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Joe Thomas, Garrett, Gruden, Hue


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Saw Joe Thomas talking about leaving the Browns for a SB prospect. I eat my words for the guy. He loves his team and his fans. He is one squared away guy. solid, solid man.

Garrett is a yawner. He has an outside move, and it isn't all that hot. Several times plays went right inside him because he had blinders on with his outside rush.

I said it about Kizer, AssOiler and Kessler. John Gruden said what I have told you all along, the problame with the Browns is not and has never been the OL, the problem is that the QBs we have hold on to the fucking ball TOO LONG. A quick release is not something that can be taught. I guy is born with it. AssOiler is bad, but Kizer is not far behind. He is athletic, but he is not much else. McNabb was far better at the black Tarkenton thing, and he still blows.

Hue Jackson is the worst HC in the NFL. Penalties, mistakes, boring play calls. This team is a fucked up as it was last year, maybe worse.

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Kizer is very young.  Give him time.  Almost all young QB's hold the ball too long.

Hue is a jackass.  And I say that because he has our QUARTERBACKS running the football.  That's just plain stupid.  And Gruden agrees with me.  

The boring play calling is ok because it's preseason.

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Ghoolie you know that when ur protecting the edge ur job is to funnel the runs to the inside right? Garrett is a rookie, so he misread a run or two...I saw plenty of other plays where he absolutely stacked the tackle and disrupted the play. Maybe that doesn't get noticed because he wasn't involved in the tackle, but killing the outside run "starts" at the edge. I'm not worried about a guy who can shed tackles like Garrett is showing. Eventually he'll learn to read the runner better but for now, he's doing his job. I mean he was pushing the first string OL 5ft back.....if the runner cuts inside him he's technically done his job. Overall the whole defense has been doing it's job in run protect so far. Season hasn't started ghools, but you have to admit that "right now" these guys look different. In past years the D sucked just as hard during the season as it did in pre season. Literally no difference. So give them some credit. 

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Dudes................ WAKE THE FUCK UP............................ Deshone Kizer is BLACK TARKENTON................. He is a run-first QB. He is never, every, not for a quarter in his entire career going to slice anyone up with his brain, accuracy or quick release. He is not even as good as Kordell Stewart. Hue doesn't make him run.............a decades-long training regimen of telling the kid to take off and to hold the ball until his shake-and-bake bullshit gets someone wide open.

Kizer is going to get hurt. I imagine the Steelers will fuck him up pretty good. If they don't, it will happen soon.

As for One Tackle Texas? The OL guys aren't being driven back. they are resisting the dumb bastard long enough to tire his lame ass out.


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13 minutes ago, boo fagley said:

The guy has not played his first NFL game at QB and yet he is already a bust. Whats going to happen if he pulls out a win vs the Steelers game 1?

Garret may take time to develop his game. He would not be the first DE to do so. Building the defense is the right choice. Defense wins championships - Belichick

Hate to tell you but Sashi and Hue made a good move bringing Oisweiller in. Not only for the draft pick, but because he pushed Kizer to win the starting job. If Kizer did not look good enough, the Browns had an insurance policy with Oiswieller. Another player always has to be pushhg the guy in front of him for playing time.



 AssOiler is worthless in any trade talks.. And he dumbed down his own chances of getting a trade with his shit play.

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The trade for Os was brilliant whether he makes the team or not.  We werent going to reach the cap floor meaning we were going to have to pay that money one way or another.  Getting a free 2nd round pick and a free look at a once up and coming prospect for money that was going to be spent regardless.  Brilliant.

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7 hours ago, boo fagley said:

It was worth a shot. He has nobody to blame but himself and now is shooting his way out of town.

How in the hell he looked so good in Denver is a mystery.

Better coaching...

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7 hours ago, boo fagley said:

It was worth a shot. He has nobody to blame but himself and now is shooting his way out of town.

How in the hell he looked so good in Denver is a mystery.


