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Trump is in my town tonight

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They're coming to take him away ha ha, he he, ho ho! To a grand jury rally!! :lol: :lol:




Trump will be the greatest ever enshrined in the Liar's Poker Hall of Fame.

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Mueller is a close friend of Comey's... for a long time. Meuller hired all clinton people etc.....


it's a setup. The whole deep state can't stand having lost their control and permanent power

in their careers from regime to regime.


They hate Trump. He isn't afraid of them, doesn't need their funding, and is doing exactly what he said he'd do.


It might be too late, but the deep state delighted in opening our borders to destitute illegals - who are 100%

dependent on the deep state dems.

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The alternative was Hillary Clinton. No thanks.


No. The alternative was rational and reasonable discussion with our neighbors about quality candidates. There was a litany of decent 3rd party options as opposed to two bowls of shit.


Instead, like fools, we clung to what we do best.

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No. The alternative was rational and reasonable discussion with our neighbors about quality candidates. There was a litany of decent 3rd party options as opposed to two bowls of shit.


Instead, like fools, we clung to what we do best.


Trump beat out 16 other republican candidates to win the nomination. I was a Cruz supporter and Cruz got beat by Trump with the other 15. At least on the republican side Trump won it honestly unlike the farce on the dems side who wanted to have a coronation for Clinton instead of any real competition and what competition there was such as Sanders he was hamstrung by the DNC who were pulling for Clinton.


So in November of 2016 it was a binary choice between Clinton and Trump and I will never regret choosing Trump over Clinton.


As for third party candidates you know as well as I do that is throwing your vote away or worse you may help elect the worst of the two running. Maybe some day that won't be the case but that is how it is now and has been.


I have been happy with Trump and his policies thus far. I have some issues with some of his tweets but on policy I like him and he has exceeded my expectations. He is the kind of president who doesn't follow the norms and can shake things up in DC (and they need shaken up).

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Trump beat out 16 other republican candidates to win the nomination. I was a Cruz supporter and Cruz got beat by Trump with the other 15. At least on the republican side Trump won it honestly unlike the farce on the dems side who wanted to have a coronation for Clinton instead of any real competition and what competition there was such as Sanders he was hamstrung by the DNC who were pulling for Clinton.


So in November of 2016 it was a binary choice between Clinton and Trump and I will never regret choosing Trump over Clinton.


As for third party candidates you know as well as I do that is throwing your vote away or worse you may help elect the worst of the two running. Maybe some day that won't be the case but that is how it is now and has been.


I have been happy with Trump and his policies thus far. I have some issues with some of his tweets but on policy I like him and he has exceeded my expectations. He is the kind of president who doesn't follow the norms and can shake things up in DC (and they need shaken up).


Throwing your vote away? No, I voted my conscience. I'm not willing to align myself with the 'lesser of two evils' approach. Because eventually then all are evil.


I see we're still sticking to cliche and vague phrases of shakeup that either won't, or shouldn't happen.


Aaaaaaand I'll be back after football season or if things go full meltdown just for the entertainment value.

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Throwing your vote away? No, I voted my conscience. I'm not willing to align myself with the 'lesser of two evils' approach. Because eventually then all are evil.


I see we're still sticking to cliche and vague phrases of shakeup that either won't, or shouldn't happen.


Aaaaaaand I'll be back after football season or if things go full meltdown just for the entertainment value.


The stock market is up 20 percent in the short time since Trump was elected and the latest jobs report show a surge in new hiring. Trump's policies are good for our economic growth.


It makes logical sense to me anyway to vote for the lesser of the two evils. If the end result of not doing so means the greater of the two evils gets elected. Of course if both candidates are too evil to vote for then it doesn't matter one way or the other and I could see throwing my vote away on an un-electable third party candidate.

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I would just prefer you say "anyone but Clinton" than pretend Trump was some great choice. It's ok. We all know how you guys got there.

I'm not so sure. I think a lot of people are sick to fucking death of bullshit artists professional politicians that never give you a straight answer and the quislings in the media. I think America was looking for an outsider not unlike Eugene McCarthy or even those of you who voted for Gary Johnson or Ross Perot. Maybe even Jill Stein or Ralph Nader. Come on Woody even you must get sick of Politics as Usual don't you?

