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Baker Mayfield - competition makes us all better

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Nobody likes losing but competition is what brings out the best in people. The answer is not participation trophies. Dealing with losing can also be a good thing in life because we don't always win in life's struggles . Dealing with pain in losing many times only makes one stronger in the end. Glad to see our QB understands the importance of competition.

Related: A big reason socialism fails is because the whole point of competition is to win the prize. Take the prize away and then the motivation to compete goes too. Our capitalistic system is based on those who work hard and smart and are willing to take risks with their own money (and many times putting their own nest egg at risk) will win the prize, the payoff of multiplying their investment.  When you take that away to spread the wealth around or say "you didn't build that" and punish those in our system competing for the financial prize then what motive will people have to build a new factory or hire new employees only knowing they will be punished instead of rewarded for it? 



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Group projects in college should be an excellent social experiment for young people to see that socialism can have some very distinct drawbacks. The freeloader in the group gets carried along so the rest of the group doesn't fail. Now professors have started adding Peer Reviews at the end of semesters to try and weed this behavior out.

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odd - the same principle congratulated their  hs soccer team on their win. How does she think that is a great thing? What about the unhappy students who lost to their soccer team? (eyeroll)

Baker Mayfield is the perfect person to make that point. Competition teaches hard work ethic, perseverance, ...

but she thinks everybody should get a nice participation trophy - happiness with succeeding without having to

work at it.

from her twitter account:


Shanna Bumiller @sbumiller May 11

Congrats to @MasonLacrosse and @AvesLax on being the first GMC Boys Lacrosse Co-champions! The trophy will fly home with Aviators for the 1st part the year then swing back to Comet country for the 2nd part of the year.


God help all these people who get participation trophies, if there is ever another depression. They will just wilt and die... can't live on depression participation trophies.

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A little "heresy" from a Browns fan. If Johnny Manziel would have had the mindset of Mayfield he would be a quarterback for the NFL today. Manziel was hindered by lack of size but that obstacle could have been overcome with hard work and dedication. He had enough physical talent but fell short in mental determination. He wasn't that good where on just ability alone he was going to make it. If he would have spent some nights watching game films and in game preparation instead of being out on the town it would have made a huge difference. At least he would have had a fighting chance of being a starting QB in the NFL. Tex probably knows more about Manziel's ability as I only watched him play in college in a few of the big games but in those games I watched Manziel was impressive.

Someone like Josh Gordon could have gone  far in the NFL just on ability but I don't see that happening often in the NFL or in the quarterback position in particular which requires a lot of mental preparation.

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8 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

And no one takes losing better than our president

Actually for all the criticism of Trump losing a billion dollars in the 90's with bad investments he fought back well and made a nice  recovery comeback. His critics want to point to the losses and that is fair enough but also give the man credit for his turning things around.

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Just now, calfoxwc said:

yet, Pres Trump keeps WINNING as president ! go figure.

...And I cannot think of any president who has faced more obstacles than Trump yet he has an impressive list of accomplishments after just a few years...he didn't even get the typical couple of months honeymoon with congress other presidents have usually gotten.

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the dirty dems are desperate to make him fail, and are failing - the wall is being built, etc etc.

they may derail any chance to fixing the trade with the chi comms ...

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why do u old dotards keep grousing about participation trophies? that doesnt hsppen in competitive leagues. U know where it does happen? in leagues for kids with physical or developmentsl developmental disorders. Or in leagues where the goal is just to get inactive video game generation kids off the couch.

no kid thats looking to develop skills in a sport that he might seek to do collegiately or perhaps professionally......is doing windmill dunks on a bunch of short bus riders. You guys are fucking rubbish idiots

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11 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

why do u old dotards keep grousing about participation trophies? that doesnt hsppen in competitive leagues. U know where it does happen? in leagues for kids with physical or developmentsl developmental disorders. Or in leagues where the goal is just to get inactive video game generation kids off the couch.

no kid thats looking to develop skills in a sport that he might seek to do collegiately or perhaps professionally......is doing windmill dunks on a bunch of short bus riders. You guys are fucking rubbish idiots

I think you are off the mark as usual because even in the Special Olympics there are winners and losers. Any sporting League even for cripples Down syndrome kids, whatever the hell there is competition. But if you read more closely and see that one of the points was socialism.