He never played all that well in Denver.   The defense carried that team

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4 hours ago, Mark O said:


He never played all that well in Denver.   The defense carried that team

YAWN. The defense sure as hell couldn't "carry" Simien, could they? (sp.)    Defense doesn't win shit. SB MVP    Offense x 10000000


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You people are out of your fucking minds. Seriously, you are the biggest bunch of ass fucktards I have ever seen. "Signing AssOiler was brilliant? BRILLIANT?

Can you show me one fucking person who is talking about what a great move this was? Just one? Other than in your own idiotic world of mental masturbation where "mentoring" analytics" managing assets" and all the other bullshit Browns fans pretend means the Browns are way smarter than anyone else,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHERE do you get that signing AssOiler was a fucking BRILLIANT move?

THe fucking guy holds on to the fucking ball too fucking long. I told you this when we signed him. 31 teams are done with this Forrest Gump-Herman Munster hybrid, and CLEVELAND....the land of One Tackle Texas, knows better than everyone else.

Ghoolie told you all along, Ass Oiler will NEVER be the starting QB. He will never win jack shit.

Hue Jackson is a douchebag. He is the dumbest mother fucker ever to coach in the NFL. He waster how much time and resources on fuck QBs Kizer is a bist, he is not likely to even be as good as Kordell Stewart. HOWEVER................... he is the only QB that has even a lottery ticket odd at being a QB for the future. He shoudl have been playing with the starters all along. He should have been named as the starter from the get go.

Lighting up the Steelers? Are you out of your fucking mind?

He will be benched after 3 interceptions and a fumble. The Steelers will destroy him.

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12 hours ago, boo fagley said:

It was worth a shot. He has nobody to blame but himself and now is shooting his way out of town.

How in the hell he looked so good in Denver is a mystery.

How the fuck was it worth a shot? Please, enlighten me. WTF kind of rebuliding is this? 5 fucking #1 picks in 2 years and ASSOILER is Hue Jackson's LEADING choice for QB? Are you out of your fucking mind?

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14 minutes ago, Ghoolie said:

How the fuck was it worth a shot? 

Because we traded a 4th round pick for a 2nd round pick and a 6th round pick and the Ostrich (and his contract).

We had Kessler and Colonel Hogan.  And after drafting Kizer (an extremely young player) it was decided to give the Ostrich a shot...since Kessler was looking like crap.  There IS some logic there (obviously not in your mind).

Not many people really believed that the 21 year old would be good (and schooled in the playbook) enough to become our starter.  ( of course, I said that he came to a good situation because the bar to clear to be our starter was not set very high )

We shall see what unfolds in the coming 3 weeks.

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32 minutes ago, Orion said:

Because we traded a 4th round pick for a 2nd round pick and a 6th round pick and the Ostrich (and his contract).

We had Kessler and Colonel Hogan.  And after drafting Kizer (an extremely young player) it was decided to give the Ostrich a shot...since Kessler was looking like crap.  There IS some logic there (obviously not in your mind).

Not many people really believed that the 21 year old would be good (and schooled in the playbook) enough to become our starter.  ( of course, I said that he came to a good situation because the bar to clear to be our starter was not set very high )

We shall see what unfolds in the coming 3 weeks.

You would make a bad coach. Look man, all I have been hearing for years on this board is that we are building for the future. Now, I am okay with that. HOWEVER............dude, at some motherfucking point don't you think that it would make sense to have the team actually make decisions that reflected that intention?

If you are building for the future, you don't start the guy who gives you the best chance to win. You start the fucking guy who has the best chance of being your QB 5 years from now. people here blasted me for blasting the FO when they said, "This Year Is Not About Winning"................ all the cocksuckers on this board chimed in...."Ooooh, it's not about winning, it is about building for the future".

Dude, there was not fucking chance that Ass Oiler could be that guy. NEVER................... Not one NFL fucking team wanted this piece of shit, yet, we wasted how many snaps, how much time and energy dicking around with this pile of shit while other teams are grooming QBs? Not about winning? So why pull Kessler? Why ever sign RG3?

Fuck man, I am okay with building a team, but nothing these fuckhole shit sculptors are doing even remotely resembles building jack dick.

