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Trump-Reagan parallels are scary, but not for the reasons critics think


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Trump-Reagan parallels are scary, but not for the reasons critics think

The media laugh at any attempt to compare President Trump to former President Ronald Reagan, but there are many similarities, not the least of which are the withering attacks both men endured before and after they sought the presidency.


The extraordinary assaults by media, celebrities and jealous politicians against Trump have been unending. Their attacks include questioning his mental health, repeatedly comparing him to Hitler, declaring him a fascist, insisting he’s a modern-day Manchurian candidate, that he’s a traitor (because Russians!), and on and on.


The striking thing about the nature of the attacks is that they’re all personal. They are accusations meant to instill in the listener a sense of danger, provoking an existential fear of the president of the United States.


Now why would someone want to do that? And what could possibly be the result of creating that toxic environment?


Reagan withstood similar vitriol by the same and usual suspects. The Sun newspaper quoted author Steven Hayward’s recollection of the rhetoric against Reagan: “Democratic Rep. William Clay of Missouri charged that Reagan was “trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.”


Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad drew a panel depicting Reagan plotting a fascist putsch in a darkened Munich beer hall. Harry Stein (later a conservative convert) wrote in Esquire that the voters who supported Reagan were like the “good Germans” in “Hitler’s Germany,” The Sun reported.


After being attacked relentlessly by fellow Republicans during the campaign, Hollywood making their condemnation known, and the media working overtime to demonize Reagan, it shouldn’t be surprising that, within 90 days of his taking the oath of office, the president was shot by a lunatic.


The usual Hitler-fascist accusations are a daily narrative. Within the last two weeks, Democratic legislators started openly suggesting the president is mentally ill. The Hill reports, “A growing number of Democrats are openly questioning President Trump’s mental health. …. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., during a weekend interview with CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ said that ‘a few’ Republican colleagues have expressed concern to him about Trump’s mental health.”


NPR also decided to get into the act just a few days ago with an article that mused, “At 70, Trump is the oldest American president to ever take office. Couple his age with a family history of dementia. …” Yeah, subtle.


So on one hand, he’s a Machiavellian traitor cohort of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On the other, he’s a guy who is mentally ill. Oh, heck, let’s make it both. The New Republic, a leftist rag, chimed in with its obscene suggestion that the president is possibly suffering from an undiagnosed case of syphilis. Because … why not?


On Twitter and in his column at the Daily Wire, John Nolte refers to this dangerous public rhetoric against the president as “assassination dog whistles.” Then almost as if on cue, NBC News tweeted on Feb. 20, “President Trump reaches 32 days, won’t be shortest U.S. president.” So, they were expecting (hoping?) for him to not be president at this point in time?


I do believe there are many similarities between Reagan and Trump. Now with the benefit of history, where are the responsible journalists and statesmen calling for the daily vitriolic personal attacks to stop? Where are the Bushes? The Cheneys? And even the Kennedys? They all know what it’s like when a president is murdered. The media should complain all they want about Trump’s policies, but focusing on demonizing the president personally isn’t politics, it’s a danger to us all.







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Historically, leftists are those who crave power, and who will work to gain it,

and keep it, even by any means, if necessary.


There are those who somehow refuse to admit that anyone else is entitled to

win - they go Napoleon. Mob rule is groups of people who collectively exist to

get that power.


With the left now, you may as well be dealing with the kkk, blm, skinheads, pol pot,

che, "Islamic" terrorists, radical Muslims.... their existence is all in on demanding power. And they don't have free

elections. They demand their free speech, until they get power, enough to take away

all opponent's free speech.

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Regan was a fascinating President. A great public speaker and self evaluator at least in my opinion. Two qualities President Trump has yet to demonstrate but it's early yet. Wouldn't have been too big on some of his policies but definitely respect him as a President.

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Reagan was outstanding - even dems had to admire his wit, charm, and humility...


Trump is not that. But having the courage and integrity to actually do what you ran on,

is him.


The dem admiration and all, went out the window years ago in greed, corruption, and hate.

the dem party is gone....been taken over by an increasingly radical, hate group...


vicious, radical, marxist sombeitch liberals.

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Nothing in our history remotely comes close to what we're seeing now. Attempting to equate this with reagan is laughable. Its just trying to draw correlations that aren't valid for the sake of making trump look like the 2nd coming of reaganbthat republicans promised he was. That was a good laugh though ty for that obf

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false narrative. The brownshirts are the weathermen X 1100


no non-leftist pres is going to be allowed to be pres without hell being raised -

the new left all in corrupt politics.

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false narrative. The brownshirts are the weathermen X 1100


no non-leftist pres is going to be allowed to be pres without hell being raised -

the new left all in corrupt politics.


U are the pot to the leftists kettle just FYI. Nobody's in the dark about that. Ur now bitterly compalaining about the same horseshit u subjected us to for 8 years. Im frankly just a tad smug over that fact. And its only been a few weeks and ur already over it. I look forward to trolling u out for the next 4-8 years.


Infact I predict that in 4 years you "may" be glad if trump loses so you can go back on the offensive. Maybe then we can bring Barack boogey woogey obama back for u to assure us he's trying to make himself emperor

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I read things like this, and just hang and shake my head..

Well, there was a slight error on my part, as I suppose I should have said "As much as I don't like him, Reagan would have also never put himself in a position to be suspected of being beholden to the Russians as President", instead of stating it as if it was already a confirmed fact.


However, when you have high ranking GOP congressmen starting to call for an independent investigation into their own party's president: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/issa-trump-russia-probe-special-prosecutor-235387


...coupled with Flynn debacle, it does raise questions to what exactly is going on.

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At least part of the scandal of Flynn is the sabotage leak that most likely came from Obama holdovers in government. They need to be prosecuted. The conversation was wiretapped and recorded so it is known what was discussed and if there was anything criminal I would think the FBI would be looking into it. All we know for now was that Trump let him go for not being honest about this with Pence and Pence going to the media with false information. Of course this was not a problem in the Obama administration where Susan Rice took the lie about the youtube video to all the Sunday talk shows and was shortly afterwards promoted in the Obama administration.

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At least part of the scandal of Flynn is the sabotage leak that most likely came from Obama holdovers in government. They need to be prosecuted. The conversation was wiretapped and recorded so it is known what was discussed and if there was anything criminal I would think the FBI would be looking into it. All we know for now was that Trump let him go for not being honest about this with Pence and Pence going to the media with false information. Of course this was not a problem in the Obama administration where Susan Rice took the lie about the youtube video to all the Sunday talk shows and was shortly afterwards promoted in the Obama administration.

That is just exactly correct.

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