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Kapernick Lands A Job!!!


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20 hours ago, Vagitron said:

He is? He’s a pretty good quarterback that got black balled for standing against social injustice. He isn’t protesting the flag, he isn’t protesting vets or active duty service members and he’s not protesting the anthem. He’s using his platform to protest and every dip Sheet mouth breather that disagrees is too dumb to understand any of it in the first place. 

Why don’t some of you take issue with the gop that routinely cuts veteran benefits? How many homeless vets exist in this country? How many people have spot lights on their flags at night? If you don’t do you take them down? It’s required if you don’t. It’s all a bunch of self righteous bs propagated by the right wing media to stir up bs and garner more votes. Get a grip.

Oh stfu civie.

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9 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:

If you have a problem with Kaepernick's protest, you are not American and you are welcome to deport yourself.

1) "to paint every policeman in the country as being "racists" or whatever"  -- That's not his point, he never once said that. For the umpteenth time.. the point is to express outrage at the treatment of African-Americans by police, and other systemic social inequalities in America.

2) His defense of Castro is based SOLELY on Castro's position on education.  Like it or not, Cuba's education system produces better outcomes than the US'.. their literacy rate is higher than the US.. in large measure because Cuba invests more in education than they do in prisons.


Time to confront Kaepernick's actual ideas and not the ones you wish he held.

Until then, be a man - stop getting triggered just because you're confronted with ideas you wish weren't factually accurate.

STFU you communist piece of Sheet.  MAGA.

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it's bs to say kaeperbleck is only protesting PART of America.

He disrespects our Flag and Anthem, he most certain IS dissing all of America, especially our veterans and active duty military and first responders, every single thing that is outstanding about America - he is disrespecting it all.

  He got attention, big freaking deal. He has some weird gripe, despite being a rich football player, etc etc.... I don't care.

He's lower than the slime on the belly of a snail on the bottom of an oil slick on the bottom of the deepest part of the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean.


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  • 3 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Not a surprise. Nike couldn't have paid for more coverage than this. And the demographic that spends the most money on overpriced sneakers is... Well not only them but people like you know who. 


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what did i, the poly board ghoolie.....tell all u dumb ngrs about how nike was gonna make out on this? and now heres steve, who proclaimed nike was gonna take a stock hit and have everlasting brand dmg....claiming "no surprise"

man im starting to understand ghoolie more.....




ok but on a srs note, i did tell u dumb ngrs exactly how this sht company was cynically profiting from this "woke" culture nonsense. People wanna claim to be woke while buying goods and services on the open market from a rubbish company like nike..........it makes u wanna be democratic socialist so we can tell these kinds of companies to gtfo. Cause capitalism isnt going to magically drum these kubts out of the market. Our hands off brand of capitalism is actually responsible for this

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I thought initially there might be a short term spike in Nike sales but long term it would hurt them. It probably won't hurt them even long term and I  came to realize Nike made this decision after many months of researching data on the effect of their sales and  concluded it would be good for business. It was just a cynical move on their part. I think with rolling out their Kaepernick ads days before the NFL opener it hurt the NFL which wants the kneeling controversy to go away.

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I love unfettered capitalism where a company can move jobs out of the country of it's origin while still maintaiing they are a domestic company and enjoy tarrif free importing of their goods. But at least if they took just baseline care of their foreign workers.....which ofc they don't even do that. But none of you fukkers gave a damn about any of what I just said untilllllll……..they ran a stupid ad campaign featuring this years black sheep du jour. Seriously some of you guys make me sick. People have been screaming about Nike's BS since the 1980's, when a lot of you were middle aged men....yet no fuks given. But now #ColinKapernick and plenty fuks given. Some of you need to check ur souls. 