Hue Jackson is the dumbest mother fucker ever to be a head coach. He is the worst coach in the history of the Browns and perhaps the NFL itself. This man has no plan. He can't asses QB talent, his time management is horrible, his team today is making just as many penalties and stupid mistakes as ever.  5 first round picks in 2 years and we have what? Another run first QB who is an erratic passer that holds on to the ball too fucking long. You cannot teach quick release. This is a skill one is born with. It is what separates a great prospect like Trubisky, from the shit that we sign.

Garrett is not only a one-dimensional player, he is fucking dim witted. Total waste of a #1 pick.





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7 minutes ago, Ghoolie said:

You would make a bad coach.


I wanted Wentz.  

And I would never have phucked up the end of the first half against Cincy like Hue did last year.  Yup, I think he's a screwy game day decision maker.    And so was Pettine...and Romeo...and.........

My statements are based on the hand that we're currently dealt (or, currently for the time we are talking about, which could be the past).

I have said many times, perhaps not so many on THIS board cos I haven't been here all that long, but MANY times that we need to have a QB.  And that we should draft the best one that we can...and keep drafting (swinging the bat) until we GET one that's really good.  That's how important a good QB is in today's NFL (and even yesterday's NFL...but in yesteryear, if you could run the ball well then you still had a chance of winning).

But that's not the hand that we're (I'm) dealt.  The FO doesn't give a rats ass what I think (the dopes that that makes them).

I stated before the draft that the QB needs to be rated on a curve.  Garrett (one tackle as you say) was supposedly so great and Trubisky was supposedly not in his class.  My argument was that Garrett cannot throw TD passes.  Garrett plays a position for tackling people...and there are 10 other guys that are supposed to be doing that.   Trubisky plays the position that throws TD passes...and the other 10 guys do not.  WE NEED TD PASSES.

Where I differ in thinking from you is that I believe we should start the QB that gives us the best chance of winning today.  Until we reach a point where it no longer matters if we win because we ain't looking at any playoff games.  Around THAT point would I put in the QB of the future who possibly isn't quite ready to win TODAY so as to GET him ready....or to find out that we're gonna be swinging the bat again in April.  

My view is that this isn't pee-wee football where all the kiddies get to play.  Only the current best get to play...until 'current' no longer matters.       (it's time to sleep now)

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7 hours ago, broganreynik said:

If the Browns ever win the Super Bowl, I expect to log-on and see Ghoolie pissed about something.

Nah. He'll go back to the ole "I love you ole bastards, go Browns!!!" schtick by then, which will last more or last until the next time we lose a gain. 

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On 8/22/2017 at 6:26 PM, Clevfan4life said:

Ghoolie you know that when ur protecting the edge ur job is to funnel the runs to the inside right? Garrett is a rookie, so he misread a run or two...I saw plenty of other plays where he absolutely stacked the tackle and disrupted the play. Maybe that doesn't get noticed because he wasn't involved in the tackle, but killing the outside run "starts" at the edge. I'm not worried about a guy who can shed tackles like Garrett is showing. Eventually he'll learn to read the runner better but for now, he's doing his job. I mean he was pushing the first string OL 5ft back.....if the runner cuts inside him he's technically done his job. Overall the whole defense has been doing it's job in run protect so far. Season hasn't started ghools, but you have to admit that "right now" these guys look different. In past years the D sucked just as hard during the season as it did in pre season. Literally no difference. So give them some credit. 

Well said Clevsies!  

Outside contain is always first and foremost against the run at Garrett's position.  He's doing that extremely well if you look at the depth he's driving his opponent backward while sealing off the outside.  He made it way easier on his teammates than we saw from our DEs last year right? 

There was a replay last week where only a vision like Helen Keller couldn't see the ginormous hold around Garrett's neck that wasn't called.  Unfortunately, the only living beings that couldn't see it was the umpire and the ref who's face it crossed in particular.  I would have been really pissed if that was a regular season game and something that blatant was blown off.  I know it's only preseason but they sure don't hesitate to throw flags on our line for lesser holds than I saw on Garrett.  For example, they nailed Zeitler twice last week for holds.

I think Garrett is doing a nice job against the run and pass so far.  He's hurrying passers to the extent OT's are needing assistance on him.




