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The New(er) Violent Brownshirt Left - Wayne LaPierre's message at CPAC


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this leftwing political violence has to stop. obamao has encouraged this, higgardly is now

advocating it openly... warren is, other dems in congress......



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Wayne LaPierre has been a great advocate for many years for our second amendment rights. He sees what the left is doing trying to undermine Trump.


For all the talk about Trump fighting the liberal mainstream media what they are missing is he is not listening to them as other republicans have done in the past...tried to be nice to them and placate them and in the end it got them nowhere. While other republicans have tried (In vain) to gain favor with the liberal MSM Trump doesn't care what they think and keeps plowing ahead with his agenda and for that I salute him.

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Even though I support the second in most respects, I think lapierre is a scumbag and I'd be just as happy never seeing his face again


Maybe you know more than I do about him? What I know of him is for many years I have watched him on television defending second amendment rights and I always thought he did a good job.

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Maybe you know more than I do Cysko about him? What I know of him is for many years I have watched him on television defending second amendment rights and I always thought he did a good job.

Subtle difference between defending gun ownership and implying that anyone who shares an opposing view point will be 1) violent 2) doesn't already live in your community and 3) American freedom is solely represented as a gun.


This sounds like nothing more than a sales pitch.

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Subtle difference between defending gun ownership and implying that anyone who shares an opposing view point will be 1) violent 2) doesn't already live in your community and 3) American freedom is solely represented as a gun.


This sounds like nothing more than a sales pitch.


If not for the second amendment the founders of our country put into the constitution we very well could have lost gun rights like we have seen in other countries. There are lots of gun grabbers who would love to see our citizens disarmed and incrementally work to that end. Lose a little gun freedom here and there until you have none. Wayne has fought for our gun rights which I credit him for. At least part of our freedom is due to having second amendment rights guaranteed under our constitution.


The violence of the left has already been displayed quite a few times. Protests that are really riots with looting, arson and vandalism come to mind.

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If not for the second amendment the founders of our country put into the constitution we very well could have lost gun rights like we have seen in other countries. There are lots of gun grabbers who would love to see our citizens disarmed and incrementally work to that end. Lose a little gun freedom here and there until you have none. Wayne has fought for our gun rights which I credit him for. At least part of our freedom is due to having second amendment rights guaranteed under our constitution.


The violence of the left has already been displayed quite a few times. Protests that are really riots with looting, arson and vandalism come to mind.


Your first paragraph was completely unnecessary. Honestly, I would LOVE to know your reasoning behind typing it. As if I'm opposed to gun ownership? I have 4 myself. So, please... explain.

If you're attempting to say Wayne has fought for gun ownership, then yes, I agree. My questioning is to what end though? The NRA, as my grandfather put it, is not the organization he remembers it being. I can see why.


Second, I'll say this again. Just because someone may vote 'left' doesn't make them left nor does it make them violent. This man is painting things black and white attempting to generalize ALL whom might not agree with him for more nefarious purposes. You're an intelligent person so you cant you be that naive.

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Your first paragraph was completely unnecessary. Honestly, I would LOVE to know your reasoning behind typing it. As if I'm opposed to gun ownership? I have 4 myself. So, please... explain.

If you're attempting to say Wayne has fought for gun ownership, then yes, I agree. My questioning is to what end though? The NRA, as my grandfather put it, is not the organization he remembers it being. I can see why.


Second, I'll say this again. Just because someone may vote 'left' doesn't make them left nor does it make them violent. This man is painting things black and white attempting to generalize ALL whom might not agree with him for more nefarious purposes. You're an intelligent person so you cant you be that naive.


The NRA is probably different from when your grandfather remembered them because the left have been successful in demonizing them. I read where at one time public schools would have the NRA come in and teach gun safety to students (as if that would ever happen today).


Maybe you are not opposed to gun ownership but many are and many who know they can't take away guns in one fell swoop will chip away at gun rights every chance they can and taking away guns is their goal. I see why the NRA fights them every step of the way. Recently our federal court ruled that an AR15 could be banned as a military weapon. Really? Is it an automatic rifle like a military weapon? No. It just has the cosmetic look of a military rifle but still functions only like a legal (for now) semi automatic rifle. Now once you ban one semi automatic aren't you on the path to banning all semi automatics? Sure you are.

