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1 minute ago, tiamat63 said:

Get over yourself and respond intelligently.   I will patiently await.  

Also, calling someone a Nazi.  Typical liberal tactic.

You aren't reading well. I never called anyone a nazi, I simply explained that the callousness of the abortion crimes, including the woman who was talking about abortion in terms that are just repulsive, and the point of leaving a days? old infant wrapped up in a plastic bag.

    Everybody should note you have had no opinion of that. Very curious.

This callousness is what I was referring to. Your opinions are just dumb.

10 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:


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13 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

ah. except I didn't BRING UP the child comment, dude. I simply took the comment and reapplied it.

Go back and look. And there is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT for Americans to arm themselves, and it shall not be infringed.

But do try to show us how there is a "right" to murder unborn, and born tiny living human beings.

You keep defending liberalism - that makes you walk like a duck. A liberal duck.

14th amendment, slugger.    

If you have to google it, then you can drop the act everytime you put I"M A CONSTITUTIONALIST in caps in any thread ever.  I'll be happy to do a quick search on the times you have.   You're not, you just want to exercise one right - the 2A.    This is akin to going to the gym and only bench pressing - because in the end you just look like a jackass for working one muscle group.    Keep in mind you haven't interjected in any thread where I've mentioned the violations of the 4thA ranging from illegal search to seizure and specifically in cases of asset forfeiture. Yet you're Mr. Constitutional.     You have no opinion on those matters because you haven't been given an opinion to spew out randomly without context by whatever drivel website(s) you read.       No, old man... YOU aren't very intelligent.   Otherwise you wouldn't need to continue posting multiple threads daily of the same shit over and over and over that, in the end, all reads the same.    Keep in mind this extends to the Browns Board side itself.  Your grasp of football is as limited and stereotyped as your grasp of the geopolitical climate, spectrum, the constitution and politics in general.  

While I'm at it, the 14th also segways into my premise of legalizing drug use in any form based on the same principle.  (Though manufacturing, sale and distribution can and should still be illegal)


You don't have summer midterms for a few more weeks,  so might want to brush up. At least one person in this conversation keeps his opinions consistent.   

 I have to get back to answering emails, work and NFL film.        Class dismissed.

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31 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

You wouldn't know 11 year pregnant rape victims are rare by the number of times Cleve brings it up...


At ease.

ur not understanding why i bring the case up, not surprised. If u look just at the case itself....what does ur side have for that little girl if y'all had ur way and outlawed abortion? U say theres a clear "health of the mother case"...ok, at what age then do u suggest IMPOSING the birth table on a young rape victim? what age oh old moral compass? 13, 14? Should be fine right? maybe even 12....tgere are cases of girls that young giving birth.

But thats all neither here nor there as to why i bring up that case....its a "moral" test. A test which you fail with flying colors. U and ur kind are immoral bottom feeding urchin. U have no business even opining on the subject of restricting such a seemingly basic fundamental individual right if u cant even make nuanced exemptions for such young victims.

Frankly no woman of any age should be compelled by the state to carry a rapists baby. Ur side bristles and chafes at just suggesting increased taxes...or outlawing loophole devices that turn a semi auto to full auto. These god damn god given rights but when women say i dont want to carry a baby for 9 months that will feed off my body and could potentially kill me...now wait just a minute whore!!!

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"But thats all neither here nor there as to why i bring up that case....its a "moral" test. A test which you fail with flying colors. U and ur kind are immoral bottom feeding urchin. U have no business even opining on the subject of restricting such a seemingly basic fundamental individual right if u cant even make nuanced exemptions for such young victims."


That is fine because you have set yourself up as the arbiter of morality and now my turn to judge as arbiter and you have failed miserably morally by bragging about the number of women you have taken to get abortions like it was a badge of honor and something to be proud of. Also I have said all along the kind of case here is an extremely hard and difficult one because on one hand it is not fair to a rape victim not to be able to choose an abortion and on the other hand an innocent life is being taken by abortion. You cavalierly stated it was an easy choice to make which tells me you don't have much respect for human life. It is a heart wrenching gut checking position a woman is put into when she gets pregnant by rape.

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23 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

"But thats all neither here nor 

That is fine because you have set yourself up as the arbiter of morality and now my turn to judge as arbiter and you have failed miserably morally by bragging about the number of women you have taken to get abortions like it was a badge of honor and something to be proud of.

i was trolling wss with that statement...wasnt clsiming any honor behind it. Buttt....it is a fact of life for alot of young men. Would think thats fairly obvious to any man that remembers his youth. Am i proud of those abortions no ofc not....but im also not sorry about it.

