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Cable drama series

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I know we've done this before but does anybody have any cable drama series they really really like? I've Seen Better Call Saul, damages, Boardwalk Empire, poldark, Fargo, The Killing, Homeland, The Wire,  man in the High Castle, Ray Donovan, the five, The 4400, Sneaky Pete, Goliath, hand of God, Westworld, Sherlock, Sons of Anarchy, The Shield, Justified, bloodline, The Sopranos, line of duty, Downton Abbey, the riches, and probably some others I can't remember the name at this moment.

Anything on any of the premium stations Amazon or Netflix you guys love?



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Preacher on AMC is good.  Colony on USA also if you like scifi.  Fear the Walking Dead on AMC again.  Homeland on Showtime, but the season ended a few months ago and it won't start until next year.  If you go on your computer you can watch all the seasons.

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40 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Preacher on AMC is good.  Colony on USA also if you like scifi.  Fear the Walking Dead on AMC again.  Homeland on Showtime, but the season ended a few months ago and it won't start until next year.  If you go on your computer you can watch all the seasons.

Yes that's what I forgot Homeland. We watched four seasons of it so far and it started falling apart. Hopefully it got better. We will give it another shot. Not a fan of the zombies. I will look into preacher. Thanks d h

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"I am a Killer" on Netflix was the most in depth and interesting documentary series on death row killers I have ever seen.  The killers don't deny anything and give a pretty candid take on their crimes.  Victim's families, killer's families, friends, law enforcement, lawyers, co-conspirators, everyone gets to state their POV.  And at the end of each episode, excluding the 1st, the killer gets to respond to all these opinions.  Really well done, highly recommend it.

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