"Related: A big reason socialism fails is because the whole point of competition is to win the prize. Take the prize away and then the motivation to compete goes too. "

I think even you can understand the normal human beings want to excel and competition often brings that out. *Which is why socialism probably won't work except for possibly the dregs of society who will still regardless of inactivity or sloth will think they are being cheated.


* and on this point I could be wrong. Perhaps competition and wanting to succeed can be eventually bred out of even human beings.

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1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

I think you are off the mark as usual because even in the Special Olympics there are winners and losers. Any sporting League even for cripples Down syndrome kids, whatever the hell there is competition. But if you read more closely and see that one of the points matching was socialism I think even you can understand the normal human beings want to excel and competition often brings that out. Which is why socialism probably won't work except for possibly the dregs of society who will still regardless of inactivity or sloth will think they are being cheated.


ok the special olympics is for handicapped people who want to compete on a higher level....right? most of the special olympics could beat u in a footrace in ur prime btw. These guys highly functioning in alot of cases. Again...those leagues that hsnd out oarticipation trophies or whatever...are for kids who's parents just want them to be active. They're not looking to mske a profession out t-ball.....why is this so hard for u to get?

and ur continued insistence thst socislusm does not breed competition is actually HIGHLY innacurate. U obviously do not get what was going on in the old ussr and east germany. These were such hypwr competitive people that they forcibly assigned children to sports academies and do urself a solid and research the bullshit that went on there. The competitive pressures caused constant suicides. Kids were told that this was their families only way out of poverty. Why do u think all modern oerformance enhancing drugs were originsally researched in the old eastern block? There was a reason the russians and bulgarians dominated olympic weightlifting for so many years.

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9 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I think you are off the mark as usual because even in the Special Olympics there are winners and losers. Any sporting League even for cripples Down syndrome kids, whatever the hell there is competition. But if you read more closely and see that one of the points matching was socialism I think even you can understand the normal human beings want to excel and competition often brings that out. Which is why socialism probably won't work except for possibly the dregs of society who will still regardless of inactivity or sloth will think they are being cheated.


ok the special olympics is for handicapped people who want to compete on a higher level....right? most of the special olympics could beat u in a footrace in ur prime btw. These guys highly functioning in alot of cases. Again...those leagues that hsnd out oarticipation trophies or whatever...are for kids who's parents just want them to be active. They're not looking to mske a profession out t-ball.....why is this so hard for u to get?

and ur continued insistence thst socislusm does not breed competition is actually HIGHLY innacurate. U obviously do not get what was going on in the old ussr and east germany. These were such hypwr competitive people that they forcibly assigned children to sports academies and do urself a solid and research the bullshit that went on there. The competitive pressures caused constant suicides. Kids were told that this was their families only way out of poverty. Why do u think all modern oerformance enhancing drugs were originsally researched in the old eastern block? There was a reason the russians and bulgarians dominated olympic weightlifting for so many years.

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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

odd - the same principle congratulated their  hs soccer team on their win. How does she think that is a great thing? What about the unhappy students who lost to their soccer team? (eyeroll)

Baker Mayfield is the perfect person to make that point. Competition teaches hard work ethic, perseverance, ...

but she thinks everybody should get a nice participation trophy - happiness with succeeding without having to

work at it.

from her twitter account:


Shanna Bumiller @sbumiller May 11

Congrats to @MasonLacrosse and @AvesLax on being the first GMC Boys Lacrosse Co-champions! The trophy will fly home with Aviators for the 1st part the year then swing back to Comet country for the 2nd part of the year.


God help all these people who get participation trophies, if there is ever another depression. They will just wilt and die... can't live on depression participation trophies.

How does being co-champions equate to a participation trophy? 

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Co valedictorian for my graduating class cheated off 2 of my AP history exams and ended up stripping for a few years after H.S I had heard.


Honestly, I've always felt those titles were rather meaningless since you're not in 'direct' competition with your other classmates barring some type of athletic decathlon.   Maybe a duel to the death?    Either way It's far too subjective...  in short, I'm shocked ANYBODY gives a shit about the change.    

edit:  Keep in mind I'm about as competitive as a person you'll find.    

