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Well I Guess It Wasn't the Rooskies After All


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"Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, is a close associate of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. He says he knows where the WikiLeaks documents came from and, as Mr. Assange has insisted, it had nothing to do with the Russians. He has firsthand knowledge because he is the individual who received the documents in a clandestine handoff from disgruntled DNC insiders."

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So this article reiterated what ive been telling you monkeys for over two years, long before this election and this iki leaks business. And what was you and the other two stool pigeons reception tonto my assertions? But now that this fact fits and bolsters a current narrative being hawked, lets talk all about it.

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Which I'm fine with as an answer.


Unfortunately, that's not what we'll hear or what we have heard.

That's not what you hear from the Democrats who ran as dirty a campaign as I've ever seen.

Other Democrats excuses are that be Negros didn't turn out in big enough numbers in Milwaukee Detroit and Philadelphia thereby allowing those three states to be narrowly won by the Republicans.

Also the Democrat core of free shit voters were more united around Senator Sanders and when the DNC forced him out of the race his supporters felt like they've been screwed.

Also the historic aspect of the first woman president was offset buy her own distasteful persona.

Whether or not anyone supports him Obama was much less obnoxious.


But the Republicans didn't blame the Russians.



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No, they just blamed everyone else. Media, Mexicans, minorities, youth, etc.



And Trump didn't run a dirty campaign too? They both did.

Uh who did the Mexicans, the minorities and the young people vote for and why?


And besides the stuff you and the left made up what did Trump do that was dirty?


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Uh who did the Mexicans, the minorities and the young people vote for and why?


And besides the stuff you and the left made up what did Trump do that was dirty?



There's a difference between understanding why people didn't vote for you and blaming groups on why you lost the election. "America isn't real America anymore. That's why we lost!" Definitely not code for there are too many minorities now...



What did I make up?

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So...It's advisable to pursue a major conflict with a superpower because spite that you lost and also Republicans blamed Mexicans?

No, you're missing the point.


Both parties blame everyone but themselves when they lose, even if it's mostly their fault. That's what I'm saying. Many here are just attributing this to one side though...

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There's a difference between understanding why people didn't vote for you and blaming groups on why you lost the election. "America isn't real America anymore. That's why we lost!" Definitely not code for there are too many minorities now...



What did I make up?

You made the claim that the Trump campaign was as dirty as Hillary's. Just asking you for examples. And I'm not surprised you don't have any.



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How does a guy, no matter his credentials, how does his opinion matter when he hasn't analyzed the hardware and more importantly doesnt have access to the intelligence network that the cia and nsa has? It doesnt matter. Telling me cool stories of outdated malware means nothing when the russians would have been very careful to make it look like it was sone stuart like troll living in his moms basement.


Look its not that i implicitly trust the CIA on everything but if anyones seen the snowden movie you know what it was that snowden gave to the russians. I have zero doubt this all boils down to that stuff. If some foreign defector came to the u.s and detailed how that foreign govt was hacking into the phones and computers of 100's of millions of americans just dragnetting the whole country essentially, what do you think we would do?

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