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MLD Woody

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These kids today just can't spel. I blame computers and spel check!

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well, too many of the yuppie kids don't care about definitions of words, don't care about our military,

our flag, our Constitution, don't care about U.S. history, don't care about Real Marriage, don't care

about honest elections, don't care about family values....


they don't care about pickup trucks, or Bibles, or the golden rule, they don't care about

the environment (well, they say they do)...but they are the first asswholes to throw their glass

beer bottles and mcdonalds garbage out into the street, they drive their cars like some kind of

asswholeish video game, they vote for the stupidest, most asswholish candidate in any election for

their own amusement...they are very poor in sentence construction, spelling and reading...

they are temperamental over the smallest things in life, they are self-centered like they

don't really live in a country, they live in a 3 x 5 box that moves from one place to another,

and they fail to have a genuine sense of humor....


but they think they are masters of the universe, they know all things, and are offended if they are disagreed with....


and they ridicule everybody else who isn't like them, and nitpik those who are not perfect...

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