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If u hate gays why would u try to go on Ellen?


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I can already hear the impotent outrage that they bumped this woman from the show for giving that vile sermon, which was only conveying the word of baby cheesus blah blah blah i get it. If u feel as this woman evidently does, then why would you accept an invite on the ellen show in the first place? Like the most famous well established power lezzy on the face of the earth. According to ur own beleifs u literally accepted an invite to appear alongside lillith and her dyke minions.

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Gospel singer bullied online for preaching about homosexuality in church


The gay mob is targeting gospel singer Kim Burrell over a video that just surfaced of her speaking against homosexuality at church, which will be illegal pretty soon. Unfortunately, she was scheduled to be on the Ellen Show, and I’m betting that Ellen Degeneres will show all the “tolerance” of the LGBT community and cut her performance. (Yep and you bet correctly)


Of course, gay Black Lives Matter moron Deray McKesson is demanding she lose her employment for daring to read the Bible:



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Oh jesus...startin to see some transcripts of the speech in question. Heres one part "Burrell went on, You as a man, you open your mouth and take a mans penis in your face, you are perverted You are a woman and will shake your face in another womans breast, you are perverted.


Wow, she said in a church i beleive. I really dont have words right now. Were there kids in the audience i mean cheesus h....this woman is rheeetarded beyond description. Even if she did have a point, which is of course a debate that likely stretches back befre our written history.....did someone not teach her about time and place for certain things?

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It isn't illegal to say this stuff in church. That doesn't mean it is without consequence. We've been down this road dozens of times. Having an unpopular opinion to discriminate against others will face blowback. Religion isn't some shield to block consequences.

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Oh jesus...startin to see some transcripts of the speech in question. Heres one part "Burrell went on, You as a man, you open your mouth and take a mans penis in your face, you are perverted You are a woman and will shake your face in another womans breast, you are perverted.


Wow, she said in a church i beleive. I really dont have words right now. Were there kids in the audience i mean cheesus h....this woman is rheeetarded beyond description. Even if she did have a point, which is of course a debate that likely stretches back befre our written history.....did someone not teach her about time and place for certain things?

I am curious to know what "speaking against homosexuality" actually meant.

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It isn't illegal to say this stuff in church. That doesn't mean it is without consequence. We've been down this road dozens of times. Having an unpopular opinion to discriminate against others will face blowback. Religion isn't some shield to block consequences.

Their is no future woody. You will just die and rot into eternal blackness.

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Their is no future woody. You will just die and rot into eternal blackness.


I'll make it easy for you. If woody is who he is here at this board, and i have no reason to doubt he isn't, than it is "my" belief that it doesn't matter what he believes in he's going to "move up". You on the other hand, if you are as you portray yourself here, which i currently have no reason to doubt either, than you're going to be an ant in your next life. The word jesus out of your mouth or not you're kind of a malignant person who "at best" is scheduled for an immediate return trip through this land....you ain't "movin on" so to speak. In fact you've probably got a bunch of lifetimes to go before you wise up to some shit. That being said, you also may have some scheduled sabbaticals in a..how shall i say.....warm place?





But that's just my beliefs. :coffee:

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I'll make it easy for you. If woody is who he is here at this board, and i have no reason to doubt he isn't, than it is "my" belief that it doesn't matter what he believes in he's going to "move up". You on the other hand, if you are as you portray yourself here, which i currently have no reason to doubt either, than you're going to be an ant in your next life. The word jesus out of your mouth or not you're kind of a malignant person who "at best" is scheduled for an immediate return trip through this land....you ain't "movin on" so to speak. In fact you've probably got a bunch of lifetimes to go before you wise up to some shit. That being said, you also may have some scheduled sabbaticals in a..how shall i say.....warm place?





But that's just my beliefs. :coffee:

Thank you for your honest opinion. I appreciate it.

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meanwhile, a gospel choir was disinvited to come to ellen's show...


because they said homo whatever was a sin.


go figure. tolerance means liberals don't have to accept anybody,

everybody else has to accept them.

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Just in reference to the title of the post if your television show has a pro-gay agenda why would you invite Baptist Fundamentalist gospel singers on to your show?




Obviously she's trying to be inclusive, she obviously knows how they feel in thevend. So maybe some props to her. And the choir agreed to come on yes? But if ur singing about fgts not going to heaven and she hears about it....well

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[Kimberly “Kim” Burrell:] Source: LYBIO.net
That’s how you preach, but don’t mess with my sisters – that’s how you say it – […] so he refused his invitation to the church. Everybody in this room who’s filled with the homosexual spirit, pray to God to free you. You play with it! What does that mean? You’ll die from it. You’ll die! You play with it in God’s house in 2017, you’ll die from it.

You all came here to hear my cause? I came to tell you about sin. That sin nature – I […] – that perverted homosexual spirit, and the spirit of delusion and confusion. It has deceived many many men and women. It has caused a strain on the body of Christ and the homosexual spirit and they come up […] love everybody […] spit on ’em.

You cannot get instruction from God’s holiness with that much perversion.

You as a man, you open your mouth and take a man’s penis in your face, you are perverted […] oh Lord.

You are a woman and will shake your face in another woman’s breast, you are perverted!

[Audience Member:]
Real. Real.

[Kim Burrell:] Source: L Y B I O . N E T
It has come into our church and it has vanquished the kingdom of God. Mr. “I am delivered to the holy spirits” […] Delivery from […], spirit, can’t even talk, they have a perversion spirit, delivered […], delivered from the backbone – heartbreaking […].

[…] Because nobody would be thinking you had AIDS if a homosexual man didn’t come out and reveal what you did behind closed doors.

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It isn't illegal to say this stuff in church. That doesn't mean it is without consequence. We've been down this road dozens of times. Having an unpopular opinion to discriminate against others will face blowback. Religion isn't some shield to block consequences.

Unless you're a Muslim, the it's ok to hate fags, own women, and hold slaves.

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