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Trump's press conferences are a breath of fresh American air


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time to call things for what they are. No more pussyfooting around the truth, playing games with

doing nothing, saying bland things to placate the masses.


We are now in big, serious trouble, but at least we saved America, and Trump is our

spokesman. Enough aleady with the chickcrap that never means what it says and never

says what it means, and never fullfills promises.


Trump is the man. and the msm hates it.

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What I find humorous is the mainstream media complaining about not getting called for questions while alternative media are. I say to that hahaha......you call Trump Hitler, find every angle to criticize him and constantly show bias and you don't get called to ask a question..boo hoo. They say the Trump administration is showing bias against them (and they probably are) but I am glad to finally see the corrupt liberal media be on the receiving end of some bias.

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Still, I watched the press conferences - I love them. He did call on the bbc, and a few

others, and still caught the antagonism, and when they don't get the gotcha

they were trying for, they go on and on trying to continue, and ask the same question again,

then they have the coworker next to them ask the same question again...


About time to have a president with serious backbone to call it for what it is. Dishonesty/bias/fake news propagandizing.

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13 Hard-Hitting Questions Liberal Reporters Asked Obama

Liberal reporters are outraged that conservative media outlets are receiving a significant share of questions at White House press conferences.


Only liberal reporters, the line of reasoning goes, are capable of asking the tough questions needed to hold those in power accountable. Here are a sample of questions asked of former President Obama by liberal news outlets.

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We hate two threads on this. We should merge, though steve might have other priorities. Anyway, you look at the replies here, it's all "haha, he's sticking it to the liberals! snowflakes are melting" etc. while on the other there's actual discussion of the content and facts.

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There is a saying if you can dish it out you better be able to take it...no sympathy for these corrupt liberals posing as journalists crying over not getting asked for questions at press conferences. They had a slobbering love affair for 8 years with Obama but now with Trump all they do is fault finding. I have watched nightly news for a number of months even before the election and I cannot remember one single positive story they have done on Trump.



ABC News Claims There Is A Constitutional Right To Get Questions At A Trump Press Conference


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There is a saying if you can dish it out you better be able to take it...no sympathy for these corrupt liberals posing as journalists crying over not getting asked for questions at press conferences. They had a slobbering love affair for 8 years with Obama but now with Trump all they do is fault finding. I have watched nightly news for a number of months even before the election and I cannot remember one single positive story they have done on Trump.



ABC News Claims There Is A Constitutional Right To Get Questions At A Trump Press Conference


but they were fine that obamao singled out the media that criticized him


President Obama Names the Bad Guys: Fox News, Rush Limbaugh ...
Nov 18, 2016 - President Obama Names the Bad Guys: Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, ... In an interview with The New Yorker, President Obama talks about the ... WHOA: Harward Calls National Security Adviser Offer a “Sh** Sandwich”, Says CNN ... People won't see him going either - just an eminently forgettable ...
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December 1, 2008

5:12 p.m.

Why Oh Why Won’t Barack Obama Call on Fox News Reporters? By Chris Rovzar ShareTweetShare



He hasn’t turned to one FNC journalist during any of his transition-team press conferences. And, as the Huffington Post observed, today he even called on CBS’ Dean Reynolds, the reporter who famously complained about the smelly Obama campaign plane and unfriendly staff! [FishbowlDC/Mediabistro]

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Take a deep breath, America. Trump is going to be a blast of fresh air ...


Jan 12, 2017 - Each day brings fresh proof that America is hopelessly headed down the wrong track and needs to change direction. Meryl Streep's pompous ...

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weird. just pretty much over-kissy face, alright...

Everyone knows those champagne glasses came from the the Trump pee pee party. :D:lol::D:lol::D:lol:

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As someone who hates the liberal, biased and corrupt media I have loved every minute of Trump calling them out for it. The media bias is well documented and they still refuse to admit it or try and change and be more fair and balanced in their reporting. They live in their ivory towers in California and New York and can't seem to grasp the millions of people who live in 'fly over' country who have differing views.

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Convenient! NYT Says Journalists ‘Find a Renewed’ Mission Under Trump

The New York Times on Thursday discovered that journalists have found a “renewed sense of mission” under Donald Trump. Times reporters Michael M. Grynbaum and Sydney Ember explained, “For journalists anxious about the state of their profession, there is a renewed sense of mission.”

The headline cheered, “Journalists, Battered and Groggy, Find a Renewed Sense of Mission.” Naturally, the writers hinted that America could be seeing another Watergate:

What sets the Russia story apart from a typical media frenzy, journalists say, are the underpinnings of the allegations: Russian espionage and election meddling speak to grave questions of democracy and foreign policy. The image of a chaotic White House inner circle evokes troubled administrations in the past. “You have what seems to be a story of Watergate proportions,” Mr. Rich said, “married to this red hot Wild West of the new mediasphere.”

(Watergate is the obvious connection for liberal journalists talking about anything Trump-related. Earlier this week, Dan Rather warned that the President’s “lies” could be bigger than Watergate.)


The Times writers described the new journalistic passion:

The news cycle begins at sunrise, as groggy reporters hear the ping of a presidential tweet, and ends sometime in the overnight hours, as newspaper editors tear up front pages scrambled by the latest revelation from Washington. In consequence and velocity, the political developments of the past four weeks — has it been only four weeks? — are jogging memories of momentous journalistic times.


“There is this sense of urgency and energy that I feel now that reminds me of being 29 and in a very different situation: in the middle of a revolutionary situation in Russia,” said David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker, who was a correspondent for The Washington Post in Moscow during the collapse of the Soviet Union. “I’m not saying it’s a revolution now. But there is this uncertainty about what is happening minute to minute, day to day.”


Where was this drive during eight years of Barack Obama’s administration? Oh, right. That was a liberal Democrat. It’s just different.



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another liberal false narrative that is mmgw "accepted as fact" ^_^

Relax Cal it was a joke. Starting to worry that you're no fun.

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