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15 hours ago, broganreynik said:

If the Browns ever win the Super Bowl, I expect to log-on and see Ghoolie pissed about something.

Go watch Ghoulardi reruns. 

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Let me set a few things straight with you cockheads.

Never, Ever do I disappear or change my tune. Nowhere can you find a single example of me changing my tune. You "Maintenance Men Of The Asshole"  build your entire lives here on the fantasy that ONE MAGICAL DAY............you morons are going to be right about something and you are going to revel in seeing me come in here saying, " THIS IS WHAT I THOUGHT ALL ALONG".

Sorry, you sissy bunch of pansy cunts, you are projecting your horseshit. NEVER, EVER, do I back down from my words. Not in life, not in my career, not in my relationships and certainly not here, among you mindless fucking, moronic sheep. It is quite the opposite. It is actually YOU toilet paper dispensers that disappear from this board every time shit doesn't go the way you want.

Now, it is true that none of us can actually find something I was wrong about, BUT BUT BUT............... when things I predict don't come true, I am right here, the very next hour to take my lumps. I say what I say, and I stand by what I say. If it turns out I was wrong about it, I am here to say it. So shove your fantasy about........."Wait until Ghoolie is wrong then watch him change his story" for each other. You limp, fucking weak, gay, homosexual Millennial cocksucking idiots. So here we go...............

  • Garrett is a bust. You know it and I know it. He is no "terror of the midway". He is innocuous. Flugel thinks him getting 253,000 yards from the QB translates into pressure. Garrett blows. Any fucking DE can do what this faggot Cowboy wannabe can do. ONE TACKLE TEXAS
  • Kizer holds the ball too fucking long, and he is Black Tarkenton. He is a run first Quarterback and he is an inaccurate passer. he is absolutely the guy who should start and be given 100% support all year long. If someone is going to prove me wrong, as slim a possibility as that is, Kizer is the only guy who can do it. No Browns QB has the upside this id has. Still, he is Mierda Mucho. He is not going anywhere, he is not taking the Browns anywhere.
  • The Browns have no offensive threats, They will falter and the defense will get worn down and demoralized as the season progresses. Greg Williams is no better than Horton. The defense remains undisciplined and mistake prone. Agression will only gmake the defense worse. Like an Indian on Booze.
  • Kizer will likely get hurt. For sure the Steelers are going to demoralize him and pound the living fuck out of him. After opening day this team will implode.
  • The Bengals will be the surprise of the AFCN. They lost nothing important and added 2 offensive weapons. Offense is the msot important unit in football. Always has been, always will be.
  • The Browns OL will be no better than last year's OL. We have never had a problem with the OL. No 5 men can block 19 men int he box
  • Hue and Kizer will = Hue and Kessler.  DINKY DUMPY  DINKY DUMPY PUNT PUNT PUNT
  • Trubisky's eminent rise will reduce Garrett to an embarrassing lump in Haslam's throat. 

Just watch and learn.

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On August 25, 2017 at 5:36 PM, Mark O said:


He never played all that well in Denver.   The defense carried that team

Bravo! He just didn't "lose" the games but when the playoffs came; out he went for Manning. Kubiak wasn't taking any chances? Broncos had and still have a very good defense. But they don't have a QB with Lynch or Simian. I bet Osweiler wishes he would have taken their offer!

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20 hours ago, Flugel said:

Well said Clevsies!  

Outside contain is always first and foremost against the run at Garrett's position.  He's doing that extremely well if you look at the depth he's driving his opponent backward while sealing off the outside.  He made it way easier on his teammates than we saw from our DEs last year right? 

There was a replay last week where only a vision like Helen Keller couldn't see the ginormous hold around Garrett's neck that wasn't called.  Unfortunately, the only living beings that couldn't see it was the umpire and the ref who's face it crossed in particular.  I would have been really pissed if that was a regular season game and something that blatant was blown off.  I know it's only preseason but they sure don't hesitate to throw flags on our line for lesser holds than I saw on Garrett.  For example, they nailed Zeitler twice last week for holds.

I think Garrett is doing a nice job against the run and pass so far.  He's hurrying passers to the extent OT's are needing assistance on him.




