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Science says experts configure man made global warming to fit what they want it to fit


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2 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

i know...u guys just wing it..admit it. Its sheer luck first energy hasnt imploded yet during a game. 

Yes... It's all true. 

I just click "I'm feeling lucky" on Google and go from there.


So if you're next to a semi truck watch out

Or in a building




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13 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

and thats a science degree. Ur getting physics, math and chemistry shoved way up ur ass year 1. And yes, engineers follow the scientific process.....smh

No its not.  A science degree is a degree in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Biochem..  etc...



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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Yes I definitely remember all of those Education majors in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics

LOl...Ok I see your point, and I must admit I was a little off base.

I was aiming at Cleves statement about the sciences that BS students are required to take yr 1. and forgot take into consideration the advanced courses that engineers take later on.


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11 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Yes I definitely remember all of those Education majors in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics

You would think that they would take into consideration where they put their temperature recording stations.

But I guess if I was out to inflate temperatures, parking lots and roof tops would ensure those government checks would continue.

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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

You would think that they would take into consideration where they put their temperature recording stations.

But I guess if I was out to inflate temperatures, parking lots and roof tops would ensure those government checks would continue.

Yep, you figured it out. You read those Facebook posts and you've broken the conspiracy wide open.

The vast majority, a virtual consensus, of climate scientists across the entire globe are putting some temperature reading stations in areas to cook the books. These stations will make the global temp seem higher when added in to the tens of thousands of other data points. All of these scientists are trying to make it seem like the Earth is warming because... umm..  liberal something or other.

You've figure it out you genius you. These "experts" with their "education" and their "research". What do they know anyway?






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42 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I really hope you're posting that as a joke but at this point I'm not sure what's a joke and actual idiocy on this board

Um yes Woody that was a joke.

That was actually out of a Duke University textbook.

Image result for basketball player as earth is flat meme


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

I really hope you're posting that as a joke but at this point I'm not sure what's a joke and actual idiocy on this board

Until you realize there’s a monetary incentive to get those government MMGW checks...carry on.

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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

Until you realize there’s a monetary incentive to get those government MMGW checks...carry on.

Yes. A consensus of scientists across the globe all lie and cook the books for that fat government check


But the anti man made climate change "experts" paid by oil companies surely are just in it for the love of science. How much could those oil companies even offer anyway? Peanuts I'm sure. 





You'll think what you want. The issue has been completely politicized. Media will be presented to you repeatedly that reinforces you're politically backed beliefs. 

Our best bet is the increased scientific literacy of younger generations.

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On 5/18/2019 at 1:19 AM, TexasAg1969 said:

So you don't think a Cornell educated mechanical engineer had to take a few science classes along the way as part of the curriculum and is also smart enough to be self taught as well? Very interesting.

Of course he did.


Multiple Degrees and a Masters too boot is a bit more qualified though.


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18 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

and thats a science degree. Ur getting physics, math and chemistry shoved way up ur ass year 1. And yes, engineers follow the scientific process.....smh

Just not a degree in climatology or anything really close to it. Which is usually the point you left these make. Except when a TV guy agrees with you I guess. Or political science.


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well, when I was out of the AF, I was taking classes in physics, chemistry and math. That makes me an expert on climate. I WIN !

okay, so I quit the idea of getting a degree in physics, which I loved, because I couldn't figure out what career I'd have with it... and quit math because I wasn't good at higher math and hated it, and chemistry was really interesting until I got past the first two classes, THEN I hated that too.

and mechanical drawing and surveying classes were a bijillion times worse than profoundly boring.


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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


Okay, so you don't believe they've tweaked the data too fit their models at the behest of their funders (Al Gore & pals), despite the many articles over the past years revealing that, in fact, the data sets have been changed.

Multiple times.


Even NOAA has done it.

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