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45 minutes ago, SD_Tom said:

How does being co-champions equate to a participation trophy? 

well, she praised the school's soccer team for winning the competition.

all the while, she quit the valedictorian etc because everybody wants to be happy.

  So, the two sides of her issue... are contradictory.

praise team for winning competition = inverse of saying there should be no competition

I suppose because only one person can win valedictorian? But a team can win soccer?


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29 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

well, she praised the school's soccer team for winning the competition.

all the while, she quit the valedictorian etc because everybody wants to be happy.

  So, the two sides of her issue... are contradictory.

praise team for winning competition = inverse of saying there should be no competition

I suppose because only one person can win valedictorian? But a team can win soccer?



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4 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

ok the special olympics is for handicapped people who want to compete on a higher level....right? most of the special olympics could beat u in a footrace in ur prime btw. These guys highly functioning in alot of cases. Again...those leagues that hsnd out oarticipation trophies or whatever...are for kids who's parents just want them to be active. They're not looking to mske a profession out t-ball.....why is this so hard for u to get?

 don't be upset. I'm not going to impugn your participation trophy you got in t-ball.

and ur continued insistence thst socislusm does not breed competition is actually HIGHLY innacurate. U obviously do not get what was going on in the old ussr and east germany. These were such hypwr competitive people that they forcibly assigned children to sports academies and do urself a solid and research the bullshit that went on there. The competitive pressures caused constant suicides. Kids were told that this was their families only way out of poverty. Why do u think all modern oerformance enhancing drugs were originsally researched in the old eastern block? There was a reason the russians and bulgarians dominated olympic weightlifting for so many years.

 sorry I'm not getting your point if you're making one about the ruskies using roids. Winning, in a communist country ,  gives you the ability to feel like  you are something (like I said I don't know if you can  kill the Instinct for pride ) not just Cog in a big stinking communist wheel.  Which, I think, most human beings desire . And in a lot of cultural situations being an athlete, even though it's a big gamble, can make your lot better in life. Too often you are just a physically gifted thug when it comes right down to it but at least you have enough money to buy an Uzi.

 Are you up for giving every kid a B on whatever the class is?


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4 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

why do u old dotards keep grousing about participation trophies? that doesnt hsppen in competitive leagues. U know where it does happen? in leagues for kids with physical or developmentsl developmental disorders. Or in leagues where the goal is just to get inactive video game generation kids off the couch.



Wrong as usual.

The only thing I ever liked about this Stealer thug was when he made his sons return their participation trophies.

"2015 Best of the Batch Next Level Athletics Student-Athlete Awards" are going back. Bring home a real trophy.


You should have familiarized yourself with the "participation trophy" phenomena before posting such a ridiculous comment. It aint just about Retards.



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12 minutes ago, Gorka said:

how does ur link prove anything? i have homeschooled nieces and nephews that are now in the cleveland athletics system and NOT ONCE did they come across any of this participation stuff. My nephew pkays hockey and baseball srsly and some not so serious basketball league......but one of those leagues either here or in VA ever gave out these participation trophies.

its a bullshit feel good narrative for small cock life conservatives. Only small cocking ngr fgts, like u for example....give any fucks about how kids are or are not rewarded playing kids games. 




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2 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

how does ur link prove anything?

It proves you're full of shit. You people go from one inane point to another you forget what you said.

U know where it does happen? in leagues for kids with physical or developmentsl developmental disorders.

And what about the first link? Hmmmmmm?

Again, participation trophies are not only awarded to special needs kids.

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23 minutes ago, Gorka said:


It proves you're full of shit. You people go from one inane point to another you forget what you said.

U know where it does happen? in leagues for kids with physical or developmentsl developmental disorders.

And what about the first link? Hmmmmmm?

Again, participation trophies are not only awarded to special needs kids.

dude did u actually read thst nytimes article? no u didnt obviously. Its an opinion piece from some girl about the concept of participarion trophy but gives no specifics about the sport and the type of league. So what that means is i give no fucks. 

again..my nephew and nieces are in cleveland sport system. And nothing of the sort happens even in the what amts to an intermural basketball league. So ill go with that over some random internet small cock like u.....fair?

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