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Another bad decision by John Kasich

Westside Steve

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Ohio Gov. John Kasich signs down syndrome abortion ban


As you know I'm not a pro-lifer but even if I was I would think it's fair to want to abort a child with Down Syndrome. I can't imagine wanting to spend the rest of my life caring for one but I suppose there are people who would want to.


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A woman should be able to get what she wants when she wants. U dont get to tell people you MUST carry this child forward thats going to cost u a small fortune befire its a teenager in health care costs.....but then on the other hand say welfare is for bums that dont want to work. There are people on welfare who wouldnt be able to care for these special needs children without assistance. The same assistance some people want to do away with. 

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yet there are plenty of poor women, especially in the black community, that have babies to qualify for permanent

support. crack babies - they don't care, and with no father in the life of the children...

Heart condition? only three fingers instead of four? There are tough questions as to where you draw the line,

if there is a line at all.

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17 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

We don't get to pick life out and decide what they will have.  What's next?  I don't want a girl, abort it.  Brown eye?  Abort it.  Etc.  

It's already legal for hair or eye color. Also legal if you just don't want to be bothered with a kid in the first place.


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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

It's already legal for hair or eye color. Also legal if you just don't want to be bothered with a kid in the first place.


Any examples of parents using genetic testing to find out the eye color of their baby and then aborting it?

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Well if you're admitting you're just talking out of your butt then ok. 

No just pointing out the fact that it's not illegal to abort a child because of hair color. It is illegal to aborted child because of something that would actually Shmuck up your family for decades.

I have no beef if somebody chooses to spend the next 40 to 50 years caring for a Down syndrome child. I just wouldn't.


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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I'm more zeroing in on the hair and eyes color. Hell, I thought that changed months after a baby is born. 


I have no problem aborting a fetus, within a reasonable time frame, if the parents know it will have a high risk of a bad disease or disability

Which would seem like a hell of a lot more serious reason than hair color but nobody thought to make that illegal.


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As being a grandfather of two beautiful twins I can tell you a child with a syndrome or disease falls in the responsibility of the parents.


Its the luck of the draw...you play you pay. 


I wouldn't disown these kids for anything and to abort? It doesn't make any sense. 


Jerkoff or pull it out goddamn it.

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