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Progressivism/Liberalism has become the UnAmerican Communism?


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The signs all everywhere now. Subject to interpretation, sure. But I am seeing the historical

rise of complete and permanent control of gov power in many places in our country... in small ways...

and the actions of what used to be the democratic party... on the national stage.


They are refusing to share power when they don't win elections now. They will go subversive

at every nook and cranny of our country, our America.



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Truth is, I see liberals as having nazi similarities. I have said that before:




Progressivism is the US movement to promote the ideology of social democracy, the route originally to communism in those western nations that could achieve it through parliamentary rather than revolutionary means. This was with the blessing of Karl Marx himself, and for some time, all communist cells in Europe were referred to as social democratic parties, implying they were not working toward revolution.

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"Expectedly, a bunch of the rally's endorsers carried the word "progress" or "progressive" in their title, from People’s Organization for Progress to Progressive Democrats of America. More still unhesitatingly describe themselves as progressive, from racial eugenicist Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood to Norman Lear's heirs at People for the American Way, plus the usual suspects from the "social justice" Religious Left.

And then, too, there was CPUSA.

Why is this so remarkable? It's remarkable because historically, communist involvement at these rallies has been meticulously concealed, hidden from progressives, with the communists using the progressives as props -- as dupes. That the two sides here, on Saturday, happily accepted one another, proudly uniting, shows how far to the left progressives have moved, not to mention their unflagging confidence under the ascendancy of Obama-Pelosi-Reid."

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the communist movement is the great manipulator of recruiting liberals/progressives, into

supporting same goals, although for different reasons.


Votes are votes. Liberals are basically operating on emotion alone - and as such, they are easily

manipulated into the fold.



from the same link above:


"And that was precisely what spilled into the streets on Saturday, October 2 in the "One Nation" rally, fittingly centralized in Washington. This time, however, the collective was unafraid, buttressed by a confidence that coaxed the communists out of the closet and into the welcoming arms of "progressives."

Gee, you'd think that after the collapse of the USSR and the Berlin Wall, and after 100 million corpses, progressives would be fleeing communists like the plague.

The election of Obama-Pelosi-Reid in November 2008 -- by America's "independents" and "moderates" -- has dawned a new day for the American Left -- or, at least perhaps, until November 2010. We shall see."

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"The Progressive Labor Party (PLP) is a Marxist-Leninist political party based primarily in the United States. The organization was established in January 1962 as the Progressive Labor Movement following a split in the Communist Party, USA, donning its new name at a convention held in the spring of 1965. The organization played a vocal role in the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 1960s and early 1970s through its Worker Student Alliance faction of Students for Democratic Society. Following termination of American involvement in the Vietnam War, the PLP emerged as one of the leading anti-revisionist Communist organizations in the United States."

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"Progressivism attacks our constitution, the people and our freedom, Progressivism is evil and must be fought and overcome


Obama has long believed along with his progressive supporters, that Big Government and European socialism is the wave of the future for the U.S. He wrote in depth in his book ‘Dreams from my Father’ about his Father’s goals and life and championed the redistribution of wealth, worldview his twisted Father did.

What does the push for progressivism (communism) mean today? It means we cannot be exceptional and lead in business, military and freedom. We must be squeezed down, made to submit through the back door by endless regulations, taxation and litigation. While seducing and manipulating the nation to submit to Obama’s controls, we must be entertained and distracted by contrived crises, enemies and causes.

Issues of manipulation, lies and distraction

The Palestinian people are suffering at the hands of ‘apartheid Israel’ give Hamas 900 million and turn against Israel and the Jews.

The Tea Party groups want a race war, want to hang black people from trees, are terrorists, un-American and destroying America.

The Minute Men are vigilantes, hate Mexicans and don’t support the border patrol.

We create more jobs by raising more taxes of employers and achievers.

We have a healthier society by forcing all at the risk of fines and other penalties to have Government approved Health insurance.

Freedom and our constitution is secure by having leadership bypass congress and extend the Obama dictatorship with his czars.

The battle continues and is in our face and country. Progressivism attacks our constitution, the people and our freedom from the Executive Branch down. Our country never did need Big Government. Big and controlling Government has always been the vehicle to steal money from the masses, keep controls and wealth with the global elite and shred our freedom.

Progressivism is evil and must be fought and overcome at the ballot box in November 2012. America and her greatness will rise again but it will be the battle of our life time to do it. Bring it on. Join me on my national radio show Therothshow.com. Join up with the Roth Revolution and let your voice be heard.

Dr. Laurie Roth -- Bio and Archives | Click to view 0 Comments

Dr. Laurie Roth

Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit."

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oh, shut up. I was posting several links at a time - so the lefties can't just dismiss

any one link source.


Good to have ya back, where ya been?

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