointment(IE..not the plan).....and went on to say that they have confidence that the crew that didnt succeed this year will succeed next year......HA!




He pointed to 3 steps we need to take for success.....let's review them, shall we....????


— Jimmy Haslam on keys to the future-


No. 1, we’ve got to re-sign our key players.


Ok.....really????......so, after the debacle that was FA 2016, we will suddenly start to value our own and we have done the things needed to get players to stay?.....Ill believe it when I see it.....


Sign Bito, Collins, Pryor and Kirksey for a good start.......


As time passes we all tend to forget that none of the FA's that left wanted to be a part of this shit show, can't put that on them. Don't bring up Schwartz, he fucked up thinking he was better than he is and lost a gamble. By the way where did he go? Now how do we keep Collins and Pryor both? Franchise or overpay?

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I'll bet they're also working on raising the 2017 ticket prices.

They will keep them the same but sell us on the bullshit that the overall cost will be 10% cheaper due to London. Would it be a good investment to purchase my London tickets and sell them for euros on one of the ticket markets??

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As time passes we all tend to forget that none of the FA's that left wanted to be a part of this shit show, can't put that on them.

Well, Mack is the only one where that was clearly the case......


But the real questions are, what did they do to replace those guys????....and....What did they do to change the perception for the next FA class???


You can put that on them....

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2016 is an evaluation year, 2017 will be the fill in the blanks year and 2018 AFC North Champs. Of course I would take 18 a year early if we could.

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2016 is an evaluation year, 2017 will be the fill in the blanks year and 2018 AFC North Champs. Of course I would take 18 a year early if we could.

Not much of an answer, ace......


Evaluation of what?...a bunch of middle round picks and UDFA's who played like a bunch of middle round picks and UDFA's?......


how do we fill blanks when no one wants to come here or sign on for the "plan"???


Is there a long line of football talent chomping at the bit to sign up with this FO and Coaching staff???.....


Are there a bunch of top Pro's who see what most of us cant??......


I dont think so.....

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Well, Mack is the only one where that was clearly the case......


But the real questions are, what did they do to replace those guys????....and....What did they do to change the perception for the next FA class???


You can put that on them....

They tried and failed at both the C and RT position, slight setback that MUST be rectified this offseason. Did you see this OL 6'9" 320lb monster they added this past week. If they can get him to pan out that would be awesome.

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They tried and failed at both the C and RT position, slight setback that MUST be rectified this offseason. Did you see this OL 6'9" 320lb monster they added this past week. If they can get him to pan out that would be awesome.

They tried nothing.....and instead, just inserted last years back ups....who weren't good enough then, and still arent....


And they did it everywhere.....LB.....FS.....SS.....OL.....DL.....Etc....


A complete fail....100%

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Ha!....bully?.....I prefer realist.....

I have to have faith so I don't talk myself out of paying my renewal.

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I have to have faith so I don't talk myself out of paying my renewal.

Thats cool.....I get it(really).....heck, I was also a blind loyalist....for years....even decades.....


But there comes a time.....even with family and loved ones.....where tough love is the only answer.....and, for me, that time has come.....


Now.....Im judging.....and watching.....and calling a spade when I see it.....


Football is supposed to be fun....and I will stay tough until the fun returns.....(and will be keeping my $$$ in my pocket too)....


Sold my seats when the team left....and havent regretted it yet......

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Only part where I disagree with you is last years free agents. The team only won 3 games with those guys on the team so how good were they really? I'm willing to keep an open mind and wait and see what happens. 4 picks in the top 50, a bazillion dollars under the cap. There are a lot of oportunties to make this team a whole lot better next year.


Pryor has said before he wants to stay with Hue so hopefully that is the case.

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I'll bet they're also working on raising the 2017 ticket prices.

Nah, after 1-15 no way they can raise prices. Expect a humongous jump after the first winning season though.

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Only part where I disagree with you is last years free agents. The team only won 3 games with those guys on the team so how good were they really? I'm willing to keep an open mind and wait and see what happens. 4 picks in the top 50, a bazillion dollars under the cap. There are a lot of oportunties to make this team a whole lot better next year.


Pryor has said before he wants to stay with Hue so hopefully that is the case.

agents overvalue and teams undervalue, what is a #1 WR that gets 1000 yrds worth?

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Only part where I disagree with you is last years free agents. The team only won 3 games with those guys on the team so how good were they really?

Id say they were at least 2 wins better.....and if we believe the "fire everybody" crowd from last year...possible several games better than that...(7 the year before).....


My beef, all along, hasnt been that we shoulda kept them....it's been that we shoulda replaced them.....big difference.....


