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Players id like to see get more first team reps on defense...


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Schobert looks like the surprise breakout star of the defense. With carder down he'll likely see more mlb'er by default. 

Not sure if this gas been discussed much but garrett looks legit. All concerns i had about him being a pure pass rusher and not holding up well at the point, are gone. For the first tome that i can remember a browns rookie made "huge" improvements in a specific deficiency between their last down of college ball and first pre season reps. 

Other side of the line tho im underwhelmed by ogbah. Nassib looks a little stronger maybe but like last season its a toss up between the two. Id like to see that schult kid maybe get a few reps against first team OL. 



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I wouldn't say Ogbah has 'underwhelmed'.   He's been what you need a LE to be - solid.  

Like I said in camp notes, MLB will be manned by Jamie and Schobert depending on the subpackages.   I saw Joe in camp and he doesn't look big enough to consistently man and win in the middle.  He's your 'joker' backer.  He can run, hit, cover, tackle and rush the passer.   You can plug him in across the formation for looks and he'll play his heart out for you.    But he doesn't have a 'home' position and that's totally ok.  

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Agree on Nassib... seems stronger this year, which was primary knock on him last season.

Not quite there on Schobert... made some nice plays vs pass, but saw some slow rxns and errors vs the run. Need to rewatch with him iso'd.

The kid I really keep liking is Ken Olugbode... he took over for Joe at MLB late and really flashed for 2nd week in a row... but again I need to iso him.

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i saw schobert engage and shed some first team OL yesterday and last week, which made me sit up a bit. Shouldn't be terribly surprised since he was a 3-4 OLB'er. If he's dropped 15 lbs but still has that edge rusher strength he should be legit in engaging with centers and guards and getting off em. We'll see, but so far just on the eye test....Schobert is the guy flashing across my screen. But honestly this whole defense, wtf? They're tackling, and "hard". We've had a new DC for only a couple months how much difference can Williams make in that short of a time? I mean I'm fucking ecstatic about it but I'm just curious as to why this defense at least "looks" so much different now? Yeah I know it's preseason but every year I've been facepalming during preseason and taking a deep breath saying to myself "this shit will not happen during the season".......but that shit did indeed occur during the season. All the way to the end. Something's changed....I have no illusions that this is going to be a top 5 or even top 10 defense in it's first year. But they are "definitely" moving differently, last night confirmed that. 


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The D team as a coordinated group with everyone flying to the ball is a sight I have not seen in Cleveland for some time. And those tackles. "Who are those guys?" And it seems too me that it doesn't matter whether whether they are 1st team or further down the line. This is gonna be a fun year to watch, especially if the O starts to gain that confidence that the D will always keep them in it. And not every referee is going to allow head/neck tackling by the opponents OL either. They got away with a lot of it in the 1st half especially.

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With Danny Shelton out I was more than pleased with the play of Trevon Coley & Brantley. We gave up 3 runs over 8 yards all night. Des Bryant 3-tech played alot just to get some durability strength  back .Gregg Williams is the same Williams that left Rams & Saints.."I don't care what you see on any tape at anytime. I got more D-formations that you can't stop anyhow" Williams has made a huge difference in attitudes & en-forcing better Techniques..it's that simple Ray Horton    

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