Also I think most normal people probably don't like illegal immigration and are probably in favor of tax reform. No?



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The stock market is up 20 percent in the short time since Trump was elected and the latest jobs report show a surge in new hiring. Trump's policies are good for our economic growth.


It makes logical sense to me anyway to vote for the lesser of the two evils. If the end result of not doing so means the greater of the two evils gets elected. Of course if both candidates are too evil to vote for then it doesn't matter one way or the other and I could see throwing my vote away on an un-electable third party candidate.


And the sad thing is they took away our right in Texas to do any write-in vote for any legitimate candidate.

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I'm not so sure. I think a lot of people are sick to fucking death of bullshit artists professional politicians that never give you a straight answer and the quislings in the media. I think America was looking for an outsider not unlike Eugene McCarthy or even those of you who voted for Gary Johnson or Ross Perot. Maybe even Jill Stein or Ralph Nader. Come on Woody even you must get sick of Politics as Usual don't you?

Also I think most normal people probably don't like illegal immigration and are probably in favor of tax reform. No?



Yes, politics as usual sucks


No, I don't think Trump has shown he's the answer to that. Pissing people off and trolling the media doesn't help with that problem.

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The stock market is up 20 percent in the short time since Trump was elected and the latest jobs report show a surge in new hiring. Trump's policies are good for our economic growth.


It makes logical sense to me anyway to vote for the lesser of the two evils. If the end result of not doing so means the greater of the two evils gets elected. Of course if both candidates are too evil to vote for then it doesn't matter one way or the other and I could see throwing my vote away on an un-electable third party candidate.

My vote is an endorsement of what candidate I feel is right for my country, not a battle siding with the two parties that receive the most exposure or might win. Your logic dictates I shouldn't watch Shameless because Game of Thrones and The Bachelor are the two most watched shows on TV. It doesn't hold up.


Edit: so third party is a "wasted vote".... I presume that means had I went with Hillary that would have NOT been wasted because she was the Dem front runner....?

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it's wasted vote. Unless that vote for a third party has any kind of legit chance in hell of winning,

it's wasted.


You want the best of two who might really win. That's all. The wasted vote part is that you didn't help

the country avoid a bad candidate.


But, we did it without your vote. MAGA


** btw, Paul Ryan, speaker, republican....also got money from soros orgs.


that explains his wishywashy garbage and nonaction on things like the wall,

and illegal immigration.

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My vote is an endorsement of what candidate I feel is right for my country, not a battle siding with the two parties that receive the most exposure or might win. Your logic dictates I shouldn't watch Shameless because Game of Thrones and The Bachelor are the two most watched shows on TV. It doesn't hold up.


Edit: so third party is a "wasted vote".... I presume that means had I went with Hillary that would have NOT been wasted because she was the Dem front runner....?

Here's the deal Tia. Either you believe there is a substantial difference in the policy ideals between the Republican and Democrat parties or you don't. I wouldn't berate you if you said that they were both the same old crap. If you do believe that the difference is at least 55 opposed to 45% then I'd say vote for the party that most suits your wishes. Yes some of you may think that a third party would be worthwhile. If Gary Johnson or Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders really suits your politics then cast your vote. Just remember if you are moderate left but choose to vote hard left you take votes away from the candidate that would better serve your ideology.



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The biggest single issue for me is voting for pro life candidates. I won't vote for anyone who is not pro life. Although at one time Trump was pro choice he is now pro life and I voted for him. If he hadn't moved on that position and I was forced to vote in a presidential election between two pro choice candidates I would vote for a pro life third party candidate (or write in a candidate's name on the ballot) but I would know I was throwing my vote away. I wouldn't care at that point who I helped win by tossing my vote away because I will have seen both of them as being equally as bad. Since Roe v Wade the presidential choices have always been a pro life republican versus a pro choice democrat so you can tell I have voted republican for a long time.