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The NRA is probably different from when your grandfather remembered them because the left have been successful in demonizing them. I read where at one time public schools would have the NRA come in and teach gun safety to students (as if that would ever happen today).


Maybe you are not opposed to gun ownership but many are and many who know they can't take away guns in one fell swoop will chip away at gun rights every chance they can and taking away guns is their goal. I see why the NRA fights them every step of the way. Recently our federal court ruled that an AR15 could be banned as a military weapon. Really? Is it an automatic rifle like a military weapon? No. It just has the cosmetic look of a military rifle but still functions only like a legal (for now) semi automatic rifle. Now once you ban one semi automatic aren't you on the path to banning all semi automatics? Sure you are.


I believe my grandfather meant that the NRA was recognizable as just a group of, not so much gun rights advocates, but more oriented towards education and sportsmanship.


The NRA anymore is funded by weapons manufactorers, which is exactly why you receive rhetoric from LaPierre that you do. It promotes sales and little else. There's a leftist boogeyman coming for you and you must destroy them. It's a cute narrative, truly is. I've read the comments on the NRA website, it is for the most part, a bunch of wannabe military boys that are praying a civil war breaks out so they can shoot people. I shit you not, that is the bulk of comments on some of these articles.


As if killing one of your countryman isn't a scary proposition, no.... no, it's embraced because you're preserving the 'American way'.


Can you not feel the implication in the narrative?

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I believe my grandfather meant that the NRA was recognizable as just a group of, not so much gun rights advocates, but more oriented towards education and sportsmanship.


The NRA anymore is funded by weapons manufactorers, which is exactly why you receive rhetoric from LaPierre that you do. It promotes sales and little else. There's a leftist boogeyman coming for you and you must destroy them. It's a cute narrative, truly is. I've read the comments on the NRA website, it is for the most part, a bunch of wannabe military boys that are praying a civil war breaks out so they can shoot people. I shit you not, that is the bulk of comments on some of these articles.


As if killing one of your countryman isn't a scary proposition, no.... no, it's embraced because you're preserving the 'American way'.


Can you not feel the implication in the narrative?


The leftist boogymen I see are real and they are ones who want to take away our gun rights. "Never let a crisis go to waste" is never seen more in evidence when there is a tragic shooting incident. Immediately the left goes into action on using the tragedy to take away gun rights from law abiding citizens. If not for the second amendment and those fighting for second amendment rights I have little doubt gun confiscation like what happened in Australia after a tragic shooting there would happen here. In fact Hillary Clinton was open to the idea of gun confiscation like Australia's when asked during the presidential election.

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The leftist boogymen I see are real and they are ones who want to take away our gun rights.


This is my point, you can identify members of congress, your house of representatives, senators, etc etc that you believe operate against rights you hold dear. Totally fine with that then using your voice AND vote against them.


This is NOT that. When you paint everyone across from you as 'left' then say that they are all them violent, then advocate to be every bit as violent, even though 99.99% of people are not, you create something that isn't American.


Again, do you not see that as the point of contention in LaPierre's speech? The 'Us vs them' rhetoric where he has not names, not groups, not Politicians, just... "the left".

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I call baloney. Congresspeople have lauded the violent protests,


higgardly clinton has. So, the violent, dangerously intimidating protesters are...

LEFT. And they DO have the support of a lot of very prominent liberals.


and most liberals agree with them. So the objection doesn't seem valid at all.


The whole dem party is LEFT. And they are either nonviolent/supporting violent other left...

or they are violent protesters.


We're back to the old "depends on what the definition of "Is" is"

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more false narratives. anyone who is happy with illegal immigration condones

the violence that those violent illegals commit.


anyone who doesn't support the NRA, condones the loss of our gun rights, and the violence

that happens when innocent people are defenseless and get attacked.


plain and simple. I am the NRA. Millions and Millions of us are the NRA.


Millions and millions paying $35 bucks every year, fund a lot of the NRA, as well as other

individual contributions. It isn't just gun manufacturers.


I suppose Chris Cox is terrible, too. it's all bs, false narratives. Trump won. Our

2nd Amendment rights were saved, we saved America. get over it.

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