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Simple question concerning voter fraud

Westside Steve

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outraged leftists are coming out of the woodwork. Like I already posted,

history tends to repeat itself, and the left's history is worrisome from the seventies.

Dangerous close to repeating itself.

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The only reason obamao and the dems want the indigent poor to flood here illegally, is because they have no choice but to vote democrat. It's power to control the demographics.

That is why they are raising hell about voter id, and us stopping illegal immigration.

******************************************** Democrats Allow Voting By Felons to Help Hillary Clinton - Breitbart

Apr 26, 2016 - Democrats Allow Voting By Felons to Help Hillary Clinton. ... So the demparty knows that I no longer give them my vote. I know...its a little ...


Illegals, Refugees, Vote Fraud: Democrats and Media Stage a Coup ...
Oct 7, 2016 - Illegals, Refugees, Vote Fraud: Democrats and Media Stage a Coup .... a political agenda, when you were part of the media who gave us ...
Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote - Breitbart
Oct 12, 2015 - Jerry Brown Signs Bill That Could Let Illegal Aliens Vote. ... On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting.
New bill could give illegal aliens voting rights in New York City | New ...
Feb 22, 2016 - New legislation is being pushed that would give illegal aliens the right tovote in New York City's 2017 elections for mayor, comptroller, public advocate, ... Michelle Obama Reveals What She Told Melania TrumpAol.com.
Hillary: Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Clinton - POLITICO Magazine
Oct 3, 2015 - Trump backs nuclear option if Dems block SCOTUS nominee ... The right to vote is intended to be a singular privilege of citizenship. But the ... This math givesstrongly Democratic states an unfair edge in the Electoral College.
Obama not 1st Dem to advocate illegals voting - WND.com
Nov 7, 2016 - As WND reported, Obama was criticized by conservatives for not giving a clear rebuke to the idea of non-citizens voting during a Nov.
Video: Obama 'encourages illegals to vote' - WND.com
Nov 6, 2016 - Did Barack Obama just encourage illegal aliens to vote on Election Day, ..... California is a state that allows giving Driver's Licenses to Illegals ...
Obama amnesty creates loophole for illegal immigrants to vote in ...
Feb 12, 2015 - President Obama's temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for ... “The president's executive order gives immigrants the right to stay ...
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This guy wants Trump to stop citing his research, ostensibly because it supports his theory to some degree and this guy is probably left leaning and therefore his colleagues will crucify him if anything he says helps Trump in any way.


but basically his findings go like this: There's an estimated 20,000,000 illegal aliens. 6.4% of them voted. Basic math says 20,000,000 X 6.4%= 1,280,000 illegal alien votes. That over 1 1/4 million illegal votes. That's voter fraud. but the left reasoning says that's not enough to make up the popular vote disparity so it wouldn't have mattered anyway, but that's still over one million fraudulent votes. I'm not sure how you're gonna go ahead and pass that off as insignificant.



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This guy wants Trump to stop citing his research, ostensibly because it supports his theory to some degree and this guy is probably left leaning and therefore his colleagues will crucify him if anything he says helps Trump in any way.


but basically his findings go like this: There's an estimated 20,000,000 illegal aliens. 6.4% of them voted. Basic math says 20,000,000 X 6.4%= 1,280,000 illegal alien votes. That over 1 1/4 million illegal votes. That's voter fraud. but the left reasoning says that's not enough to make up the popular vote disparity so it wouldn't have mattered anyway, but that's still over one million fraudulent votes. I'm not sure how you're gonna go ahead and pass that off as insignificant.





These numbers are all speculation. They are using "opt-in" online polls to get their numbers. Without having every local Board of Election office cross reference each election with the Social Security Administration we'll never know the real fact. If the Republican Party felt this was a real issue they'd be spending millions to illuminate it as to secure power.

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