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Coward of Broward County


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"coward" isn't strong enough a word. What a disgrace. There were warning signs for years, and this murderer

never had to answer for the theats, the anti-social violent behavior...for YEARS? Never was stopped even after the FBI

was involved? I wonder how many of the things this murdering "kid" got away with, due to ACLU threats of lawsuits.

Bad, violent sick people don't listen to laws about "no guns". they know they will be unopposed. just sad, liberal ignorance.

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10 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

The guy resigned but legally he didn't have to get involved at all. The Supreme Court ruled that police have no duty to protect the public. The police officers who jump into situations to save others do it because they have a sense of decency. This pile of garbage didn't feel the need to stop the carnage.

He resigned, but had enough years to retire.  You know he was just working at the school collecting a paycheck until retirement, and this happened.  I also heard  there was a 20 minute delay on  the video feed they were receiving from the school.  One Shmuck up after the other.

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50 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

The guy resigned but legally he didn't have to get involved at all. The Supreme Court ruled that police have no duty to protect the public. The police officers who jump into situations to save others do it because they have a sense of decency. This pile of garbage didn't feel the need to stop the carnage.

eh...but that was his job. It isn't like the commercial where the guy says "oh, I'm not a dentist, I'm an just an oral observer": or whatever it was. He was hired to be the schools defender. He  just wanted the money, and not the responsiblity to protect.  Just a disgrace.

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2 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

The guy resigned but legally he didn't have to get involved at all. The Supreme Court ruled that police have no duty to protect the public. The police officers who jump into situations to save others do it because they have a sense of decency. This pile of garbage didn't feel the need to stop the carnage.



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2 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

He should probably be focused on the victims and their families but I am not that tore up over Trump calling out someone who had a responsibility to protect kids and did nothing.

Sure. I just hope no one takes it upon themselves to "punish the coward".

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10 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

They should hire infantry combat veterans as school resource officers.  Most of these deputies probably never even fired their weapon except at the range.

Ever since cataract surgery I've gotten my shooting eye back. I can distinguish boulders from deer again.:rolleyes: 

Pay me $100,000/year and I'm in.:lol:  And to think I gave away these services for about $600-700 per month with combat pay. Jeeeez.

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I would do it. Probably should be somebody pretty big though. Apparently, some kids and a teacher died, protecting other kids.

and the cowardly corrupt sheriff and his farces refused to go in and stop it. So sickening.

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