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Bill Maher in the "house"

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I don't give a rat's ass about an apology if it isn't sincere. I also think Bill Maher is smart and funny but also an asshole and that shouldn't be against the law.

We should recognize hypocrisy for what it is. If every black person in America uses the words all the time then why persecute somebody else?


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I don't give a rat's ass about an apology if it isn't sincere. I also think Bill Maher is smart and funny but also an asshole and that shouldn't be against the law.

We should recognize hypocrisy for what it is. If every black person in America uses the words all the time then why persecute somebody else?



Who really knows though if an apology is sincere or someone trying to look out for their own hide? When I was working with the court system I never liked seeing a judge order a defendant to write a letter of apology to a victim as part of a sentence. As a victim would you appreciate a letter of apology that was forced by the courts? I wouldn't.


So I get what you are saying in this case is Maher just making an apology in an effort to keep from being fired instead of tackling the issue of a double standard? If he believes there is a double standard then he should have said so instead of the apology IMO.

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Not seeing the issue here. If Puffy can say it in a joking matter, should be ight here.


I also took it as a shot against the gentlemen from Nebraska. Seems like that is being overlooked.

No doubt. I don't have a problem with-it at all. Bill Maher is an 'asshole and everybody knows it. Being an 'asshole is part of the territory on the left. And I don't think anybody on the right would-be hyperventilating over this except for the fact that it's the lefties biggest issue.

If you ever say the word N***** your entire career is down the drain .


I saw a post from somebody who is trying to make the moral equivalency of the severed trump head and among his pictures was a painting of Obama eating watermelon and smiling .



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Just sit down and let OBF try to explain to me there is a "double standard" in these two examples when the one I posted clearly shows a different context around the usage.

Of course if you can't see the double-standard why should OBF waste his time? Kind of like the old proverb about teaching a pig to sing.


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Based on this story, and the one I posted, do you think that is an example of a double standard?

Only in the specific fact that it's OK for some people to use the N word and not others. Also the idea that the N word is so destructive and foul it could not be allowed to even be uttered. Bill Maher calls people assholes and bitches frequently among other names. Which, by the way I think he has a perfect right to do.

The opinion in and of itself is that someone was elected to a position because of 6 members of a particular race and you are upset by the descriptive term.


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"descriptive term"? Really? You only see what he said as a descriptive term?


So again, you see the two stories we're discussing here, and you claim there's a double standard? Interesting...

interesting would be you pretending it's OK for somebody on the left but not somebody on the right. Well maybe it's not interesting but...


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I don't give a rat's ass about an apology if it isn't sincere. I also think Bill Maher is smart and funny but also an asshole and that shouldn't be against the law.

We should recognize hypocrisy for what it is. If every black person in America uses the words all the time then why persecute somebody else?


Probably because Maher is a rich, white male. Can't get much lower on the oppression olympics pyramid than that.


That said, it was an cringeworthy to see Maher say something that incredibly stupid.

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Probably because Maher is a rich, white male. Can't get much lower on the oppression olympics pyramid than that.


That said, it was an cringeworthy to see Maher say something that incredibly stupid.

Oh please, Don Imus was a rich white-man Doctor Laura is a rich white woman, Howard Stern is a rich white-man, Jimmy the Greek was a rich white-man Paula Deen was a rich white woman


And that said people should stop whining all the time about being offended.



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Oh please, Don Imus was a rich white-man Doctor Laura is a rich white woman, Howard Stern is a rich white-man, Jimmy the Greek was a rich white-man Paula Deen was a rich white woman


And that said people should stop whining all the time abud being offended.



I think you may have missed my sarcasm there, Steve. I was attempting to point out that it's an issue for a lot of people because a white person said "N*****". Probably wouldn't have near the uproar if an African American would've said the same thing. That's the point I was trying to get across. I was agreeing with you; just using the SJW's lingo for humor.
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I think you may have missed my sarcasm there, Steve. I was attempting to point out that it's an issue for a lot of people because a white person said "N*****". Probably wouldn't have near the uproar if an African American would've said the same thing. That's the point I was trying to get across. I was agreeing with you; just using the SJW's lingo for humor.

Sometimes I aint quite so observant as I sees myself .



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Sometimes I aint quite so observant as I sees myself .




No worries. :D I forgot to use proper Brown's Board protocol when attempting sarcasm:


Probably because Maher is a rich, white male. Can't get much lower on the oppression olympics pyramid than that.


That said, it was an cringeworthy to see Maher say something that incredibly stupid.

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