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HA. About the corrupt so-called "judge" that overruled Trump's immigration exec order


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we were just watching Watter's World, he does such a great job.


they did some checking... and guess what?


the "judge" from Seattle... has done a lot of pro bono work...

on behalf of.... immigrants and refugees.


well, isn't that nice.


and, he also lamented the crime rate/imprisonment... of blacks.

and SAID "Black Lives Matter".


No conflict of interest there, eh? I though the dems HATED conflict of interest.

Oh, that's only applying to republicans.




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so, the dems have undermined our security, our judicial system,

the presidency, our elections, our safety....


well, we elected Trump to fix it. congrats, liberal asswholes. You woke all the

Real Americans up. And they are every religion, every color, every major

political party, every age...


we are headed for serious trouble. The left has turned anarchist after losing their

once in a lifetime chance to own it all.

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we were just watching Watter's World, he does such a great job.


they did some checking... and guess what?


the "judge" from Seattle... has done a lot of pro bono work...

on behalf of.... immigrants and refugees.


well, isn't that nice.


and, he also lamented the crime rate/imprisonment... of blacks.

and SAID "Black Lives Matter".


No conflict of interest there, eh? I though the dems HATED conflict of interest.

Oh, that's only applying to republicans.




How dare that son of a bitch?

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Appointed by Bush. Dems clearly didn't screw the pooch for you on this.


I'll give credit where it is due. The democrats do a better job at getting getting their liberal judges ( who stay liberal on their rulings) on the courts than the republicans do with conservative judges. Bush Sr. appointed a liberal justice (Souter) as president and Reagan appointed Kennedy who flips around on the court sometimes siding with the liberal justices and sometimes the conservatives. Roberts flipped and went with the liberal justices on affirming Obmacare. The four liberal justices appointed by Clinton and Obama don't flip around at all. They vote in lockstep.

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so he was appointed by Bush - we all know that... republicans are NOT SUPPOSED TO



but the liberals turn right around and they sure as hell do. It doesn't matter who

appointed him. He's wrong - he has a conflict of interest, a personal vendetta

against Trump's exec order, hasn't referred to any kind of legimate law that

he is going by...

just his activist agenda. That's dangerous to our country.

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