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Rasmussen poll says 57% of Americans support Trump's temporary ban on refugees....


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Here’s what the latest Rasmussen Reports poll found:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a temporary ban on refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen until the federal government approves its ability to screen out potential terrorists form coming here…

Similarly, 56% favor a temporary block on visas prohibiting residents of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen from entering the United States until the government approves its ability to screen for likely terrorists…

when 59% of voters agreed with Trump’s call for a temporary ban on immigration into the United States from “the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism” until the federal government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists….

The refugee ban is supported by 82% of Republicans and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Democrats are opposed by a 53% to 34% margin. The numbers are nearly identical for the temporary ban on visas from these seven terrorist-plagued nations.

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  • Reuters/Ipsos polling puts it at 49% for the ban, 41% against
  • Correct the Record has been rebranded as ShareBlue and a few tens of millions are getting pumped into astroturfing the net with anti-Trump posts
  • Given the media and social media coverage of President Trump so far, you'd think it was 95% against the ban, 5% for it

God damn, these people irritate me. It didn't work for you in the election, better double down!

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certain posters used to gloat that it was the end of the republican party, America

was moving on, patriotism was over, fu, etc etc.


We just kept telling them we'll be back. Real Americans KNEW we had to switch to a Real president,

Real Americans of all colors, political parties, etc etc.


These obamao/demowhacks are acting like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"


not good. The rest of us have NEVER acted like all this radical bs garbage, and never will.

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  • Reuters/Ipsos polling puts it at 49% for the ban, 41% against
  • Correct the Record has been rebranded as ShareBlue and a few tens of millions are getting pumped into astroturfing the net with anti-Trump posts
  • Given the media and social media coverage of President Trump so far, you'd think it was 95% against the ban, 5% for it

God damn, these people irritate me. It didn't work for you in the election, better double down!


If you expected the media to report fairly and acknowledge that a bunch of American citizens are actually supportive of immigration reform I'm surprised.

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certain posters used to gloat that it was the end of the republican party, America

was moving on, patriotism was over, fu, etc etc.




Nobody ever did that. Infact it was people like you that though after 8 years of Bush it would be one republican dynasty after another. I remember Hannity proclaiming years ago that republicans look like they'll be in power for 100 years. Like 6 months later the hosue and senate got washed out and it was partisan gridlock since. Im sure there were democrats that thought similiar the first couple years that Obama was in office with a dem house but you're gonna have to provide proof of any poster here claiming that. You know, like the proof woody posted last week of your bullshit from years ago....member that? So go on, find this mythical post from someone here that said the democrats would be in power forever. I can maybe remember some people saying it looks like the republican party may split because of the tea party..but no one said the left would be in power for good. If they did they're morons. And if Trump isn't careful he's going to have the single most cantankerous house and senate in U.S history to deal with in 2 years. If he keeps up the dumb shit, the dems that come to power in 2 years will make Boehners obstructionist party look like french schoolgirls sitting around playing dolls.

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  • Reuters/Ipsos polling puts it at 49% for the ban, 41% against
  • Correct the Record has been rebranded as ShareBlue and a few tens of millions are getting pumped into astroturfing the net with anti-Trump posts
  • Given the media and social media coverage of President Trump so far, you'd think it was 95% against the ban, 5% for it
God damn, these people irritate me. It didn't work for you in the election, better double down!</p>

That would depend on the media and social media you consume

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It did seem like the Tea Party would continue to drag the party more conservative, and moderate Republicans that didn't care about gay marriage and weren't very religious would split off.


I'd say you're in a honeymoon period now. A lot of these Reps were #NeverTrump. We'll see what happens...

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certain posters used to gloat that it was the end of the republican party, America

was moving on, patriotism was over, fu, etc etc.


We just kept telling them we'll be back. Real Americans KNEW we had to switch to a Real president,

Real Americans of all colors, political parties, etc etc.


These obamao/demowhacks are acting like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"


not good. The rest of us have NEVER acted like all this radical bs garbage, and never will.

Yes I remember Cal. Shep, mz the pussy and others told us the Republican party was dead. Change is good. Obama is a 'rock star', etc. I told them then what goes around comes around, and I was right as usual.

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Yes I remember Cal. Shep, mz the pussy the pussy and others told us the Republican party was dead. Change is good. Obama is a 'rock star', etc. I told them then what goes around comes around, and I was right as usual.

Yep. Steve was there.... one of our determinations was that we weren't going

to let ourselves be quieted about posting conservative. One time, I emailed

T and was trying to convince him that they were going all out to intimidate him

and run him off the board when he made a mistake and deserved to get booted.

Eventually, he didn't listen, started going way off the deep end, and that was that.

We all need to just let other people have different opinions and lol. This instigating

personal attacks just because you disagree with somebody.... should be a part of it.

But when you start it, you get it back.


as for me, sometimes I'm full of crap, and that's funny to tell me that, and I'll understand.

but the serious antagonism because some of us DO believe in our country, have served

in the military..... or ARE liberal and see things that way, or DO have stories to tell...


it is what it is. It shouldn't be a constant attack to try to undermine the story-teller, opinion..ater.


Opinionater. lol. I don't think that's a word. lol

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