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Never heard his name on Sunday.


I like Jabal. Is his injured? Out of the rotation. Has he fallen out of favor.


I have no doubt Mingo is a special teamer. I thought more of JS.

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Sheard got blown up vs Seattle and was benched.


He may have also been injured during the little playing time he had. Mingo looked the Ray Lewis one pre season game flying around the field making tackles. I would surprised if he is around next season.

So, in other words, both played like shite and were put on the shelf by BB?

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If Sheard lost his starting job around mid season wouldnt that mean that he played well for a period in time?


Youre not one for thinking these things out too far ahead are you?


He's been hurt on and off all year. Looking at the crawl during the Senior Bowl practice, he was listed as "limited" today.

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If Sheard lost his starting job around mid season wouldnt that mean that he played well for a period in time?


Youre not one for thinking these things out too far ahead are you?

I don't know who you are, but keep trolling Gipper and I will love you.

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I have always followed the Browns from afar. How could you not love the Marty Browns or appreciate the loyalty of their fan-base.


Im not here to troll and cause trouble. Im sure you guys get enough of that already.


True... but there's trolling we like and...

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If Sheard lost his starting job around mid season wouldnt that mean that he played well for a period in time?


Youre not one for thinking these things out too far ahead are you?

No, it probably means that he played like shite the whole time, but by the middle of the season BB just got fed up with him and plopped his behind on the pine.

You didn't think that out much, did you? Did you think that he benched him after just one bad game? His entire body of work would have been below par for him to get benched.

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Thats not the way it works,


The best players at practice play on Sunday. Playing good on Sunday buys you another week of practice to keep your job. Sheard was benched after a loss where he was taken to the wood shed. There is plenty of content about this on the web for you to google if you are interested in learning something about football.

So, you are saying that he played perfectly acceptable all those other games, but after having one bad game, he was benched for the rest of the season.

I find that farcical, arbitrary, and capricious. And it is unbelievable. That one really bad game may have been the final straw, but I venture it had been leading up to that for some time.

So, if Tom Brady had a bad week of practice, and a bad game, then he would get benched?

You are welcome to put links on here about it if you want.

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Remember Jonas Gray? On the cover of SI one week and sitting on the bench the next?


Google is your friend.

No. If you make reference to people, places, event, articles etc. etc. that you want us to know about, provide a link....or an explanation. It is not our job to interpret the esoterica in your mind.

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Further proof that you do not know diddly about football.

No, I just have no interest in doing your work for you. Unless...of course, you want to pay me. You make some vague reference to something out there somewhere in the universe that none of the rest of us know anything about...or care anything about likely, and you expect us all to know it?

Jonas Gray? What, was he some 7th round draft pick of the Pats back in 2002 or something?


Try your hand at the trivia I put up soemtimes ...without cheating. Lets see how much trivia you know.

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I liked Jonas Gray... but the Gray I really liked coming out of college was TAMU's Cyrus.


I really thought he'd do well at the next level, but he's out of the league now.

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You are right. You are a cunt that no one would want to fuck.

Keep going. Everyone's entertained by your downhill slide in wittiness


At least I had a level from which to go down. If its gone downhill, it is because you are the most boring person to make fun of on here. There is just no challenge to making fun of you.

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