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34 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

I love unfettered capitalism where a company can move jobs out of the country of it's origin while still maintaiing they are a domestic company and enjoy tarrif free importing of their goods. But at least if they took just baseline care of their foreign workers.....which ofc they don't even do that. But none of you fukkers gave a damn about any of what I just said untilllllll……..they ran a stupid ad campaign featuring this years black sheep du jour. Seriously some of you guys make me sick. People have been screaming about Nike's BS since the 1980's, when a lot of you were middle aged men....yet no fuks given. But now #ColinKapernick and plenty fuks given. Some of you need to check ur souls. 

Trump has addressed this more than any other president I can remember. Trump campaigned on bringing jobs back and penalizing companies moving out of the country. He campaigned on reforming terrible trade deals made by previous administrations.

Generally speaking we all benefit when people are allowed to make and keep more of the money they earned and are not penalized for being successful. These people are the ones who create the jobs and are the engine that drives our economy (not the government). However when American companies move out of the country to selfishly make even more money at the expense of the American people that is where the government should step in and make some corrections where it is more advantageous for a company to remain here and even penalizing companies who move out.

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43 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Trump has addressed this more than any other president I can remember. Trump campaigned on bringing jobs back and penalizing companies moving out of the country. He campaigned on reforming terrible trade deals made by previous administrations.

Generally speaking we all benefit when people are allowed to make and keep more of the money they earned and are not penalized for being successful. These people are the ones who create the jobs and are the engine that drives our economy (not the government). However when American companies move out of the country to selfishly make even more money at the expense of the American people that is where the government should step in and make some corrections where it is more advantageous for a company to remain here and even penalizing companies who move out.

and everything you just said was the democratic platform in the early 2000's when Bush was president and no conservative fuks were given about the "global economy" cause at the time EVERYTHING was about the global economy. That is not ancient history. But because names like "Pelosi" and words like "communist" were attached to democratic initiatives to punish said companies....but now that some guy named Trump is in office and the democrats have switched platforms to be all in on the global fuk train....NOOOWWWWW all of a sudden conservatives are taking on a slightly communist take on trade. And make no mistake about it, Trump is technically right...but he's also dipping in the commie pool. Libertarians will scream at him for this, and this is where I semi part ways with Libertarians because they are too laissez faire with trade for my tastes. 

I would just like consistency out of one group of ngrs, just once in my life. Libertarians are at least consistent even if I don't agree with everything...and men like Sanders are monolithically consistent. I would prefer a govt run at the top by a guy like sanders but the house and senate be libertarians that say ok that's a bit left Burn Burn...here's how we can fade that back to the middle of the fairway. 

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A socialist like Sanders would be a disaster for the country. Government does not create jobs and Sanders socialist polices would kill economic growth.  I would rather see some tweaking to a capitalist country (as Trump is now doing) than go down a failed socialist road. Socialism at best is only shared misery and at worst you have Venezuela. 

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35 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

A socialist like Sanders would be a disaster for the country. Government does not create jobs and Sanders socialist polices would kill economic growth.  I would rather see some tweaking to a capitalist country (as Trump is now doing) than go down a failed socialist road. Socialism at best is only shared misery and at worst you have Venezuela. 

well, what you speak of is called "democratic socialism"...and it's a growing movement. There's going to be a split in the dem party over it too. ALL the young kids are DS. As with any other ideology, some stuff I agree with and some stuff I don't. There's ideas that Bernie has that if tweaked to the right just a smidge, would be good. In essence it boils down to managed capitalism, something China and Russia have been doing now for some time. Same with Vietnam and they are actually doing very well. Unbridled capitalism, and the greed that it not just promotes but actually codifies and protects.....is on my last. It works ok if every single consumer choice is conscious...but we're too complicated an economy. Bad actors don't get dealt the "invisible hand" because consumers never actually learn about their sht. Too many products have too many things in them made by too many different companies. It's impossible to know how ur product was made. And even what should be upfront sht, like food ingredients....gets fought by these companies. It's just gotten away from us. When companies in a free market can use our countries convoluted bullsht legal system to help it hide what they put in our products, some of which we physically consume.....than that's just the end of it. 

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