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4 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

OBF, nobody is saying that a baby isn't technically a human being. OFC it is. But in the womb it's a part of the mothers body. YOU are denying science dude. And you're trying to obfuscate that fact by bringing in a west side special. 

Without modern infant formula, a baby born alive still needs to feed from its mother to survive. Is it ok to kill the infant then?

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27 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

You cavalierly stated it was an easy choice to make which tells me you don't have much respect for human life. It is a heart wrenching gut checking position a woman is put into when she gets pregnant by rape.

its not thst i dont have respect for humsn life...i dont have respect for men who raoe women and expect their lineage to go on through rape. Ive ststed ad nauseum if s wiman wants to keep a rape baby thats her business...more power to her. What i dont respect at all is not just rapists, but the cultural weasels who tacitly apologize for rape and the men who commit it. That would be you. 

Men dont have an innate right to pass onbtgeir genes through rape. Sucks for the baby but thats tough. The womans will was violated and she's under "zero" moral obligation to go through with it. Procreation in humans was meant to be through a stable environment where the child was born with the full inrention of the mother. Less than that and we're just snimals in nature where procreation is a matter of sheer instinctual necessity where males often kill the offspring of other msles so they can claim the female and breed with them.

for people who think so little of nature, y'all are in actuality closer to the bass crass paradigms that exist there than u realize.

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6 minutes ago, Chemist said:

Without modern infant formula, a baby born alive still needs to feed from its mother to survive. Is it ok to kill the infant then?

i feel like these are questions our civilization answered like thousands of years ago. This question is beneath me...sorry. 

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20 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

i feel like these are questions our civilization answered like thousands of years ago. This question is beneath me...sorry. 

So killing a human being is wrong? Even if they are not self sufficient? Ok. I agree.




But that’s exactly what abortion does. 

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1 hour ago, tiamat63 said:

14th amendment, slugger.    

If you have to google it, then you can drop the act everytime you put I"M A CONSTITUTIONALIST in caps in any thread ever.  I'll be happy to do a quick search on the times you have.   You're not, you just want to exercise one right - the 2A.    This is akin to going to the gym and only bench pressing - because in the end you just look like a jackass for working one muscle group.    Keep in mind you haven't interjected in any thread where I've mentioned the violations of the 4thA ranging from illegal search to seizure and specifically in cases of asset forfeiture. Yet you're Mr. Constitutional.     You have no opinion on those matters because you haven't been given an opinion to spew out randomly without context by whatever drivel website(s) you read.       No, old man... YOU aren't very intelligent.   Otherwise you wouldn't need to continue posting multiple threads daily of the same shit over and over and over that, in the end, all reads the same.    Keep in mind this extends to the Browns Board side itself.  Your grasp of football is as limited and stereotyped as your grasp of the geopolitical climate, spectrum, the constitution and politics in general.  

While I'm at it, the 14th also segways into my premise of legalizing drug use in any form based on the same principle.  (Though manufacturing, sale and distribution can and should still be illegal)

You don't have summer midterms for a few more weeks,  so might want to brush up. At least one person in this conversation keeps his opinions consistent.   

 I have to get back to answering emails, work and NFL film.        Class dismissed.

and you whine about personal insults, but you often use them. Typical liberal - you are getting to be more and more like Clevis.

and you concentrate on the 14th Amendment? what IS your point ? Go back and look, never once, not ever, have I posted "I'M A CONSTITUTIONALIST" in caps. And, I post a lot about the 2nd Amendment, because it is under liberal leftwing attack in many states, even Congress.

   It's a waste of time, if you ever DO start an actual thread, to comment, because you get so irate to be disagreed with. And as for football, you have made a few serious gaffes on that subject, too. Your out of control inflated ego stinks up too many of your posts on both forums.

  What I know about football - is from watching since I was a kid. I don't need to know the terminology, etc etc etc that you may to a point, but I never promised you a rose garden, bitch. The last time you made an arrogant hippos rear end of yourself, on the football side, I laughed because you are so haughty about your "credentials", but I never once ridiculed you about it.

   At least I don't think so......... but thanks for stopping in and making yourself a fool once again. and do let me know when anybody in Congress wants to REPEAL the 14th amendment. Bitch.

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2 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

Get over yourself and respond intelligently.   I will patiently await.  

Also, calling someone a Nazi.  Typical liberal tactic.

Unless you are calling Donald Trump a Nazi or Republicans or conservatives or Christians or Americans or white people...


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Can anyone here tell me what these children have done to deserve a death penalty?

its very disturbing and disappointing that a tiny child unable to defend itself can be discussed so callously and then be brutally murdered because individuals dem themselves God and decide it’s OK to kill a little baby.

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