I would grant you that logically you can criticize single issue voters like me for voting single issue but if the issue is of the greatest importance then it comes down not to logic but voting one's conscience. I don't knock those who vote for un-electable third party candidates as I would do the same myself if I needed to but I would know that I was throwing my vote away and maybe even helping elect the worse of the two evils.

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Here's the deal Tia. Either you believe there is a substantial difference in the policy ideals between the Republican and Democrat parties or you don't. I wouldn't berate you if you said that they were both the same old crap. If you do believe that the difference is at least 55 opposed to 45% then I'd say vote for the party that most suits your wishes. Yes some of you may think that a third party would be worthwhile. If Gary Johnson or Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders really suits your politics then cast your vote. Just remember if you are moderate left but choose to vote hard left you take votes away from the candidate that would better serve your ideology.




I was forced to vote for Hillarity because Trump is in this for Trump and his sick need for constant adulation. Why do you think he still takes the trips to see his supporters? It's just to get their constant idolization and nothing more. By the time the next election occurs, more people will finally see the light and throw this fraud out at the Republican convention. Then maybe people like me will have a real choice again. I have already sent an email to Ohio's governor Kasich volunteering to work for him down here next time around if he decides to run against Trump. Sell out Ted Cruz? Never in a million years.

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Trump is right on many of the issues and the personality flaws of Trump (he is a major narcissist but so was Obama) doesn't take that away. There is a reason the stock market is up 20 percent since his election and we see unemployment down for the right reason (not just people dropping out of the labor force because they can't find employment).


I have never seen a president attacked as viciously as Trump so for me I like it he gets away from DC and goes out and speaks to the heartland and speaks to the people. I hope he continues with it. He is bypassing a corrupt biased media in doing so and going directly to the people much like Reagan had to do.

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I was forced to vote for Hillarity because Trump is in this for Trump and his sick need for constant adulation. Why do you think he still takes the trips to see his supporters? It's just to get their constant idolization and nothing more. By the time the next election occurs, more people will finally see the light and throw this fraud out at the Republican convention. Then maybe people like me will have a real choice again. I have already sent an email to Ohio's governor Kasich volunteering to work for him down here next time around if he decides to run against Trump. Sell out Ted Cruz? Never in a million years.

Fair enough your vote was based on personal bias. But I really have to laugh at the idea that you think Donald Trump is more of an arrogant narcissistic asshole then the lady you voted for.


Didn't the issues play a part in your decision?


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You probably have to be a little bit of a narcissist to think you can run the country. Do you think Trump is more narcissistic than Obama?



On your point that Trump was pro choice but changed his mind. I think Trump is just whatever is most advantageous to him at the time. The idea that he's some devout Christian is hilarious. Not saying most other politicians don't do the same, but Trump clearly isn't above it.

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You probably have to be a little bit of a narcissist to think you can run the country. Do you think Trump is more narcissistic than Obama?



On your point that Trump was pro choice but changed his mind. I think Trump is just whatever is most advantageous to him at the time. The idea that he's some devout Christian is hilarious. Not saying most other politicians don't do the same, but Trump clearly isn't above it.

I don't know if you are talking to me but you're not seriously going to tell me that Hillary and Obama didn't shift gears on Plenty of positions to get elected are you? And no one man can run the country which makes a president little more than a figurehead which should annoy any of us regardless of Party Loyalty.


And it's somebody saying that Obama and Hillary didn't love to go to rallies with their supporters? Come now.



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You probably have to be a little bit of a narcissist to think you can run the country. Do you think Trump is more narcissistic than Obama?



On your point that Trump was pro choice but changed his mind. I think Trump is just whatever is most advantageous to him at the time. The idea that he's some devout Christian is hilarious. Not saying most other politicians don't do the same, but Trump clearly isn't above it.


Both Obama and Trump are narcissists imo. Who is more? Who can say. Two things many people seek though are wealth and power and in Trump's case he has the wealth and now maybe wants power? Again who knows? The same with his new pro life position. Is is real or calculated? It is doubtful he would have gotten the evangelical Christian support with a pro choice position. I remember though Bush Sr. being pro choice and switching to pro life when he took the VP spot with Reagan. Bush Sr. remains pro life to this day so his change of position seems to have been genuine.

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