Last night the entire team worked well together to collapse the pocket all game long and Williams rotated them so well that we had fresh legs in at all times. This will be fun when he gets to use his 1st teamers in rotation all game long instead of 2nd & 3rd teamers the 2nd half.

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On 8/25/2017 at 10:13 PM, Ghoolie said:

You would make a bad coach.

Interesting reply to a post that almost exclusively raised points that are the purview of a GM.

On 8/26/2017 at 6:39 AM, Dutch Oven said:

Sweet Jesus that guy is one miserable, pretentious twat.

You forgot self-aggrandizing ignoramus...

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3 minutes ago, RoyceRolls said:

Funny how the guy who regurgitated "1-19" 350 times over the offseason doesn't have anything positive to say about the Browns being 3-0. Guess preseason only counts when it serves the troll agenda. 

Too funny!  He sure made it a point to tell all the people that watched the 1st preseason game that he did not watch - how passive the defense looked to him.

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3 minutes ago, Flugel said:

Too funny!  He sure made it a point to tell all the people that watched the 1st preseason game that he did not watch - how passive the defense looked to him.

1 TD allowed in 3 games.....passive indeed

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20 hours ago, Ghoolie said:

Let me set a few things straight with you cockheads.

Never, Ever do I disappear or change my tune. Nowhere can you find a single example of me changing my tune. You "Maintenance Men Of The Asshole"  build your entire lives here on the fantasy that ONE MAGICAL DAY............you morons are going to be right about something and you are going to revel in seeing me come in here saying, " THIS IS WHAT I THOUGHT ALL ALONG".

Sorry, you sissy bunch of pansy cunts, you are projecting your horseshit. NEVER, EVER, do I back down from my words. Not in life, not in my career, not in my relationships and certainly not here, among you mindless fucking, moronic sheep. It is quite the opposite. It is actually YOU toilet paper dispensers that disappear from this board every time shit doesn't go the way you want.

Now, it is true that none of us can actually find something I was wrong about, BUT BUT BUT............... when things I predict don't come true, I am right here, the very next hour to take my lumps. I say what I say, and I stand by what I say. If it turns out I was wrong about it, I am here to say it. So shove your fantasy about........."Wait until Ghoolie is wrong then watch him change his story" for each other. You limp, fucking weak, gay, homosexual Millennial cocksucking idiots. So here we go...............

  • Garrett is a bust. You know it and I know it. He is no "terror of the midway". He is innocuous. Flugel thinks him getting 253,000 yards from the QB translates into pressure. Garrett blows. Any fucking DE can do what this faggot Cowboy wannabe can do. ONE TACKLE TEXAS
  • Kizer holds the ball too fucking long, and he is Black Tarkenton. He is a run first Quarterback and he is an inaccurate passer. he is absolutely the guy who should start and be given 100% support all year long. If someone is going to prove me wrong, as slim a possibility as that is, Kizer is the only guy who can do it. No Browns QB has the upside this id has. Still, he is Mierda Mucho. He is not going anywhere, he is not taking the Browns anywhere.
  • The Browns have no offensive threats, They will falter and the defense will get worn down and demoralized as the season progresses. Greg Williams is no better than Horton. The defense remains undisciplined and mistake prone. Agression will only gmake the defense worse. Like an Indian on Booze.
  • Kizer will likely get hurt. For sure the Steelers are going to demoralize him and pound the living fuck out of him. After opening day this team will implode.
  • The Bengals will be the surprise of the AFCN. They lost nothing important and added 2 offensive weapons. Offense is the msot important unit in football. Always has been, always will be.
  • The Browns OL will be no better than last year's OL. We have never had a problem with the OL. No 5 men can block 19 men int he box
  • Hue and Kizer will = Hue and Kessler.  DINKY DUMPY  DINKY DUMPY PUNT PUNT PUNT
  • Trubisky's eminent rise will reduce Garrett to an embarrassing lump in Haslam's throat. 

Just watch and learn.

In other words, Flugel was right that Ghoolie was wrong about Paxton Lynch.  Welcome to the next episode of Ghoolie's sour grapes turning into whine.

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