Simply cutting players then inserting their backups(you know, the guys who couldnt beat them out to begin with?) isnt a good plan for success......

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Only part where I disagree with you is last years free agents. The team only won 3 games with those guys on the team so how good were they really? I'm willing to keep an open mind and wait and see what happens. 4 picks in the top 50, a bazillion dollars under the cap. There are a lot of oportunties to make this team a whole lot better next year.


Pryor has said before he wants to stay with Hue so hopefully that is the case.

Re: those FAs, I'd say good for about two more wins. :) If this was a total youth movement, mission accomplished.

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I'll bet they're also working on raising the 2017 ticket prices.

I can't imagine anyone would be thrilled about any increase in prices after a 1-15 season, 1-7 at home.


Who do they think they are the Indians? (I understand Tribe ticket packages are doing well.)

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Re: those FAs, I'd say good for about two more wins. :) If this was a total youth movement, mission accomplished.



Well..if you're using the baseball plan. If you aren't winning, you need to be losing and acquiring young talent and draft picks. That plan works in baseball, we will see if it works in football. Hopefully 4 picks in the top 50 turns into the impact players that it should.

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As time passes we all tend to forget that none of the FA's that left wanted to be a part of this shit show, can't put that on them. Don't bring up Schwartz, he fucked up thinking he was better than he is and lost a gamble. By the way where did he go?

Schwartz went to Kansas City, where he is now playing for the number 2 seed in the AFC. He lost for sure, bigly.

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Gabe and Mack are sittin pretty too......and are credited with being a big part of Atlantas success this year....


Anyone else notice that Gabe is tied with Julio Jones as the top TD producer on that playoff team?....(twice as many as Coleman, in a back up role.... btw)

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Gabe and Mack are sittin pretty too......and are credited with being a big part of Atlantas success this year....


Anyone else notice that Gabe is tied with Julio Jones as the top TD producer on that playoff team?....(twice as many as Coleman, in a back up role.... btw)

I'm not going to lose sleep over Gabriel - he's in a system that suits him with an MVP candidate QB and one of the best wideouts in the league to draw coverage. I'm guessing Coleman would do just fine in that spot also.


Mack, it sucks we couldn't keep him but I get being tired of the losing, and he had no intention of sticking around, so I'm not pinning that on Sashi and Co. either. Schwartz though...we created that void ourselves.

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well....somewhere in this thread, the point was these guys all sucked and our team sucked when they were here.....so no loss


But my point(and yours too) would be that these guys maybe werent the reasons we sucked.....and maybe we let some good ones go in the purge.....and these guys, who we thought were shit, are producing for far better teams....that got even better with them.....while we got worse without them....


So....again....they're gone.....but the choices the FO is making are not standing the test of time.....Im sure we have many players who would be better on better teams(ala your point with Gabe).....so do we keep letting them go because we arent good yet?....


The FO needs to be able to recognize talent when it's here....not when it flourishes elsewhere....lest we repeat the cycle....

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Ok....so Jimmah spoke yesterday....declared the season as a disappointment(IE..not the plan).....and went on to say that they have confidence that the crew that didnt succeed this year will succeed next year......HA!




He pointed to 3 steps we need to take for success.....let's review them, shall we....????


— Jimmy Haslam on keys to the future-


No. 1, we’ve got to re-sign our key players.


Ok.....really????......so, after the debacle that was FA 2016, we will suddenly start to value our own and we have done the things needed to get players to stay?.....Ill believe it when I see it.....


Really.....if we had just kept Mitchell Schwartz I think this team would have been much better off.


Sign Bito, Collins, Pryor and Kirksey for a good start.......



No. 2, we’ve got to be appropriately aggressive in free agency.


Ok....really(again)?......what does appropriately mean?.....cause signing one crappy washed up QB and a nobody linebacker aint gonna get it......How about signing some player who will fill holes in the team, instead of replacing big paychecks with little ones.....


LIke a young, veteran quality OL...and maybe a DB or two.



and No. 3, we’ve got to have a great draft......


Hahahaha....no shit sherlock.....year 2, here we go.......on the edge of my seat, as I expect Shashi(and his group) to suddenly go from clueless to above average instantly......


Honestly......it's gonna take SEVERAL great drafts to get this team to elite and, right now, there is zero indication that we have the people in place to make that happen.....


In Jimmys defense....he stood up there like a man and took the hits.....admitted he sucks as an owner.....admitted they keep making bad choices.....admitted this season was a failure.....admitted they are bad custodians of this once great franchise......etc etc etc.....


Then he said they will work work work to get it right.....


Somehow, Im not convinced......

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