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white woman gets $750 fine for voting for trump twice but black woman....


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who cast a provisional ballot but had a felony years ago that she didnt understand precluded her from voting....gets 5 years. that seems about right for this country thats becoming the worlds clownshow. 




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A. Different states have different laws, different punishments.

B. The white woman was in Iowa.

C. The black woman was in Texas.

D. Those are different states.

E. Your "democracynow" show is a liberal crock of yellow journalism.

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5 years for voting. i get it, they dont allow felons to vote. fine. if this was her 2nd or third strike id be like whatever. that we have one state tgat will throw the mother fcking book at a black woman for voting and another state gave a white trump voter (im just assuming that but it really doesnt matter who she voted for) a $750 fine for voting twice......i mean this has to be fake news. i simply dont do not live in such a shtstain of a country. this isnt some sub 3rd world shthole this must be bullsht

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5 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

it's an overall indicator of our country


Sure it is simpleton, and I'm sure Rev Al would agree with you.

You're an indicator of the white guilt liberal fggots in our country.

Pay them reparations fggot.


Image result for so sorry white guilt





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