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Pro-life protester at Anti-Trump "women's march" gets spit on, and worse


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Video shows woman being kicked off flight for yelling at Trump ...

3 hours ago - Video shows woman being kicked off flight for yelling at Trump supporter ... “There's no way I'm getting off this plane,” she said. “My husband ...



Woman Gets Booted Off Flight, Prompting Fellow Passengers to Boo ...

Oct 14, 2015 - A woman got booted off her American Airlines flight this weekend from Phoenix to Portland prior to departure, and video of the incident appears ...


Alaska Airlines kicks woman off flight for berating Trump supporter ...
3 hours ago - Alaska Airlines confirmed Monday that a woman was kicked off a flightfrom ... When asked if the woman was kicked off the flight because she berated ... Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway gets ready to go on television outside ...
conservativefiringline.com › Politics

1 day ago - A mean liberal hag was tossed off a flight to Seattle after berating and harassing a ... Bradley/Chelsea Manning Gets Last Minute Clemency On Espionage Conviction ... Woman on far right of picture was tossed off a plane after harassing Trump ... And I'm just so delighted that she got booted off the flight.


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yes, my post was in response to the new "hate crimes" agitation you brought up.

It works both ways. You just proved my point more. There is hate on both sides,

but you referred to "hate crimes" going up recently as a part of blaming Trump

for not speaking out against it.

And you haven't been around here for a long while, and when you were, you never once

complained about Obamao institigating a lot of it.

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yes, my post was in response to the new "hate crimes" agitation you brought up.

It works both ways. You just proved my point more. There is hate on both sides,

but you referred to "hate crimes" going up recently as a part of blaming Trump

for not speaking out against it.

And you haven't been around here for a long while, and when you were, you never once

complained about Obamao institigating a lot of it.


So, when did Obama instigate a hate crime? To my knowledge, he never related stories of dipping bullets in pigs blood to shoot Muslims with:





Show me that Obama instigated hate crimes, and I will complain about it. For the record, Hillary Clinton was stupid to call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables.

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The Chicago Hate Crime is Real Legacy of Barack Obama - Jeff Crouere


Jan 7, 2017 - The Chicago Hate Crime is Real Legacy of Barack Obama - Jeff Crouere: After eight long ... He literally instigated these riots and marches.

Orcinus: When Obama Was Elected: An Outpouring of Hate in 2008


Nov 12, 2016 - This is what happened immediately after Barack Obama's election. ... All four of these men wound up convicted of hate crimes and would spend the ..... google Tea Party violence :) Also, guess who instigated those BLM riots.

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Reason to Hate: Barack Obama's Racist Roots - Accuracy in Media

www.aim.org › Center for Investigative Journalism Special Reports

Jul 17, 2012 - “In Dreams from My Father, most of Davis's views offered by Obama are ..... Nowhere was the media whitewash of hate crimes of equal import, but of .... Holder has instigated lawsuits in an attempt to block voter ID laws in ...

Hate Crime in America, by the Numbers - NBC News


Apr 16, 2014 - Hate crime and the toxic ideology spread by groups that traffic in the language of ... Are they carrying out violence or simply trying to instigate it? ... surged in response to President Barack Obama's election and the economic ...

Police group director: Obama caused a 'war on cops' - POLITICO


Jul 8, 2016 - William Johnson blamed President Obama for actions that have created a 'war ... of Justice to investigate the Dallas shooting as a hate crime.

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Dallas War Zone: 11 COPS SHOT, 5 DEAD in coordinated ATTACK ...


Jul 8, 2016 - But Obama sprang into action and ginned up the hate … ... They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, ..... Obamasuckers Blacks by inciting & instigating hate towards White Christians.

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Breaking: Obama Just Dropped A Bombshell: "Then White Folks..."


Apr 8, 2016 - President Barack Obama, while addressing students at the ... it is never meant for you to realize white people hate other white people and do ... It is a crime how unfairly they are treated by police when they have done nothing wrong. ..... lies andinstigate violence and it is a disgrace to America as a whole!

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[Watch] Obama Instigating, Fueling Racism, Inserting Holder and ...


Aug 18, 2014 - [Watch] Obama Instigating, Fueling Racism, Inserting Holder and .... He and Holder spawn attacks on whites that should be called hate crimes.

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Scott Walker: More anti-police rhetoric, worse racial tensions under ...

Sep 3, 2015 - Scott Walker said anti-police rhetoric has risen and racial tensions have worsened under President Barack Obama's administration. “Instead of ...



Another Day, Another Obama Speech Blaming Cops For Bringing This ...

Jul 18, 2016 - Another Day, Another Obama Speech Blaming Cops For Bringing This Upon ... law enforcement officer and Obama is blaming police for instigating this. ... Earlier this year, the State of Louisiana amended its hate crime law to ...



Articles: Obama: All Faiths are Equal - American Thinker
May 6, 2016 - When a non-muslim kills it's a hate crime, when a muslim kills is an act of faith. .... What Obama really means is that "All religions can be exploited by and for the leftist .... "Immigrate, propagate, instigate, infiltrate and subjugate.
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• Mark Levin: Obama Administration Reeks of Anti-Semitism • 3/18/15 •


Barack Obama (US President),Mark Levin (Author),anti-semitism,Israel (Country),Jewish ... Mark Levin rips media for instigating candidate feuds ... Mark Levin: I haven't heard our civil rights leaders speak out against anti-semitic hate crimes.

Obama, BLM inspired Dallas massacre - WND.com


Jul 8, 2016 - Not only does Obama have blood on his hands as having encouraged if not furthered this hate crime against whites .... Yep, time to strike out and utilize what our ancestral heritage initiated, planned, built and sacrificed...being ...

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Police Union Criticizes Obama Shooting Response, Calls for Hate ...

Jul 8, 2016 - Friday morning, hours after the shooting of police in Dallas, Obama called ... Hate crimes typically carry harsher punishments than regular crimes. ..... I will even call it a Soros funded, MoveOn .com instigated, False Flag, US ...



Obama made racism worse over the past 8 years - Brigade
He did nothing for the rise of hate crimes and racism playing out in the US right ... to imply that President Obama himself purposefully instigated racist behavior, ...
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