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Universal Basic Income?


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1 minute ago, Clevfan4life said:

but lets make sure abortion is illegal so we have as many people on the planet as possible with nothing to do when the automation revolution hits in full. 

One more time abortion is never going to be illegal so drop the straw man. Plus it's perfectly legal now and not changing anybody's reproductive habits whatsoever. 


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Because it's never going to happen.  Ever. 


So you don't understand what a straw man is, got it. Whether it happens or not "ever", is debateable. I would "maybe" have agreed with you a few months ago but now with all these new state bills coming out that directly forbid abortions after the heartbeat EVEN in cases of rape and health of mother....yeah im not so sure now. But it can't be a "straw man" if that's infact exactly what the right wants....and tells us so daily. Even right here at the poly board. 

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1 hour ago, Clevfan4life said:

So you don't understand what a straw man is, got it. Whether it happens or not "ever", is debateable. I would "maybe" have agreed with you a few months ago but now with all these new state bills coming out that directly forbid abortions after the heartbeat EVEN in cases of rape and health of mother....yeah im not so sure now. But it can't be a "straw man" if that's infact exactly what the right wants....and tells us so daily. Even right here at the poly board. 

Quit being an asshole. The straw man hereis "oh no they're going to make abortion illegal for everybody no matter what the circumstances then what will you do???"  . No dick head they're not. There are a handful of assholes  looking for attention.  Like you do but from the other side. The threat of making a crime of all abortion is the straw man argument. Because it's never going to happen and it's only a tiny sliver of people who wanted or even give a shit.

Here's one let's fight the Democrats or the Socialists or the lefties or whatever the fuck you call yourselves because  you demand reparations for Negroes Indians Hispanics women you name it. And I have no doubt that many of them on the hard left feel just that way but going to war with them over it it's fighting the strawman. Like fighting the straw man.  Write a bill making abortion punishable by Death  or what the hell ever. I don't think most of even you assholes honestly believe that shit. 


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well, the reperations thing will likely morph into the universal income. But i grant u its a massive political ploy, and most of the left leaning people here have acknowledged it. You cannot make that same argument with abortion...its been made law in multiple states including ohio. Where u live steve. Will it survive the courts? who knows...but u cant call it a political ploy now that pretty severe restrictions have been signed into law. 

are leftists just trolling for poly points with their capricious attempts at gun control? U know better. 

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9 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

well, the reperations thing will likely morph into the universal income.

 it could but I think the Democrats more likely would prefer to focus on minorities oh, even though women aren't really a minority. Universal income it's fine for deadbeat white people to.

But i grant u its a massive political ploy, and most of the left leaning people here have acknowledged it. You cannot make that same argument with abortion...its been made law in multiple states including ohio.

 that's not what we were talking about. It was suggested that zero tolerance even for cases of rape or incest Etc. The best you can say about the Ohio law or any law is that is just the tiniest bit more restrictive. And again I think even the hard love people, or most of them oh, we'll admit they believe that at some point the fetus becomes a human life. I tried to get people to admit that here but nobody would. And again remember I'm not a hardcore pro-lifer.

Where u live steve. Will it survive the courts? who knows...but u cant call it a political ploy now that pretty severe restrictions have been signed into law. 

 I guess we just disagree on the term severe. I think the vast majority of Americans think abortion should be legal but there should be restrictions on late-term. Not very many support 8 months and 29 days and not many support none whatsoever even in rape or incest.

are leftists just trolling for poly points with their capricious attempts at gun control? U know better. 

 in a way I think they are I think it's just one of those political issues you get assigned to when you decide to vote for a particular party. To be honest I don't think many on the left are truly eager to have their so-called common sense gun restrictions (example: a 10 shot semi-automatic rifle with a walnut stock is a rifle but if the stock is aluminum it's an assault weapon) into practice because they, like I, don't honestly believe they will change anything. And then one of two things happens. Everybody is forced to admit that those restrictions didn't make one iota of difference and it is seen as a defeat for the left or the country decides on even more Draconian measures.

WSS but we have to admit this thread is severely drifted off course.

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